<3 CHRISTMAS night <3

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Finally, it's Christmas season..

Everyone got their school holidays. eunsoo and yunsan went at their homes after a long time. but saerin, she still deep in sadness because of her mother passed away. now she is living with her little sister and she stopped her studies also. because she has no money for her school payment. 

Infinite released their new song as a Christmas song! they become more popular after that. now they have their own fandome named inspirit! 

INFINITE boys celebrated their first Christmas with inspirit in woolime ent: that was a Christmas concert of them. junsu,yunsan and eunsoo also participated for their Christmas party as their fans. they always be just infinite fans of inspirit in front of other fans. actually they never worry about that. they absolutely like their boys's huge fan dome and glad to see their love for infinite. they really like to have a secret life with their INFINITE boyfriends! 

** At Christmas night** 

"eunsooahh...jagiya..you have a letter..come down" her mothers called to her.

"nehhh eomma..here i'm.." she came down to the down satire. 

mother handovered it to her. 

"aww..i think it's Christmas card" mother said.

"nehh..let me open it" eunsoo opened it quickly. but suddenly close it tho,

her emotions suddenly changed. 

'from whom?? " mother asked curiously.

"ahh..friend..my friend" she replied.

"aww...friend or boyfriend??" mother teased at her.

"ahh..eomma...just a friend" eunsoo screamed.

"don't lie me dear! it's ok, may i come to know who is that lucky boy that my beautiful daughter's heart belongs with.. "

eunsoo was blushing in the position with her question.

"ahh eomma..just stop it" she screamed.

"fine..Dif he invite you to date with him tonight??" mom asked.

"ahh..what?? did you already open it eomma..??" she exclaimed.

"No..i can see everything on your blushing face..and i also had a young life before.." she replied.

'ahh..you make me scared" eunsoo said.

'ok..go and ready..but don't be too late to come back to home..eomma has a Christmas party with my business partners" mom said.

"nehh eomma...love u!!" eunsoo huged her and came to her room and opened the letter while she was sitting on the bed. 

[ Merry Chrismas jagiyaa <3 ] 



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she smiled after saw it.she took her phone because there was a message from myungsoo 


L: Did you see it? ❤️

E.soo: mmmmm......

       L: how is it?   

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