18- He is

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**next day**

L got up earlier and he got ready to go to school. he came to the down satire.

"omg..yaa..you scared me..." L exclaimed. (it's woo hyun) "what are you doing here?? L asked. "eating" wh replied.

"what?? yahhh..it's 5.30 am... is this time to eat??" L asked in a bit angry tone. " you know, any time, any place ,i'm ready to eat. i have to eat this before sungyeol finish this" woo hyun giggled. "aishhh...!! pabu..i'm leaving" L said. "where are you going??" woo hyun asked. "to school" L replied.

**at school time**

Sungyeol was standing near his locker.

"yaa..lee sungyeol..!!" yunsan exclaimed.

"yess!!" he replied.

"don't you apologize??" yunsan asked.

"for what??" sungyeol asked.

"yaahh noh..!! stop acting like a child. yun san yelled.

"then you...stop acting like an enemy" sungyeol replied.

"wae?? that is the truth..you are my enemy" yun san said.

"but..you aren't my enemy.." sungyeol smiled.

"yaahhhh....." yunsan screamed.

"ahhh.....that's the reason..i kissed you ha??" sungyeol said.

"apologize..just now.." yun san exclaimed.

"sungyeol bended his face close to yunsan.

" may i kiss you again??" sungyeol winked at her.

"hahhh..you fool.." yun san kicked on his leg.

"awwchh..yaaa....choi yun san..." sungyeol yelled. And yun san ran away.

** at class**

"i'm exciting about something" woo hyun  asked from L.

"what about??" L asked.

"why did u came here so earlier??" woo hyun asked.

"hmmm... for something.." L replied.

"yahh..i know it's about something..what's that something you said??" woohyun asked.

"S.....O...M...E...T...H...I...N...G...." L said.

"yahhh...you dummy..what's that S...O....M...E...T...H...I...N...G....??" woohyn asked.

L just smiled. "ahhhh" woo hyun looked out while pouting.

**after the interval**

eun soo sat down her on chair.

"i need talk to you" sehun sat nearby her.

eunsoo stood up but sehun gripped  her hand making her stop from walking.

"please...just for a movement" he said.

"i have nothing to talk with you..let me go bastard  .." she half yelled.

"please....one more time.." sehun was praying.

"Take off your your hand from her" someone yelled.

eunsoo turned to back. she saw it's myung soo. he grabbed her close to him.

"she said, she has nothing to talk with you.." L said.

"it's not up to u" sehun smirked saying that.

"why not??" L smirked back.

"does he right??" sehun asked from eunsoo.

"yess...he is" she replied.

"see...get lost you jerk!!" L yelled and walked out grabbing eunsoo with him.

get lost you jerk!!" L yelled and walked out grabbing eunsoo with him

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junsu and hana were looking at them from the start.

"what happened to you two??" jun su asked curiously.

sehun left quickly.

"mhhh..L maybe knows what happened" hana replied.

"Did they brake up?? ahh..crazy.." junsu screamed.


[ Edited ]

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