Until marriage

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continuing with previous chapter

finally eunsoo broke the kiss pulling him away. coz her phone was ringing,

"aishh..damn phone!!" L screamed.

eunsoo stared to him and took the phone. 

"aahhh..it's an unknown number" she whispered.

"give me it" myungsoo grabbed the phone and answered the call. 

"eobuseyoo!!" he told.


"we are ABC bank (just a name) the most popular bank service of south Korea. we are glad to conform you now you can get a 10,00000 won as a loan ................................................................"

"aishhhh...what a heck is this?? loan?? for what?? "he yelled and took the phone away.

"why??" eunsoo afraid.

"they said now you can get a 10,00000 won loan" L said carelessly! 

"what?? really??" she exclaimed. 

"why?? by any chance are you going to get it?" L asked curiously.

"yep" she replied.

"for what??" L asked.

"because they helped me to stay away from my bad selfish boyfriend..so i'm going to get that loan and help them" she replied while going  backward. because she knows myungsoo will put next step to kill her.

"what?? yaa...so did you look forward to pull me away??" he screamed. 

"nehh!" she winked to him.

" huh..OK..i never kiss you again..is that fine?? happy now??" 

"omg!! really" she looked surprised.

"ohoo!! i knew it you don't like it" he put a step close to her while smiling.

"no..no..no..stop..i meant i'm very happy.you're not going to do it anymore!! gumawo myungniee!! " she said..

" boya??yahhh!! doh chincha?? "myungsoo grabbed her hand and took it in to back side.

"yaahh...appudaahh!! yaa..it's hurts me..drop it please!! it's a joke" she exclaimed.

"this time no excuses!! it's too much as a joke baby!!" he said.

"OK..OK..fine...let me go..!!" she cried out.

"no..i can't" he replied.

"aahh..oppaa....ok..ok..tell me anything..i will do it for you haa??? please let me go!!" she stil screaming.

"anything?? are you sure?? "he asked.

"nehh..sure anything" she replied.

then myungsoo released her and smiled as who won the 1st cup of a game.

"how ever..you gave me your word..now can't change it" L said utterly. 

"ok...never change it..so tell me what do you want" she asked.

"aniyaa..not now..i will say it in time" he said and pinched her cheek.

"hmmm....fine!!" she replied.

myungsoo hugged her...

"oppa...i'm so hungry now...." eunsoo said as a baby.

"hmmm...nadoo..but at 1st i need to bath now" he replied.

Woollim Love High School - Kim Myung Soo - INFINITE (complete)Where stories live. Discover now