TT The Last breath (part 2) TT

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"myungsoo ahh.....please...stop this...i have already told you i can't treat you as my boy friend anymore..jebael..understand my situation.." eunsoo was getting so emotion.

" should understand my situation...come with me.." he grabbed her from her wist tightly.

"ok...stop..just listen to me...oppa.." she exclaimed. myungsoo stopped quickly.

"what's now??" he asked.

"listen to me carefully....if you want to do this..OK!! do it..tell them..but you will never see me again..arachchii?? " she said in the most serious mood. 

"what?? what did you mean by it??" myungsoo asked curiously.

"i also have lots of blades on my table..that's what i meant.." she said carelessly...

"w...what....what..did you meant ??? never think to do something like that..!!" his sound like a cry..

"yes...i have got my decision oppa.. if you tell them about us...i will suicide..i can you use this blade for that.." she showed him that blade which he used before.. 

"yahh....have you lost your mind?? what are you talking about??" myungsoo frightened very much..her words like stabbed him. 

"'s your decision??" she asked.

myungsoo was totally scared. he never thought she will say something like that.

"eunsoo know...i can't live without you..why are you playing with me?? please stop thins..this is too much.." he sight..

"no..i'm seriously.."

"jagiyaahhh..." he hugged her tightly...

"so..if you love me...never dare to tell them..otherwise i will leave my last breath..but not in your hands..." she said.

"stop this..please.." myungsoo hold her tightly..

"don't worry oppa..i will love you..more that i do as my a sister do...i will be alive as long as you keep your mouth shut about this manner..."

she broke the hug and left from the room...myungsoo knelt down and cry a lot..coz as he said he has no any life without her... 


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i'm really sorry about this short chapter. keep reading guys!! this story will finish soon..may be after 2 or 3 chapters!! 

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