21- Shadow of the ghosts

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**at night**

"yaaa..choi jun su..don't you mind to stop this?? exams are coming soon" yunsan exclaimed.

"dehh!! ara ara.." song jong called to her 20 minutes ago but they didn't stop the call till now. that's why yunsan screamed at junsu.

yunsan grabbed her book and started to read it so aggressively but junsu still talking with song jong. yun san was full of angry with her. then she started To read the book loudly.

"Read the passage and answer the questions" yunsan exclaimed.

"yaah..be quite... i can't hear him" junsu whispered.

yunsan started to read it more louder.

"once a upon a time there was an idiot in our class who named as lee song jong. he has a dummy girlfriend named Choi junsu" yun san smirked.

"yaaa..wanna die??stop it... right now...!!" junsu yelled.

"junsuyaa...why are are you screaming at me like this??" song jong asked from the other side from the phone call.

"ahh..aniya,,it's not for you..i'm seeing a crap in front of me " junsu replied.

"what??" songjong replied.

"miyaneh jongniee..i will call you back" junsu said.

"nehh..."songjong replied.

but yunsan grabbed the phone.

"hold on..hold on.."she exclaimed.

"who??" songjong excited.

"shadow of the ghosts..why??" yunsan asked.

"shadow of..what???" songjong exclaimed.

"yaa..stop it..give me my phone" junsu was trying to grabbed the phone from yunsan but she pulled her away.

"yaa..you dummy..listen to me carefully..don't try to call her again..she is busy right now. if you call once again, i will break your neck and drink your blood..ok?? understand?? " then she disconnect the call.

"yaa..how dare you to scold at my jonginiee?? junsu screamed.

"wae??why i can't??he disturbed me and you too" yunsan brought  her book and back to read.

"she's right?? you spent the whole day with him in the school talking about good for nothing stuff, don't wast you time stupid stuff .." it's saerin.

"yahh..i'm not wasting my time..ok..i'm watching you..the day when you find a boyfriend, see how much you waste your time with him.." junsu exclaimed.

"don't waste your time to think about that..you know who i'm..park saerin never find a boyfriend.." saerin replied.

"ok..lets see..i'm waiting" junsu said.

"ok..your choice" saerin grabbed her book.

"me too..waiting saerinaa.. lets see who is that lucky boy to have a precious girl like you" yunsan said.

saerin smirked. " On your dreams "

"same here..nadoo" eunsoo entered to the room.."lets see saerinaaa"

"ok..lets see" she was staring at them endlessly ..



[Edited ]

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