26- I love you

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** night at infinite dorm **

"hyung..what are you thinking about ??" Hoya asked from dongwoo. "No i'm not thinking , just looking at him" dongwoo saw him L in front of them.
"Yaaa!! Kim myungsoo , are you crazy ?? " Dongwoo asked.
"Why??" L stared at them.
"Why are you laughing alone ?" Hoya asked.
"Am i??" He replied .
"Yeess..i see !! We have being watcg that you are laughing alone " sunggyu said.
"Tell us the reason " sungyeol said.
"Nop..nothing " he replied .
"So..why are you blushing then??" Dongwoo teased at him.
"No..i'm not. I have to do my homeworks..don't disturb me you fools " L yelled at all of them.

Sunggyu's phone began to ring. He took the phone and answered to the call.


"Ooohhh..it's you, eun soo..yes tell me " he said.
Eunsoo asked some questions.
"Yes i have done my homeworks" sunggyu replied.
At that time someone grabbed his phone suddenly.
"Yaaa..how dare you little brat ??" Sunggyu yelled. It's myungsoo. He just stared and started to walk upstair.

"Yeobuseyoo...sunggyu hyung..Can you hear me??" Eunsoo asked.
"Yes..i can" L replied With chuckles.
"Sunggyu hyung..is that you??" She asked.
"So..let me ask you , what did you talk with him??" He asked.
"m...m..myungsoo ??" She notified the voice.
"I...i...i..just called him to ask something " she replied .
"What is that something ??" He asked agin frownly. But he still chuckling.
"I..i..will ..i will call you later " she hangup the call.
"Ahhh..bumpkin " L half yelled.

** after a few 15 min **

Eunsoo took her phone.
"Yeobuseeyoo" she told.
"It's me, myungsoo, come out " he said.
"Y..y..you??" She whispered.
"Yes me...come out just now " his sound was so scary.
"Now?? But why?? "For what?" Eunsoo whispered.
" i'm waiting for you here in front of your place " he said.
"Gosh..i can't , please go back " she replied.
"Fine, if you don't come out, i will be inside " L replied .
"No..no..no wait..ok..i will be there"
"Yeobuseyoo?? " Eunsoo came out and looking forward for L.
Someone grabbed her hand.
" omg..omg.." she screamed.
" ohhh...it's me..it's me..don't afraid " it's L.
"Ohh..damn..you made me scared " she yelled at him.
L suddenly took her hand phone and started to do something.
"Here, it's my phone number " he added his phone number for hers.
"What?? "My sweet heart " " she read the name that he saved.

"Yaaa..don't delete it" exclaimed L.
"No i can't , if someone see this" she replied. But L grabbed the phone.
"Yaaa..i'm not joking " she yelled at him.
L just gave a small smile and gave her a quick kiss on her lips.
"You are talking too much " he replied.
"Y..you have to go...n..no i have to go now" she whispered.
Her cheeks like tomatoes. It turned to light red colour.
She started to walk out.but myungsoo grabbed her to him and hugged her tightly.

"Just wait..please ..why are u avoiding me? " L asked with a sad expression on his face.
"No..i'm not..i..i'm just afraid " eunsoo replied.
"Afraid?? For what ?" L asked.
"Everything and everyone " she said. "Lets me guess, it's about your exboyfriend?" L asked.

" no..no..please don't talk about him. He is not my ex. I never had a boyfriend " she screamed and pulled him away.
" i'm sorry, i didn't meant to hurt you. Is there any problem with me? Don't you like me too? " L asked with "that all over " expressions.
"No..it doesn't mean that, but i'm disappointed " she replied.
myungsoo looked so sad. Because he thought that she has no feelings about him.

"Ok, it's too cold here, go inside " he turned back to walk ahead.
"Yaaa..kim myungsoo. Is this the way how you show me that you love me?" She yelled at him. Myungsoo just stuck and turned back to her.
"Does it mean that u keen on having me? " L whispered.
"Hmmmm...maybe " she nodded and gave him a little cute smile.
Suddenly L walked towards to her and grabbed her from his arms pulling her for a huge hug.
"i love you eunsoo ahh " he whispered near by her ear.
" me too kim myungsoo"

They kept hugging for a while. After a few minutes L realized her and careened her blushing cheeks.
" i love you..i will love you..don't let me get my eyes away from you even for a second "

he whispered and both of them were looking at each others eyes. L smiled and eunsoo smiled back to him. Then he kissed her forehead and his lips found it way to her lips.
Eunsoo close her eyes feeling his lips. Then he pulled her to a long deep kiss. They didn't care about where they were...just kissed each others like no tomorrow.

It's was a long night because both of them in their own world deep in love ❤
**After the movement **

" go inside...goodnight jigiyaaa.."
" hmmm..you too..sweet dreams " she waved her hands.
" yaahh..looking forward to see you in my dreams like before " L exclaimed.
" not today, i'm very busy today " she teased at him.
" yaaa..you are only belong to me. Only mine.." myungsoo exclaimed and both of them laughed.


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