Chapter 1

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Two years. That was how long Anthony Edward Stark and Steven Grant Rogers were married for until things took a turn. An unexpected turn, mind you, that neither man knew was possible. Two years of perfect bliss before eighteen years of complete chaos.

"Sir, I'm afraid Captain Rogers is sick." A.I'd voice echoed throughout the lab where his owner, Tony Stark, was working. Tony looked up from his work and at the ceiling as if he were facing JARVIS.

"What do you mean sick? He can't get sick. Because if he serum it's impossible for the golden boy to get sick." Tony rambled, already fearing the worse is Captain Steve Rogers was feeling ill. The serum was supposed to create the perfect being that certainly did not get sick.

"I'm aware of that, sir, but how would you explain him throwing up as we speak if he wasn't?" Tony blinked.

"Wait, he's throwing up?"

"Yes, sir."

"Oh god, what happened?" Tony whispered to himself, running out of the lab to go check on his husband. Before he knew it he was in front of the communal bathroom door. Tony lightly knocked on the door.

"Honey, are you okay?" Tony asked, putting his ear to the door.

No reply.

"Honey?" Tony repeated only to hear the sound of someone throwing up come from the other side of the door. Not being able to stand another minute of silence, Tony opened the door to find Steve pressed up against the bathtub, sweat covering his face and looking exhausted. Steve smiled weakly.

"Hi Tony." He greeted. Tony looked over his husband, looking to see if anything else was wrong.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Tony asked, walking over to his husband.

"Tony, I-I feel terrible and my stomach is uneasy which isn't supposed to happen but it does and I think that the-" Tony cut Steve off with a kiss as he sat down next to the blonde. The brunette was thinking the same thing Steve was, but he wasn't about to let Steve say it out loud. If that was what was happening then they would get through it together. But that wasn't what was happening, Tony was sure of it.

"Shh." Tony whispered, running his fingers through Steve's sweaty hair. "I'm going to take you back to the lab to see what's wrong, alright? Can you get up on your own or do you need my help?" Steve shook his head before, slowly, getting to his feet. Tony smiled softly before getting to his.

The two walked back down to the lab where Tony set everything up. Steve, who was confused as to what his husband was doing, stood in the middle of the room just watching. Eventually, Tony looked back to his husband with a smile.

"Okay, can you sit on the bed please?" He asked as he gestured to the medical bed by his side.

"Yeah." Steve responded with a slight nod before he went over to the bed and sat down. Tony gave a firm nod.

"Alright J, you know what to do." Tony stated. JARVIS went to work immediately. Steve looked over at Tony who was sporting a reassuring smile for the blonde. Steve didn't know what was going on, all he knew was he was getting sick even though he wasn't supposed to. That worried him more than what the machines were doing to him.

"The results shall be up on your computer right. . . Now." JARVIS suddenly announced, snapping Steve out of his thoughts. He looked to Tony with worry in his eyes.

"Thank you, J." Tony said, walking over to his laptop. At first Tony was worried about the possibilities that could come up. Was the serum wearing off? Was there some new plague that only affected really good looking superheroes with blonde hair and blue eyes? Was Steve dying? But all that worry went away when Tony saw what was on the screen. Letting out a low chuckle that turned into a fit of laughter as time went on, a smile escaped his lips. Steve wasn't dying. In fact, it was quite the opposite.

"What? What's so funny?" Steve asked, getting off the bed to go see what Tony was looking at. The fact that his husband was laughing at whatever was wrong with him was scaring the soldier.

"Look." Tony responded through a fit of laughter. Seriously, the laughter was scaring Steve. He looked at Tony's computer screen preparing for the worst but was confused at what he found. He looked to Tony.

"I don't know what that is." He admitted. Tony's laughter slowly died down.

"What do you mean you don't know-" Steve cut him off with a look. "Right. Forgot you were from the forties. Well, this is an ultrasound which is commonly used to see unborn babies that are still in the mother's uterus." Steve raised an eyebrow. "Seriously, Capsicle? Are you not understanding this?" Steve looked back to the monitor, at the little black dot that was on the screen.

"Does that mean. . ." Steve drifted off, not knowing how to finish that question without making him sound like an idiot. "Does that mean I'm. . . I'm. . ." It was decided, there wasn't a way to word it without making him sound like an idiot. Tony nodded.

"If you're trying to ask if that means you're pregnant then the answer is yes. Steve, you're not dying. In fact, it's the complete opposite of dying. Steve, we've created a human being." Steve took a step back.

"Tony, this is serious. I swear, if you're messing with me. . ." Steve half-threatened but the look in Tony's eyes told the blonde that he was telling the truth. And why wouldn't he? This isn't something two men would necessarily joke about. "How? How is this possible?"

"Because of everything it was supposed to do, the serum did some jacked up shit to your genetics. Guess they couldn't have accounted for everything, huh?" Steve let out a small laugh. "Steve, we're gonna have a family." Steve nodded.

"Yeah, I guess we are." He agreed, bringing Tony in for a hug. "But how do we tell the team? It's not like we can necessarily come out and say it." Tony looked up at his blonde haired beauty.

"Why not?" He asked. "Why can't we just come out and say it? No bells and whistles attached."

"Because it's not like this is an everyday thing, Tony. This isn't exactly normal." Tony scoffed.

"Yeah? Saving New York from an alien invasion isn't normal." He countered, placing his hands on Steve's still flat abdomen. "But this? This is normal. Creating and bring a new life to the world is completely normal. Now the way we're doing it isn't exactly, well, normal but who up there is going to judge?" Tony asked. "We've got a couple assassins who bicker and banter like an old married couple, a Norse god that we all thought didn't exist, a scientist who has severe anger issues, and us. A couple who just found out they're expecting." Steve smiled. "It's not like they're going to shun you or something. We are married after all." Steve chuckled.

"Alright, you got me. Let's go tell them." Steve said before walking to the door. Tony blinked, grasping the air where his husband was standing not even a minute ago.

"Wait, you want to tell them now?" He asked. Steve turned to look at Tony.

"Why not? You just said-"

"I know what I said. I just didn't think it would be this easy to convince you." Steve shot Tony a look. "What? I didn't! It took me at least two months to persuade you into letting me take you out on a date."

"Tony, stop goofing around and follow me." The two started walking towards the door.

"Roger that, Captain." Steve rolled his eyes as Tony caught up to him. "What? Not funny?" Steve shook his head. Tony pouted. "I thought it was funny." Steve smirked before grabbing Tony's wrist to twirl him then dipped the playboy, they're faces inches apart. "Whoa. Where'd you learn that?"

"I was in the army, you know." Steve remarked before spinning Tony back onto his feet. Tony stood there, stunned, for a second. Steve continued on upstairs.

"Hey! Wait! I thought you were supposed to kiss me when you do that?" Steve chuckled at how Tony's confused state turned into anger. "Not funny?"

"No." Steve laughed.

"But I thought it was funny."

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