Chapter 23

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About a month after the whole spider fiasco with Peter and a couple days after Emily's birthday, Thor came hurdling down back to Earth from Asgard. Emily, who was walking into the room just so she could get to the kitchen in order to get a bag of chips, was startled by the sudden appearance of the muscled blonde. Upon seeing her, Thor smiled brightly.

"Daughter of Man of Iron and the Patriotic Captain!" He boomed. "Can I have your attention for a moment?" Thor asked. Emily laughed slightly.

"You already have it." She muttered but Thor didn't hear he. "Uh sure, Uncle Thor. Whatcha need?" She asked, fixing her stance so it wasn't so awkward.

"I was wondering if Loki could stay here for about. . . Oh, I don't know, a few weeks?" Emily scoffed, taking a step back.

"Why?" She inquired, crossing her arms over her chest. "Why here? Why can't he stay in Asgard? In the jail cell that he belongs in?" Thor shifted his weight from foot to foot.

"Asgard's prisons are being refurbished and we don't have any where else to put him." Emily raised an eyebrow.

"Because that makes sense." She joked. Thor nodded his head.

"I'm so glad you agree!" Emily stared at him for a second before rolling her eyes. Her relationship with the blonde thunder god had never been perfect ever since they found out she could lift the hammer. Thor was too fond of it to share and Emily, given that she was five at the time, didn't take to the insulting that spewed from him the moment he found out.

"Yeah. . . Um, why didn't you ask my parents?" Thor gave an awkward smile.

"Because they would flip out if I were to ask." Emily raised an eyebrow but decided not to question it.

"I don't know if I have the authority to agree to this." She responded, moving to continue her journey to the kitchen. Thor reaches out and grabbed her shoulder, gaining her attention again.

"Please, Lady Emily? You're our last hope." She stared up at the blonde.

"Is that supposed to be some Star Wars reference?" Emily questioned. Thor stared at her.

"What is Star Wars?" Emily shook her head.

"Never mind." She mumbled. "Sure, I guess. As long as we have somewhere to put him. JARVIS?"

"Yes Ms. Stark. You do indeed have a place to keep Mister Laufeyson." JARVIS declared. Emily nodded.

"Thanks J. Can you tell my father about our new visitor?"

"Sure thing Miss Emily."   

"Thanks again J." Emily turned her attention back to the thunder god. "Now when will Loki get here?" Thor tossed around his head as he thought.

"Around noon." He announced. Emily nodded.

"Alright. See you then." Thor happily walked back outside with a smile on his face. Emily rolled her eyes and continued to the kitchen.

For the rest of the time before Loki arrived, Emily worked on different projects depending on her mood. Any time she got the slightest bit annoyed with Thor, she went down to the training arena and pummeled the punching bag to a pulp. Thor never got that the brunette didn't like him because she was good about covering that type of stuff up. She just always found him annoying.

"Miss Emily, Mister Peter, Mister Stark, and Captain Rogers, your visitor is here." JARVIS announced when the clock hit twelve.

"Thanks J." Everyone said around the same time from the different rooms they were in. They all walked into the living room to find Thor holding Loki by his handcuffs. Emily smirked.

"Let him go, Uncle Thor. He doesn't need to be in handcuffs." Peter said as soon as he got into the room.

"Are you sure Lord Peter?"

"Yes Uncle Thor. He should be fine. Plus if he's not, he has to deal with three super soldiers, two iron people, and a Spider-Man." Peter stated proudly.

"Who is this Man of Spiders?" Peter pouted.

"Me, Uncle Thor." He whined. "One of Uncle Bruce's radioactive spiders bit me."

"Oh. Well then, Loki you are free to go." Thor announced, unlocking the handcuffs. The first thing Loki did was rub his wrists.

"Finally you free me." He muttered. "Thank you Lord Peter." Peter smiled brightly. Emily grabbed the back of Loki's neck.

"Keep in mind I broke your jaw about a month ago." She whispered into his ear. Loki smirked. "So I would be on my best behavior if I were you."

"Ah yes." He hissed. "How can I forget that? The first girl on the Avengers to actually beat me." Emily loosened the grip slightly.

"What about Aunt Tasha?" Loki chuckled.

"The Widow?" He questioned. "Please. I wouldn't call that beating me. More like temporarily setting me back. That's all." Emily growled.

"Do not fear Lady Emily, my brother will behave." Thor assured her. Emily looked up at the blonde and scowled.

"He better." Emily threatened. "Mom can Jason come over? We were a little busy on our birthday for him to come over." Steve nodded with a smile.

"Sure sweetheart." Steve replied. Loki perked up.

"Who's Jason?" He asked, interested in the turn the conversation took. Emily clenched her jaw.

"Griffin." She stated. "You know, my boyfriend." Loki's smirk grew.

"Oh?" Loki questioned mischievously. Emily kneed him in the crotch before grabbing a fistful of his raven hair as he fell to his knees.

"You try to hurt him in any way possible, you will end up trying to get that staff of yours dislodged from your ass." Emily warned. "Understood?"

"Understood." Loki whimpered slightly. Emily walked away to go call Jason. "I like her." Tony cleared his throat to gain the god's attention.

"For the time being you can have the guest bedroom on Em's floor. Try to do anything to our daughter and not only will you have to dislodge your staff out of your ass, you will also have to go home with a few broken bones. Understand?" Tony threatened.

"Yes sir."

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