AU: Jason x Ethan

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It was the first day of first grade for two boys: Jason Howlett and Ethan Lang. They were expecting many things from today. What they were not expecting was to meet the love of their life. Most people romanticizes when they meet 'the one'. It's often very dramatic and random. For these two boys, it all started with a simple question.

"Hey, can I sit here?" A short brunette boy asked. His front tooth was missing and he had on two different colored socks. However, this did not stop him from being exited for the day. This boy was Ethan Lang and he was gesturing to the empty chair at a table that currently held two. One was a some-what cute looking girl with brunette hair that rested around her shoulders and bright blue eyes. Ethan didn't know it at the time but she would be the closest thing he had to a little sister. Her name: Emily Stark but he didn't know that yet. The other kid at the table, a boy, had bright blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes. Not to mention the smile; that thing had the tv sparkle to it. Ethan would soon learn that he couldn't imagine a life without this boy in it. His name: Jason Howlett (unbeknownst to Ethan at the time).

The girl went to respond but the boy held up a finger. She closed her mouth and raised an eyebrow.

"That depends." The boy said, side-eying Ethan. "You like superheroes?" The girl rolled her eyes. She, however, knew that was an important question. Ethan did not until later in the conversation.

Ethan almost rolled his eyes but decided that wasn't necessarily the right thing he should do if he wanted to make friends. "Heck yeah. Who doesn't?" The girl shrugged.

"Probably all of the girls in this class." She replied. Ethan raised an eyebrow, looking her over.

"But you're a girl." He pointed out before he even processed the words coming out of his mouth. It was then that Ethan thought he blew his one chance of making friends. But the girl giggled.

"Really? I didn't know that." She sassed. Ethan cracked a smile. Perfect; he didn't offend anyone. "Thanks for clearing this up for me." Ethan playfully rolled his eyes. "But I think I'm the one exception."

"Why's that?" It was an honest question. But the boy and girl shared a look. Ethan's heart dropped. Maybe this was the moment the screwed him over.

"That's classified." The girl admitted, leaning into the table. Ethan nodded, pretending to be impressed.

"I'm Ethan Lang by the way." He introduced as he took the seat. He had answered their question (correctly- it seemed) and they were still talking to him. It felt only right for him to take a seat, right?

The blonde raised an eyebrow. "As in Ant-Man?" He asked. Ethan shrugged slightly.

"I'll answer that question if you tell me the 'classified' information." The blonde smirked. If he was being totally honest, this brunette- Ethan- was a good looking guy and there was something about him Jason was drawn to. He was smart and seemed to care an awful lot. Jason liked that. Neither boy, however, would admit that Jason's smirk turned into a smile and his eyes softened while he thought about how he felt about Ethan. It wasn't until Jason felt the girl's- Emily's- eyed on him did he look away. Jason just shrugged; he wasn't paying attention to her.

"Can you keep a secret?" Ethan nodded. The girl leaned closer to the table. "I'm Emily Stark." She whispered. There was obviously no need to elaborate; if Ethan couldn't connect the two then he wasn't worth the time. "Now answer the question." Emily demanded. Ethan looked between the two.

"Yes." He stated simply. Jason and Emily nodded.

"Nice." Jason commented. "I'm Jason Howlett, Wolverine's son." Ethan smiled dreamily at the blonde. "We could make a pretty good superhero team." Ethan and Emily nodded.

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