Chapter 22

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The next day Emily was sitting on the chair in the living room, researching something on her phone for Stark Industries, when Peter walked in. She was too busy scrolling through the website to notice him until he ruffled her hair. The thirteen year old always loved messing with his older sister when she was busy. Emily looked up briefly and smiled at him.

"Hey." She greeted before her eyes widened. "Hey! Peter can you grab my computer for me?" She asked. Peter rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, sure thing sis." Peter agreed as he reached his hand out to grab the computer but instead of grabbing it, a web shot out. Peter's eyes widened as he screamed, scarring Emily so much she jumped.

"What the hell?!" Emily shouted, looking over at her brother to find the webbing coming out of his wrist. "Peter?" She called softly. Peter's gaze darted to her, panic filling his soft brown eyes. Emily stood up and made her way over to him. "Okay, okay, you're gonna be fine. Pete, listen to me, you're gonna be fine." Emily assured him, grasping his shoulders to steady him. "Now what is that?"

"I-I think i-it's a s-spider web." Peter stuttered. Emily nodded slightly.

"But how did it come out of your wrist?" She asked. Peter's lower lip trembled.

"I-I don't kn-know." He sobbed. Emily brought his head closer to her chest as she rubbed his back soothingly.

"Why don't we go check this out in the lab, mkay?" Emily suggested. "I'm sure Bruce has some logical explanation to all of this." Peter nodded into her chest.

The two siblings made their way down into the lab where Bruce was sitting at his desk doing some of the piled up work on his desk. It took him a while before he noticed that they were there. Peter was sniffling as he stood by the workbench, which is what caught Bruce's attention, while Emily hugged him from behind.

"Oh. Hey Peter." Bruce greeted when he looked up. "Emily." The girl nodded in greeting. "What brings you two down here?" Emily pulled away from Peter.

"Because this spider web like thing shot out of my wrist!!" Peter rushed out. Emily rested a hand on his shoulder. "I reached out to grab Emily's laptop and this, this string came shooting out!" Bruce nodded slowly.

"Alright, calm down. We can run some tests, figure out what's going on." Bruce suggested. Peter nodded as he made his way to the bed in the other part of the lab. Emily trailed behind, trying to support her little brother.

Bruce ran some tests and x-rays and everything he could to figure out what was wrong with Peter. Emily watched over Bruce's shoulder as he marked stuff off on a clipboard; she didn't look like it, but she was panicking too. She wanted to make sure her brother was okay, he was her little brother after all and her responsibility while her parents were away on the mission that received earlier that day.

"Well it looks like you got bit by one of the radioactive spiders I was experimenting on and got spider powers." Bruce announced. Peter sighed in relief.

"Wow, Uncle Bruce, you're oddly calm about this." Emily commented.

"Well it's better being a radioactive spider then a gamma radiated monster." He countered. Emily smiled apologetically.

"So I'm like a spider-man?" Peter asked, gaining everyone's attention.

"Well if you put it like that then I guess but I wouldn't go around telling people about this." Peter nodded.

"But it looks like we just got another superhero in the family! Congrats dude." Emily cheered, fist bumping her brother.

"Oww!" Peter complained.

"What?" Emily asked.

"You hit me with your metal hand!" Emily looked down at her arm before shrugging.

"Oh calm down, Spiderboy." Peter pouted.

"It's Spider-Man!" He argued. Emily laughed.

"Not with that attitude, you're not."

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