Chapter 18

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After another year of being the only girl in her family, Emily was ready to go to school and meet other girls her age. She had picked out a pretty outfit the night before to give off the right vibe. She even went as far as waking up super early so she was prepared. Emily was determined to make a friend that day.

"Em, you ready for school yet?" Tony finally asked the excited six year old.

"Yes! I've been ready since I woke up this morning!" Emily responded before rushing off to go get her backpack. Tony watched her run off with a smile.

"Did you say bye to everyone?" Tony reminded when the young girl zoomed back over. Emily shook her head before running back to say bye.

"Bye everyone, I'm off to school." She announced. The room buzzed with goodbyes. Steve pulled her into a hug.

"Bye sweetie." He whispered into her hair. Emily smiled softly. "Do you remember what your father and I told you?" Emily nodded.

"When I introduce myself, my name is Emily Margret." She repeated. "Because no one is to know that I'm a Stark because you never know who might be watching, Aunt Tasha told me that part." Steve chuckled. "Though why can't I just use your last name?" Steve was taken aback.

"Go have fun." He told her as she pulled away. Emily smiled.

"I will."

It wasn't that long of a drive to the school so Emily didn't have to suffer any longer. As soon as the younger brunette saw the school, she was bouncing up and down in her chair. Tony smiled as he watched her from the mirror.

"Bye daddy." She said, practically jumping out of the car. Tony pulled her back in by her collar.

"Bye sweetie." He said, giving her a kiss. "I'm going to be in a meeting when school gets out so mom and possibly Peter are gonna get you after school, okay?" Emily nodded, she just wanted to get out of the car.

"Got it. Love you."

"Love you too." Tony said as he watched Emily walk into school. The six yes old practically ran into the building anyway. When he knew she was safe, Tony backed out and drove away.

"Hello Miss Margret." The teacher greeted when she approached the classroom. "I'm Ms. Robinson, your teacher."

"Hi Ms. Robinson." Emily greeted back, a huge smile on her face.

"You can pick any seat you want and work on something quietly until everyone else gets here." She told her. Emily nodded before walking inside. She scanned the room looking for potential friends before spotting a familiar face.

"Hi, is this seat taken?" Emily asked as she made her way over to the blonde. He looked up at her and smirked.

"Yes." Emily pouted slightly. "By you." She laughed and took her seat.

"I'm Emily Margret." She introduced. The blonde rolled his eyes.

"Margret?" He repeated. "That's the name they gave you?"

"Hey. That just so happens to be my middle name which has a lot of meaning behind it." She defended. He raised an eyebrow. Emily sighed. "But yeah, that's the name they gave me."

"Alright. Then I guess I need to introduce myself even though you already know me." Emily nodded, eyeing the door to see if any girls walked in yet. "I'm Jason Howlett." The son of Wolverine introduced.

"Nice to meet you but if you excuse me, I'm gonna go introduce myself to that girl over there." Jason nodded, he knew how determined she was about meeting a girl. That's what he liked most about her: her determination. Emily slipped over there and introduced herself. The girl got one look of her and turned the other direction. Emily walked back and sat down.

"That didn't look like it went too well." Emily shook her head. Jason placed a hand on her arm. "You'll get the next one." Emily smiled sadly. Another girl walked in, she looked a lot nicer than the one before. Emily made her way over and introduced herself. But unfortunately the other girl didn't know English.

Emily tired to make a new friend with a couple other girls before giving up. They were treating her like she had an infectious disease anyway. She sat back down with Jason.

"Forget girls, they're too complicated anyway." He told her. Emily laughed. "What do you want to work on instead?" She shrugged.

"I dunno. Why don't we draw?"

"Okay do you have paper and crayons that I can borrow?" Jason asked. Emily nodded.

"Yeah, let me get them out of my backpack." She replied, reaching for her bag and pulling it onto her lap. Jason snorted.

"Nice backpack." He teased. Emily glanced up at it before shrugging.

"It was the only one they had." She left out the part that the girl ones were too girly for her so she went with the Avengers themed one. No one seemed to care that much about it when she got it. Jason rolled his eyes. Emily pulled out two pieces of paper and a box of crayons before handing a piece to Jason.

"Thanks." Emily shrugged.

"Don't mention it." She commented. A brown haired little boy walked up to their table.

"Hey, can I sit here?" He asked, gesturing to the empty chair they had. Emily went to say sure but Jason cut her off.

"That depends. You like superheroes?" He asked. Emily rolled her eyes but that was an important question if they were going to be friends.

"Heck yeah. Who doesn't?" The boy asked. Emily shrugged.

"Probably all of the girls in this class." She replied. The boy raised an eyebrow.

"But you're a girl." He pointed out. Emily giggled.

"Really? I didn't know that. Thanks for clearing this up for me." She teased. The brunette boy rolled his eyes. "But I think I'm the one exception."

"Why's that?" Jason and Emily shared a look.

"That's classified." She admitted. He nodded, impressed.

"I'm Ethan Lang by the way." He introduced as he took the seat.

"As in Ant-Man?" Jason asked.

"I'll answer that question if you tell me the 'classified' information." He was smart; Emily liked that. She glanced to Jason for help who just shrugged. So much for that.

"Can you keep a secret?" Ethan nodded. Emily leaned closer to the table. "I'm Emily Stark." She whispered but there was no way she was going to admit who her parents were. "Now answer the question." She demanded.

"Yes." He stayed simply. Jason and Emily nodded.

"Nice." Jason commented. "I'm Jason Howlett, Wolverine's son. We could make a pretty good superhero team." Ethan and Emily nodded.

"Yeah, we can." Ethan agreed.


"Hey sweetie, how was school?" Steve asked as Emily got into the car. As she was buckling yo she gave her answer.

"It was fun. I made a friend." She said.

"Oh really?" Emily nodded. "Does he know?" She nodded again.

"Yeah but that's only because he's Ant-Man's son and he wouldn't tell us if he was until I told him that. He's the only one that I told." She explained.

"Who's us?" Steve asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Jason and I." Emily furrowed her brow. "I thought you knew he was going to be in my class." Steve shook his head. "Oh. Well now you know." Steve chuckled.

"How was your quest to find a female friend?" Emily shook her head.

"Unsuccessful. All the girls in my class are jerks." Steve chuckled.

"Well, at least you're not alone." Emily shook her head.

"Nope. I've got Jason and Ethan with me." She agreed.

"Is Ethan Scott's kid?" Steve asked. Emily nodded. "Alright baby, go tell your dad all about your day."


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