Chapter 31

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Emily flew down into Central Park where a familiar magenta and red colored super villain stood. She rolled her eyes under the mask as she shot her repulsers. She was still a few feet away from the ground so it came as a surprise when the shot hit his chest.

"What do you want?" Emily questioned, holding her hands up to show that she would fire if he tried anything. Magneto looked up at her.

"Perfect. They sent you." He replied. Emily raised an eyebrow, something not clicking in her mind until she looked around at everything. She closed her eyes for a second before snapping them open.

"You set this up!" She accused, dodging the car he sent her way. "You motherfucking son of a-"

"Ah, ah, ah." Magneto cut her off. "You should watch your language, Missy." She snarled at him as she fired. He sidestepped, avoiding the blast. "You might as well give up now, Miss Stark, you're not going to win." He ordered, sending her flying into a brick wall with a wave of his hand. Emily groaned upon impact.

"Crap." She muttered. "JARVIS, call Jason please." The A.I dialed the number as Emily got up and fired back at Magneto.

"Sorry I cant get to the phone right now, I'm probably with my girlfriend or somewhere you shouldn't know about. Please leave a message after the beep." Rang through the helmet. Emily frowned and rolled her eyes as she switched the outside comms off; Magneto didn't need to hear her message.

"Jay, it's me." She started, kicking Magneto in the face as she did a backs handspring. "I, um-" She stopped. She didn't want Jason to know what she was doing. "I just wanted to call and tell you I love you." Emily looked over at Magneto as he started to crush the suit she was in. "Don't call back." She hung up the phone and jumped out of the suit in the last second. Emily shut her eyes before lunching at Magneto and punching him in the face. He just chuckled.

"Nice punch little girl, but mine's stronger." He remarked before bending her right arm in the direction to punch herself. Emily tried to fight it but didn't succeed. Magneto forced her arm forward, her fist meeting contact with her jaw. Emily groaned before head butting him.

They staggered away from each other to regain control. Emily took in a deep breath before charging at him again. Magneto stepped to the side, avoiding her attack. Emily skidded to a stop. Magneto reaches out and took control of her arm, shoving where it connected back into her shoulder. She screamed out in pain.


Magneto pinned her down with his foot on her chest. Her right arm was ripped off moments ago and just left the ugly wiring coming out of her shoulder. Emily's breath was shallow but she kept a Stark trademarked smirk on her face.

"You'll never get away with this." She stated, prepared for Magneto to deliver the final blow. Magneto smirked.

"Oh, I think I-" He got caught off by a hammer hitting the back of his head, knocking him out. Emily smirked when she noticed the hammer.

"No. You won't." A familiar deep male voice said but it sounded far away to Emily. "Lady Emily, are you alright?" The owner of the voice asked as he held out a hand for her to take. Emily groaned. That was the only answer Thor needed.

Picking her up, he rushed back to the tower where the rest of the team was cooling off. They had gotten back from their mission moments ago and saw the news that was broadcasting the fight. Thor had rushed down, feeling like he owed it to her to save her. He might not have always understood the young brunette, but he did understand that at times she did hate him. And he wanted nothing more than to fix that.

"Tony, Lady Emily requires your assistance." Thor stated once he got home. Tony looked over at the blonde god before looking to his daughter's motionless body.

"Then what are we standing around here for?!" He snapped. Steve looked to his eldest child, concern washing over his face. Peter jumped up and pushed past everyone to see his sister. "Bring her to the lab!" Thor did as told, not wanting to anger the man any further.


Emily moaned as she woke up. Her head pounded and her chest ached. Not to mention the pain she received from her shoulder. There might not have been an arm there but it did hurt when she had to rip it off.

"Wha- Where am I?" Emily wondered as she tried to sit up. "Why does my chest feel weird?" She laid back down, her unconsciousness wavering.

"Careful, we don't need you to hurt yourself any further." She heard a voice say. Emily opened her eyes, her vision blurred. She could make out a figure walking towards her but she couldn't see who it was.

"Hello?" She called. The figure grabbed her hand as her vision cleared. Standing before her was her mother. "Mom."

"I'm right here, sweetie. I never left your side after your father put your arc reactor in."

"Arc-arc reactor? Why do I need an arc reactor?" Steve furrowed his brow.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Emily thought for a second.

"Coming home." She answered. Steve's eyes widened. Emily's filled with worry. "Did I do something wrong?" Steve opened his mouth to say something.

"Oh Emily, you're awake!" Tony cried, cutting Steve off, as he ran down the stairs. Emily slowly looked over.

"Yeah." She whispered. "W-why do I need an arc reactor?" Tony stopped. Steve looked back to her.

"Do you seriously not remember?" Emily shook her head. "Magneto almost killed you." Emily just sat there, not knowing how to react. "Let's bring you upstairs so everyone can see you." Steve suggested. Emily nodded slightly as she tried to get up but laid back down.

"Can you help me? It hurts too much." Tony nodded.

"Of course sweetie." Tony assured as both Tony and Steve lifted her onto her feet and helped her stand. Tony wrapped her left arm around his neck and they wrapped one of their arms around her waist. Once she was standing up properly and could walk with their help, they started walking upstairs.


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