Chapter 32

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Everyone was waiting somewhat patiently in the living room for news on the only female Stark. Peter was a nervous wreck because, even though they acted like they hated each other most of the time, he loved her and he didn't want to see her hurt. It pained him when he heard what happened to her when Red Skull captured her. She was his older sister, he looked up to her and he did t want to see her gone.

When he saw her walk up the stairs with help from their parents, he sprung up onto his feet. Tony and Steve helped her over to the center of the room before letting go. She managed to stand up on her own just fine.

Emily?" Peter whispered. Emily looked over at her brother, a soft smile forming.

"Heya Petey." She greeted softly. He ran up to her and gave her a hug. She hugged back with a soft giggle and if she could, she would've ran her fingers through his hair. But instead she just settled for a tight hug. "Love you too Petey." Peter nuzzled his head into her chest, being careful about the arc reactor. Once they knew she was okay, Loki and Natasha stood up, you could almost see the steam coming from their ears.

"You said you would be safe." Loki stated, deadly quiet. Emily looked over at them as Peter pulled away. "You said you would be safe!" He repeated. Emily stumbled back.

"I also didn't know who it was." She defended. "Can you really blame me?" Natasha crossed her arms, resting them on her bump.

"We don't know who we're up against half the time yet we still stay safe." She countered. Emily scoffed.

"Yeah, safe." She muttered. "Because being safe means Peter or I have to patch one of you up. Being safe means you're protected, one or two scratches, that's all." Natasha looked unaffected. "Don't come yelling at me because the Iron Woman with a metal arm got destroyed by a villain who is practically a magnet!"

"But you promised!" Loki argued. Emily shook her head, trying to remember.

"Did I?" Loki and Natasha took a step back. "If I did then I'm sorry, but I broke it." They softened before giving her a hug.

"Look, you did your best." Bucky reasoned. "The only thing that matters is that you're alive." He joined the hug and before Emily knew it, everyone was hugging her. She tried her best to hug back but it was a little hard with only one arm. Emily sighed contently, just satisfied the way things were before something hit her. She pulled away.

"Where's Jason?" She asked slowly, somewhat fearing the answer. Someone cleared their throat from the doorway. Emily slowly turned to face who it was. Standing there, in all his beautiful but sometimes scary glory, was a pissed off looking Jason Howlett. He had his arms crossed and was leaning against the doorframe. Emily smiled slightly. "Hi Jason." She greeted softly. Jason stride over to her before they were standing face to face. Emily tightened in fear until Jason brought her into a kiss, her muscles relaxing.

"You're okay." He breathed out, cupping her head in his hands. Emily smiled slightly as she did the same. He brought her in for another kiss. Everyone looked away, they didn't need to watch the two teens interact.

"Yeah, I'm okay." She agreed. "Though I think I was technically dead for a couple minutes." She added. Jason frowned. "And I need an arc reactor to live but. . ." Jason chuckled. "Other than that, I'm fine." He hugged her.

"I'm so glad you're okay." He mumbled into her hair. Emily's always been tall for her age but Jason ended up being taller. "I don't know what I would do if you weren't." Emily giggled softly.

"AND WHO WAS GOING TO TELL ME YOU NEARLY DIED?!" Ethan screamed from the doorway. Emily and Jason pulled away to look over at their friend.

"Ethan?" Jason and Emily asked in perfect unison.

"You nearly died and no one told me! I had to figure it out with the stupid news report!" He rambled, storming over to the couple. Emily furrowed her brow, looking back to Jason.

"What news report?" She asked. Jason softened, he knew what Ethan was talking about. That's why he came.

"Go to channel 2." Ethan ordered. Steve picked up the remote and switched to that channel.

"Recent reports are saying that the young hero known as Iron Patriot might have died after her encounter with the villain known as Magneto. Eyewitness accounts have been saying that they saw Thor drag her motionless body from the scene. As we have recently learned, the Iron Patriot has been Emily Stark under the mask. If the reports are true, New York not only lost one of its hero's but also one of its remarkable people. My condolences, Mister and Captain Stark." The news reporter said. Emily stumbled back, her hands finding her mouth.

"They think I'm dead." Emily mumbled. Ethan took a step closer to her. "They think I died." Ethan grabbed her shoulder. Emily started giggling. "They think I'm dead! Now I won't have to worry about the paparazzi! Sure I'll always have to wear a disguise but still!" Ethan and Jason chuckled. Emily spun on Ethan. "I'm sorry. You-you had to sit through that and thought I was- I'm sorry." Ethan gave her a hug.

"Actually, I ran here not believing what they said. Not thinking for a minute that my best friend was dead because I know better than that." He smirked. "Maybe unconscious, but not dead! Not after everything we've been through." Emily laughed.

"Actually. . ." Emily started. Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Just look at my chest." Ethan snorted.

"You do remember I'm gay right?" He questioned. Emily rolled her eyes. "And even if I wasn't, that's still Ja-" Ethan stopped when he noticed the glare he was receiving from the other brunette.

"That's still what, Ethan?" She asked. Ethan swallowed.

"That's still un-gentlemanly like." He corrected. Emily nodded."

"Better." She stated. "But just look at my chest."

"Alright. But Wolverine over here can't kill me." Jason rolled his eyes.

"That thought never crossed my mind." Ethan nodded stiffly.

"Okay." Ethan said before focusing his attention to Emily's chest. He could somewhat see a light glow to it. "An arc reactor." He stated, amazed. "You have an arc reactor." Emily nodded.

"Yes. That's what I was trying to tell you." Ethan looked up at her before looking back down at the thing in her chest.


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