Chapter 26

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After a couple of weeks, Loki started avoiding Bruce. The scientist grew confused as to why his now boyfriend (though it was mostly kept a secret) start keeping his distance on top of getting sick until he sought out the help of Bucky. The solider had told Bruce that that was what Natasha started doing when she found out she was pregnant. Bruce immediately got worried about Loki's health.

So one day over a small family lunch- and when we say small, we mean small- which consisted of Emily, Loki, Bruce, Peter, Natasha, and Bucky, Bruce brought us the topic of WinterWidow as everyone started calling them that's baby. Loki looked up briefly from his salad at the mention of a baby.

"They're doing fine, Bruce, thank you for asking." Natasha commented, placing a hand over her stomach. Loki visibly tensed. "Why do you ask?" Bruce shrugged.

"Just wondering. As a doctor, though not that kind, I want to make sure that the baby and mother to be are okay." Bruce was half saying this because he meant it and half because he wanted Loki to know that he cared. The god just returned to eating his salad. Natasha smiled.

"Well, I mean, I haven't told Fury yet so I'll get back to you on that." Everyone laughed.

"Have you stared planning anything yet?" Emily asked as she took a sip of water. "Like names or anything?" The two parents shared a look.

"Not yet." Bucky responded. "Your parents didn't come up with a name until Steve was-" He looked to Natasha. "-four months? Five months?" Natasha shrugged. She didn't pay that much attention to the small details around here. "I wanna say four months so we've got time, Miss Emily Margret." Emily scrunched her nose a little. She hated being referred to by her first and middle name. The only time she was was when she got in trouble.

"Margret?" Peter and Loki asked. Emily nodded.

"After Aunt Peggy." She explained, facing Peter. Peter smirked.

"So thy named you and the dog after Aunt Peggy?" He inquired. Emily pursed her lips, not knowing where this was going. She nodded slowly. "So does that make you a bitch?" Loki snorted. Emily narrowed her eyes at her brother.

"Smart ass." She muttered. Bruce sent them a look.

"Be nice you two." He scolded. Emily rolled her eyes and continued eating her sandwich. Peter played around with the fruit he had. Loki looked up at Bruce, noting the reaction he got from them. He subconsciously touched his stomach. When Bruce looked back, Loki dropped both his gaze and his hand.

"Bruce?" Loki called softly. The salt and pepper haired man looked up at his boyfriend. "Can we talk? In private?" Bruce nodded, getting up from the table. Loki pulled him over enough so the two spies couldn't hear them.

"What's wrong?" Loki looked to the floor. Bruce cupped his chin. "If it makes it any easier, I already know." Bruce admitted. Loki looked up, horror in his eyes.

"H-how?" Loki whimpered. "I-I haven't been-" Bruce silenced him with a kiss.

"I asked Bucky." He explained when he pulled away. Loki glared daggers over in the former assassin's direction. "He said you did the same thing Tasha did when she found out. Though what I don't understand is why you didn't tell me." Loki looked down.

"I thought you would hate me." He whispered. Bruce softened.

"I could never hate you." He assured before kissing Loki's forehead. "You could've told me." Loki looked up.

"So you're not mad?" Bruce shook his head with a soft smile. Loki wrapper his arms around Bruce's neck. Bruce wrapped his around Loki's waist. "I thought you would." He admitted. "I thought you were going to leave me- leave us." Bruce held Loki close.

"Never." He promised. Loki just held onto his scientist. Bruce rubbed Loki's back. "Now why don't we go do something, hm? How does that sound?" Loki just nodded. "What do you want to do?"

"Can we watch a movie?" He mumbled into Bruce's neck. Bruce nodded, picking Loki up so he could carry him over to the living room. He set the god on the couch before walking over to where they kept the movies.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Bruce asked, flipping through the many dvds they had. Loki nuzzled into the couch.

"Do you have Beauty and the Beast?" He asked. Bruce smiled softly and nodded, grabbing the box from one of the stacks. Bruce put it into the player and started the movie before making his way to the couch, pulling Loki on top of him. Loki pulled a blanket over the both of them and cuddled into his chest as they started watching the movie.

Moments later, Emily walked in finding the two like that on the couch. She raised an eyebrow at how close Bruce and Loki were.

"Is there something I don't know about?" She asked, scaring Loki half to death. He jumped.

"What the hell?!" Loki cursed. Emily giggled softly.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I scare you?" Loki glared at her. "Why are you sitting so close together? And why are you watching Beauty and the Beast?" Bruce wrapped his arm around Loki. "Are you two. . .?" She prompted. Bruce nodded. She looked over at Loki who was subconsciously protecting his middle. Her eyes widened. "Oh my god."

"Emily." Bruce stated calmly. She took a step back. "Emily, calm down."

"You-" She looked over at Bruce. "You knocked him up." She whispered. Bruce's sighed. "It's one thing for you two be together but a kid? He attacked us barely even two months ago! Do you not remember that?!" Loki looked away, pulling away from Bruce. Emily shook her head and left the room. Bruce wrapped his arms around Loki.

"Don't listen to her." He whispered into Loki's ear.

"But she's right." Loki whispered. "I-I'm a monster and so will our child." Bruce sighed softly and kissed Loki's cheek.

"I don't think you're a monster." Loki's pale complexion started melting away until it was replaced by dark blue skin and swirling white lines. Loki turned to show Bruce his now red eyes. Bruce smiled. "Not a monster to me." Loki smiled faintly and turned back to the movie.


"Hey babe, wanna sleep in my. . ." Bruce fell short when he heard a small snore. Smiling, Bruce picked up Loki bridal style and walked into his room, setting the god down on his bed.

Loki curled into Bruce's chest once Bruce laid down. Bruce smiled softly and ran his fingers through Loki's hair before kissing his forehead.

"Goodnight, Loki."

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