Chapter 8

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What's in a name, really? Like, how important is it? You don't even get to use it, or you rarely get to anyways. Does the name have to be perfect? Or can it just be simple? What if it's as extravagant as a Disney Princess'? Those thoughts ran through Tony's mind every time he tried to think of a name for his daughter. He had a little less than four months now and he wanted the name to be right- no, perfect. The name had to be perfect. If only he could think of one.

Steve just wanted simple, something that wasn't too present day or too old school. He wanted something that was easy to say and easy to spell, not something as complicated as some of the names now a days. And, unlike his counterpart, he was fine with whatever he thought was right; no bells and whistles attached. Which is why he thought Tony was bonkers for the amount of stress he was putting into this.

"What about Lauren?" Tony suggested while Steve was busy making dinner. The brunette was sitting on the stool at the island watching the blonde cook. It was a little hard for him given the rounded bump he had and his wide shoulders that made him look like a Dorito, but Steve was able to do it. But having the pizza service on speed dial always came in handy.

Steve shook his head. "That's certainly a possibility." The blonde hummed in thought. "Rebecca?" Tony scrunched his nose.

"No. You wanna give Bianca a try?" Steve looked over at Tony, momentarily stopping what he was doing.

"What kind of name is that?" Tony shrugged. "Annabeth?" Tony smirked.

"So we're sticking with a Percy Jackson theme?" Steve raised an eyebrow as if to say 'what's that'. "No? Okay, how about Emily?" Steve smiled.

"Yes! Not too present day, not too old school, just what I was looking for!" Steve beamed, causing Tony to smile at how excited Steve got. Tony secretly always loved the name but didn't know if Steve would like it. "But our little Emily needs a middle name, Tony." The brunette nodded, eyeing the blonde's protruding baby bump. Tony loved the sight of that bump, Steve so rounded with Tony's child and to think that it will only grow sent shivers down Tony's spine. He definitely wanted a second child.

"Mia?" Tony suggested. Steve scrunched his nose.

"Emily Mia just doesn't sound right. But what about Emily Sofia?" Tony thought about it.

"Maybe." He finally decided. "But I was thinking Emily Margret." Steve looked back up, surprised by the name.

"After-" He was cut off by a nod from the inventor.

"Emily Sarah and Emily Maria just didn't sound right and then it would be unfair that she's named after only one of our mothers. But if she were named after Aunt Peggy then it's different; both of us were close to her." Steve nodded with a smile on his face. "And this sounds better. To me, anyway."

"No. No, it's perfect, Tony. Really. It's-it's perfect." Tony smiled at Steve's back since he had returned to cooking. Damn, he succeeded at getting his perfect name and he let Steve get his happy medium. Tony really was great at some things.

"So we have a name!" Tony cheered. Steve nodded. "Hello, little Emily. You're going to be the most loved little girl in all of New York." Tony cooed. Steve chuckled.

"Tony, she can't hear you." He scolded lightly, setting the food onto plates before dishing them out. "And even if she could, you shouldn't be telling her lies."

"I am not! She will be the most loved little girl in the entire state!" Tony defended. Steve rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. You're insane." He admitted.

"No, it's called eccentric." Tony corrected. Steve laughed as Tony sat down at the table.

"Dinner ready?" Bruce asked, walking into the room from his lab. The two nodded before he joined them at the table. It wasn't long before the rest of the team showed up and sat around the table to eat. Dinner was quiet which was lovely and well deserved, but eventually curiosity killed the cat and Clint had to ask what was eating him away.

"Have you guys picked a name yet?" He asked, pushing around the food on his plate. "You've only got 4 months left." Steve and Tony shared a look before breaking out in matching smirks.

"As a matter of fact, we did." Steve replied. Everyone buzzed with excitement and anticipation at finding out the name. "Tony, will you do the honors?"

"Certainly. The name of the newest addition to the tower is, drum roll please. . . Emily Margret Stark." Tony announced. The team cheered.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl." Bruce complimented. "Congratulations once again, you two."

"Yeah, she will be." Tony agreed, staring longingly at Steve. The blonde was practically glowing to Tony but then again, he always has been. Tony couldn't have asked for better when it came to the man he loved. Once Steve noticed Tony's gaze, his cheeks turned a dusty rose.

"Just sh-shut up and eat your d-dinner." He stammered. Tony smiled, stealing a kiss from his lover.

"But will be if she gets anything from you. Our little angel will be beautiful because of you."

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