Chapter 25

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Loki descended the stairs into the lab so he could alert Bruce of his presence. The scientist had always fascinated the god. Loki never understood how someone could meet gods but still be so fascinated with this thing they called science. But now he understood why Thor was so attracted to Jane. It appeared to be the wrong time for Loki to come down because Bruce was currently taking his shirt off; he had spilled something on it and didn't feel like mutating any more, he was content with just the gamma radiation. Loki tried to go back up stairs upon seeing that Bruce was currently preoccupied but tripped on one of the steps, gaining Bruce's attention.

"Oh. Hey Loki." He greeted. "What're you doing here?" Loki cleared his throat and straightened his posture.

"I have been sentenced here while Asgard redoes their prisons." He responded with a roll of his eyes. "They didn't think it wise to keep me in the palace. Thor thought it better for me here." Bruce raised an eyebrow.

"And what do you think?" He asked. Loki's look softened.

"I think all of this is unnecessary. They could've locked me up in the library for all I care." Bruce smiled softly. Loki almost smiled until he remembered that Bruce was shirtless. Instead he cleared his throat and looked away. Bruce looked down in confusion, now realizing that he had taken off his shirt because of the chemicals he got on it. He reached across the table and grabbed one of Tony's shirts that was on the floor. It was a little small around the shoulders but it would work just fine. "Is there a reason as to why you were shirtless?" He wasn't complaining, just curious.

"I had spilled something on my shirt, didn't want to get burned or anything." Loki nodded, confused and intrigued, as he peered over at the table to see what Bruce was doing. The salt and pepper haired man caught on and gestured for Loki to come over. The god shook his head but Bruce continued. "C'mon Loki, I'm not going to hurt you." Loki raised an eyebrow.

"The last time we interacted you slammed me against the floor." The raven stated. Bruce smirked slightly before shaking his head.

"That wasn't me." He explained. "The, um, Hulk was in charge then, not me." Loki crossed his arms but came closer.

"This Hulk you speak of, what is he?" Loki asked. "If you say he's not you." Bruce thought about how to word it.

"Well, we're not the same person we just inhabit the same body." Loki raised an eyebrow, leaning his elbows against the table. "He-" Bruce paused. "He is the product of an experiment gone wrong." He corrected. Loki nodded slightly. "I was- well, it doesn't matter what I was doing. The experiment failed and now I have to live with the consequences of that forever." Loki placed a cold hand on Bruce's shoulder. Bruce looked into the god's emerald eyes. Loki smiled softly, something Bruce had never seen.

"I'm sure he can't be that bad." Loki commented.

"He nearly killed you." Bruce pointed out. Loki shrugged.

"I've been through worse." Loki brushed off with a smirk. "And you- he almost broke through the mind control." Bruce raised an eyebrow.

"You were being mind controlled?" Loki nodded. "But a month ago. . ." Loki looked away.

"In a family where they care more about your older brother than you any attention becomes good after awhile." Loki whispered. "Mother cared. But father. . ." Loki shook his head. Bruce cupped Loki's cheek, brushing his cheek with his thumb. "And Thor never payed much attention to me."

"But he adores you." Bruce said. Loki looked up into his soft brown eyes. Bruce smiled warmly. "It breaks is heart every time he has to go against you." Loki cleared his throat and looked away.

"Yes, well, then he should pay more-" Loki was cut off by Bruce's lips against his. Panicking, Loki pulled away. Bruce's eyes widened slightly.

"I'm sorry!" He apologized. "I don't know what came over me." Loki shook his head, smirking, before leaning in to kiss Bruce again. The scientist was surprised at first before he kissed back. They pulled away when they needed air.

"Don't apologize, just don't surprise me with something like that." Loki corrected. Bruce smirked before kissing him again. Loki wrapped his arm around Bruce's neck, his other hand getting tangled in his hair. Bruce gripped Loki's waist before pulling up and over the table.

Loki wrapped his legs around Bruce's waist as they continued kissing. Bruce's hands placed at the base of his hips. Both of Loki's arms were wrapped loosely around the scientist's neck. They pulled away for air and rested their foreheads against each other.

"I love you." They both breathlessly stated before going back in for a kiss. Bruce's hand trailed up Loki until he was tugging on the god's shirt. Loki hastily broke the kiss so he could take off the shirt; he just threw it on the ground when he was done. Bruce took a few steps back so they were up against the wall and took off his. Then they both went in for another kiss.

Bruce flipped them around so Loki was against the wall. He pushed the god so hard against the wall that it left a crack. Bruce just smirked and continued kissing Loki. Loki moved his hands down to Bruce's belt buckle. Bruce's smirk grew as he helped Loki with it before tackling the god's. Now both men were just in their boxers. Loki wrapped his legs around Bruce again before spotting someone by the stairway.

"Bruce?" He called as Bruce sucked on his neck. Loki ran his fingers through his curly hair. "Bruce?" He asked again when he didn't get an answer. Bruce stopped and looked up.

"What's wrong?" Loki gestured to the door.

"I think we have company." He whispered. Peter ran down when he heard the crack in the wall. He stood there, his eyes wide in terror. Bruce turned his head to see the boy.

"Shit." Bruce cursed under his breath. "Pete, go back upstairs, we're fine." Peter immediately ran back upstairs. "That's gonna be hard to explain later. Especially to his parents." Loki smirked.

"Yes, but you have to admit that what we're doing is better than whatever you were doing before I came down." Bruce chuckled, kissing Loki's forehead. "We'll talk to the boy later. Right now I'd rather continue what we're doing." Bruce nodded with a smirk.

"Which brings me to this: where were we?"

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