Chapter 5

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One month. It had only been one month since the married couple found out they were expecting and Tony flipped out about each day. Steve didn't think it was possible for Tony to worry so much but he was proved wrong.

Eventually the soldier got fed up with his husband's constant worrying and called him out on it. They were sitting on the couch one afternoon and Steve was attempting at reading a book but Tony's constant mumbling under his breath distracted him. Looking up too often, Steve soon gave up.

"Tony." He stated softly. Tony was too busy worrying to notice what he said.

"What if do the same thing my father did?" The brunette mumbled. "What if I hurt them?" Tony's eyes widened as he turned to face Steve. "What if I hurt them?"

"Tony." Steve repeated. Tony ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm gonna hurt them. I'm gonna hurt them, Steve. I'm not fit to be a father." He rambled. "I can't do this. I can't do this!" Steve softly grasped Tony's shoulder, jarring him from his thoughts.

"You're not going to hurt them, Tony. You'll make an amazing father." Steve reassured. Tony looked deeply into the older man's blue eyes. "Listen to me, Tony. You need to stop worrying about being a bad father and start looking forward to being an amazing father because I know for a fact that you will be the latter. Anyone who is willing to risk their life just to save a world that has treated him poorly all his life is going to be an amazing dad. You just need to hav a faith in yourself or else you'll never amount to your greatest potential." Tony smiled slightly. "And you're not alone in this. You will always have me, then there's Nat and Clint who I know will help out, and Bruce and Thor that will tons of help around here. And if all of them are busy then we'd have Bucky and Rhodey who will be wonderful with the kid, Sam, Pepper, and I'm sure Fury would help out every once in a while. You'll never be alone, Tony, I promise."

"You have so much faith in me, Steve. How is that possible?" Steve smiled softly before going in to kiss Tony's forehead.

"Because you're my husband. Do you even remember that? Or are you too busy worrying to remember that you were my husband first before the father of my child?" Tony at first started nodding before he caught himself and shook his head.

"I-I remember that. At least I would hope I do, I am the one that said 'I do.'" Steve chuckled, noticing how Tony was slowly relaxing into his touch.

"You're not the only one that said it, you know." Steve joked. Tony started chuckling too, he even went as far as smiling. Man did Steve love that smile. "Feeling better?" Tony nodded slightly.

"Yeah. Thanks, Steve, that helped a lot." Steve kissed Tony's forehead. Tony's eyes wondered to the book on Steve's lap. "Now, whatcha reading?" Steve motioned to his lap.

"A book." He responded. Tony rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I can see that, Captain Obvious." Steve stuck his tongue out at him. "What I meant was, what book are you reading?" Steve chuckled.

"To Kill a Mockingbird." He answered. Tony nodded his approval. "Everyone's been saying it's a classic and, unfortunately, it was published while I was under so I decided to borrow it from the library."

"It's a good book; read it in high school." Tony commented, a smile warming his cheeks. "I love you, you know that right?" Steve snorted.

"I would certainly hope so or else this little being wouldn't be in here." Steve said, pointing to his stomach. Tony rolled his eyes. "Yes, I know you love me. I love you too, Tony." The brunette rested his head on the blonde's shoulder. Steve wrapped his arm around Tony's smaller frame. "And I'm sure he or she will love you too." Tony smiled as Steve picked up the book and continued reading from it.

"Do you think we're ready?" Steve chuckled.

"Not in the slightest. But ready or not, they're coming." Steve smirked slightly. "By the time they're here we'll be ready."

"And if we're not?" Tony asked. Steve turned his face to face Tony's.

"Then we'll make it up as we go along. No parent is completely ready with their first kid. Even my parents were unprepared." Tony's eyes widened in fake surprise.

"You mean the golden boy's parents didn't know what to do with their perfect little boy?" He joked. Steve rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't that perfect back then. Need I remind you that I could barely breath when I was born." Tony nodded slightly.

"Yes, yes. I think I remember my father mentioning that in one of his many monologues about you." Tony smirked. "Oh if my father could see us now." Steve rolled his eyes.

"Tony, don't get spiteful with your father just because you married me." The blonde scolded. "I swear, the way you describe him sometimes makes him sound like two completely different people." Tony gasped.

"You mean you two knew each other?" He joked. "I had no idea!" Steve rolled his eyes. "He totally didn't mention you twenty-thousand million times while I was growing up. Every time I turn it was the same thing, 'You know, Captain America saved America from Nazis, what are you going to do with your life?' I swear, sometimes I wanted you to be alive just so I could punch you in the face."

"I didn't know how much that affected you, Tony. How many times did he say it?"

"Let's see, ten, twenty, thirty. . . About fifty times a day. Twice that on weekends." Tony scoffed. "But if I was a good boy I'd get to hear the same old boring story about how you became Captain America."

"Okay, don't be an ass." Tony pouted.

"But being an ass is the only thing I know."

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