Chapter 29

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A month after the wedding, making it the middle of November and Natasha being six months along with Loki being four, everyone sat around the living room. Emily, who was in the lab, walked in and smiled brightly at the two expecting couples which raised suspicion for Natasha. Ever since she hit her second trimester, she had become more wary of everyone.

"Hi everyone." Emily greeted, ignoring the look she was receiving from her godmother.

"Hey Emily." Loki greeted back softly, snuggling closer to Bruce on the couch to keep warm. Emily raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you were a frost giant. Shouldn't you be immune to the cold?" Emily asked. Loki shrugged.

"Normally, yes but you fail to remember that there is a living person inside of me eating away at my life force." Emily rolled her eyes.

"Someone's a happy camper." She mumbled, her smile dropping slightly before returning. She clapped her hands together. "Anyway, I have finally figured out how to work the ultrasound equipment so, are you ready to find out the gender of your children?" Loki immediately got off the couch and started heading down to the lab.

"I'll take that as a yes." Bruce and Emily remarked. Emily giggled before turning to Natasha and Bucky.

"You too Aunt Tasha and Uncle Bucky." She added before turning to follow Loki and Bruce down the stairs. Natasha and Bucky got up and followed her.


"Alright Loki, you are having a. . ." Emily trailed off as she moved the wand around.  She stopped when she got a good view of the baby. Emily smirked. "Girl." Bruce smiled warmly down at Loki.

"A girl? Oh Bruce isn't this amazing?" Loki cooed, grabbing Bruce's hand.

"It's wonderful Loki." Bruce agreed. "And now we can start coming up with baby names." He added. Emily smiled softly at the two of them before turning to what Emily had dubbed as the only straight couple living in the house. Sure, Thor was straight but Jane didn't live with them and Emily wasn't sure about Peter. She herself wasn't entirely straight anyway, but that's beside the point.

"Your turn, Aunt Tasha." She stated. Loki got off the bed so Natasha could fill the place. Emily spread the cold gel over Natasha's belly that was little bigger than normal for six months with one kid before moving the wand around. Her eyes widened slightly. "Wow." She whispered. "Well I have some news." Natasha stiffened.

"Is the baby okay?" She asked, not wanting to jump to any conclusions. Emily nodded.

"Yeah, they're fine." She assured. Natasha called slightly before raising an eyebrow. Emily nodded again as Natasha propped herself up on her elbows. "Twin boys. See for yourself." Natasha looked over at the screen, Bucky coming over and doing the same. His eyes widened. "I believe a congratulations is in order."

"Wow." Bucky breathes out. "We're. . . Wow." Bucky could handle one kid, but two? And both are boys? He didn't know if he could handle it. Natasha looked up at her husband.

"James? Are you okay?" She asked. Bucky started to nod before stopping.

"I'm. . . I'm going on a walk." Bucky announced, moving to the stairs.

"Be safe." Natasha called after him. Bucky nodded as he continued walking away. Natasha turned to Emily with a small smile. "Thank you, Emily." Emily just nodded before packing the equipment away.

"Hey Buck, where're you going?" Steve asked when Bucky came back upstairs. The former assassin just continued walking. "Bucky?"

"Out for a walk." He stated. "I need some fresh air." Steve nodded but stood up from his spot on the couch, watching his retreating form. A few minutes after Bucky left, everyone else came back up. Steve stood by the window, making sure his friend was okay.

"So, girl or boy?" Tony asked, looking away from his husband to the god.

"Girl." Loki answered with a smile as he sat back down. Tony smiled as Peter moved around in his father's lap.

"Oh she's going to be beautiful." Clint cooed. "What's Natasha having?"

"Twin boys." Emily answered before the redhead could open her mouth.

"Twins?" Steve mouthed, still facing the window, before the lightbulb went off in his mind. "No wonder he walked out." Steve concluded as he grabbed his jacket, running out of the house. "Bucky! Wait up!" Bucky looked back briefly.

"Why?" He asked, his hands in his jean pockets. It was cold outside but Bucky liked the cold. Steve caught up with his childhood best friend.

"Emily said you and Tasha are having twins. Why aren't you happy about that?" Bucky looked to the ground.

"I don't know if I'm capable of being a father." Bucky mumbled. Steve softened, grabbing Bucky's metal shoulder.

"You will make an amazing father." Steve assured him. Bucky looked up into his friends blue eyes.

"How do you know?" Steve smiled softly.

"Because if the way you looked at Em when she was born is proof enough, you'll adore your children." Bucky smiled faintly. "You were amazing with her and always made sure she was okay. Buck, sometimes you acted more like her father than Tony did." Bucky chuckled. "So you'll make an amazing father." Bucky's smile grew slightly. "And if you ever need help, I'll always be there to help you."

"Thanks Steve. That really helped."

"Now, can we go back inside?" Bucky nodded.


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