Chapter 24

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About twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang. Emily, who was washing her hands in the bathroom, ran out to go get it.

"I got it!" She announced as she practically jumped over the couch just to get to the door. Like always, Steve and Emily had the traditional barbecue for their birthday. But instead of having at the tower like it has always been, Tony decided to take them somewhere else. Because of that, Emily couldn't have Jason over to celebrate her birthday like she was planning to. Emily opened the door with a smile. "Hey Ja-" She stopped when she saw who was there. "Oh. It's you two." Bucky chuckled as Emily let him in.

"Love you too." He commented. Emily smiled apologetically.

"That's not what I meant." She corrected. Bucky raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were Jason." She explained. Bucky nodded. "Can we just start this over?" Bucky chuckled. "It's good to see you guys." Bucky and Natasha gave her a hug.

"Good to see you too, Em." Natasha agreed. Steve and Tony walked into the room a second later. The brunette was surprised by the visitors given that Natasha had moved out a few weeks ago to live with Bucky so their child would have their parents living under the same house. The blonde was just excited to see them.

"Hi Tasha, hi Buck." Steve greeted, going in to give Bucky a hug which the soldier returned. With a smile, Steve turned to Natasha and gave her a hug as well.

"What can we do for the two of you?" Tony asked, offering a friendly smile.

"Nothing." Bucky lied. Emily raised an eyebrow. He was never the best liar.

"Oh yeah?" Emily asked, crossing her arms. She turned to her godmother. "Aunt Tasha?" Natasha smirked. Bucky shot her a look to which she ruffled his hair.

"I taught you well." She commented. "That or Bucky's the bad of a liar."

"The latter." Emily said. Natasha laughed before turning to Steve.

"If it's not to much to ask for, a place to stay." She answered. Steve smiled at her.

"Absolutely, Tasha." He told her. She smiled. "But what happened to your house?"

"I'm betting HYDRA ransacked it trying to find me. Or us. Or both." Bucky stated.

"Why?" Tony asked.

"Well, whether I like it or not, I'm The Winter Soldier and Tasha's pregnant." Bucky explained, playing with his wedding band. The two had eloped a few weeks ago. "If they could get at least one of us. . . Well, it would kind of be the out come we were fearing when you were pregnant with Emily." Said girl raised an eyebrow before shaking her head; it wasn't worth questioning.

"Well the two of you are always welcome here." Steve assured them. Bucky and Natasha smiled.

"Yeah, you'll get your own floor with a guest bedroom that we can turn into a nursery for the baby." Tony agreed. "We still have some of Emily and Peter's stuff when they were babies, I'm sure we can work something out."

"And it's not too much of a problem?" Natasha asked. Tony shook his head.

"Natasha, you just moved out. We might be superheroes but we're not that fast at changing rooms." Natasha laughed. "You can even have your old room."

"Alright. Thank you so much you two." Just then the doorbell rang again. Emily perked up and moved to go get it.

"This better be Jay." Emily mumbled under her breath as she opened the door. Standing there, was her tall, blonde boyfriend holding a small bouquet of violets. Emily looked from him down to the flowers with a smile. "Wow, Jay. Those are beautiful." She commented.

"Almost as beautiful as their owner." Jason complimented, making Emily blush. "But their owner is far prettier than the flowers." Her cheeks turned an even brighter red as she accepted the flowers. Jason kissed her cheek. "Consider them a belated birthday gift." Emily smiled before walking away to go find a vase. Jason walked into the room, just watching as she retreated.

"They're so cute together." Bucky commented, the two teens oblivious.

"They really are." Natasha agreed. Tony rolled his eyes. He never approved of his daughter dating (he thought she should be dating at age thirty, not fifteen when the started dating), but he had to admit that Emily and Jason were too cute a couple to break up just because of his childish thinking. He was glad that it was Jason she took an interest to and not somebody else.

"Hey Bucky, hello Natasha." Jason greeted once he noticed they were there. The two waved.

"So you're the famous Jason Howlett." Loki announced, walking into the room. Jason turned to face him, immediately squaring up and getting into fighting stance. Loki smirked, loving the reaction he got from the blonde.

"Take one more step, Bub, and you won't be able to move for a week." Jason threatened, pulling out his claws and blocking Emily from view. Emily smirked, watching the two interact for a second before butting in.

"Relax Jay, he's already been told what would happen if stepped out of line." Emily assured him. Jason raised an eyebrow.

"Considering what you did to him a month ago, I'm sure he'll listen to it. And if he doesn't-" Jason shot Loki a look, retracting his claws. "-well, I know what to do." Emily smirked before pulling Jason with her upstairs. "Where are we going?" Emily turned, a huge smile on her face; Jason loved that smile.

"We're gonna have a movie marathon all night until tomorrow morning." Jason smiled. Steve and Tony furrowed their brows but smiled. "So you better pee now because we'll be occupied for the rest of the night." Jason laughed.

"Do we not get popcorn?" Emily shook her head. "What? No popcorn? But how do you expect me to watch a movie?!" He complained. Emily smiled, pulling him in for a kiss the whispering into his ear.

"I've got a hidden stash of candy in my room." Jason laughed as he pulled away.

"Alright. What movie are we starting with?" Emily smirked.

"The Titanic." She joked. Jason nodded along.

"Okay." He agreed. Emily furrowed her brow.

"Try Batman v. Superman instead." She corrected.

"Alright. I'm fine with either." Emily stared at him in shock for a moment.

"You'd really watch the Titanic if I asked?" Jason shrugged.

"Why not? It's s good movie." He defended. Emily rolled her eyes.

"Dude! Do you really think I would want to watch the Titanic on my own free will?"

"No, I guess not." She laughed.

"Good. Now let's go." She ordered, pulling Jason up the stairs with her. Soon it was just the adults left in the room.

"You know, they are sorta like you two." Bucky pointed out, putting an arm around Natasha's waist. Steve and Tony turned to him.

"Really? How so?" Steve asked.

"Just the way they act around each other." Natasha agreed.

"And who's who?" Tony questioned, buying into what they were selling.

"Well clearly Jason's you, Tony." Bucky stated. Tony raised an eyebrow. "With trying to sweep her off her feet, getting protective over her even though he knows she can take care of herself. But he stills has a soft side, just like you." Tony smiled faintly. He could see the slight similarities.

"Which makes Emily you, Steve." Natasha continued. "The way she blushes too quickly and likes being protected sometimes. Not to mention she would rather do something old school." Steve looked down to the floor with a smile.

"You used to love going to the movies when we could. Always a huge fan of Snow White." Bucky reminded. Steve nodded.

"Hey, where's Bruce?" Loki finally spoke up, interrupting the current conversation which just picked up after him.

"Down in the lab, sir." JARVIS answered when everyone else ignored him. Loki moved to go down the stairs that led into the lab.

"Thank you JARVIS."

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