Chapter 20

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Soon to be seventeen year old Emily Stark trailed behind her father as he made sure everyone was ready for the mission, stomping her feet every chance she got and pouting every time he turned around. Her brown and slightly bouncy hair reached her shoulder blades and her blue eyes showed how pissed off she was.

"Why can't I come with you?" She asked for the millionth time that morning. Tony rolled his eyes, he was getting tired of having to reject his daughter.

"Because this isn't a job for The Golden Alliance!" He snapped. Emily took a step back. Tony sighed. "Plus your mother doesn't want you to fight with us." Emily crossed her arms.


"For starters, he doesn't want you to get hurt. But he also doesn't want Loki to use you the same way he used Clint the last time we fought him." Tony explained. Emily rolled her eyes.

"UGH!" She complained, stomping her foot on the floor. She was tired off being treated like a child, she was almost seventeen after all.

"Sorry Em, but if I let you fight Steve will kick my ass." Tony smiled at her sympathetically.

"Let him." She muttered under her breath, staring at her father's back. "I want to fight with you." She demanded. Tony sighed.

"Alright." He agreed. Emily smiled triumphantly. "Ask him." Her smile dropped.

"What?" She asked. Tony chuckled.

"I said ask him." He repeated. "I'm not the one that should make the finally decision. After all, he almost never went back onto the field after you were born." Emily's nostrils flared. "But I eventually talked him into going back out."

"Thank. You." She said through gritted teeth. Tony went to say something but Emily had already started walking to where Steve was. He was standing by the window, waiting for everyone else to show up so they could go. Emily opened her mouth to speak but Steve cut her off without even looking at her.

"No." He stated. Emily clenched her fists. "I don't want Loki to use you."

"He won't use me!" She declared. "Mom, I survived HYDRA trying to turn me into the next Winter Soldier four years ago, I think I can handle a stupid trickster god." Steve turned to face Emily. The two stared at each other before he sighed, looking to the floor.

"Fine, you can come." He complied. Emily's triumphant smile returned. "But you have to help Peter with his chores." Emily nodded.

"Deal." She agreed. "Help Pete with chores, easy peasy." Steve chuckled.

Emily called her metal suit to her which cane within seconds. The red, white, and blue themed metal fit her build perfectly and gave her room to move. It was breathable and could save her even if it were malfunctioning, Emily loved how it turned out. Steve caught her admiring it.

"Are we going to stand here and admire the suit all day?" He asked. Emily shook her head. "Good. Let's go." The Avengers plus one headed out the door and to way Loki was wreaking havoc on the city. "Though it is a nice looking suit." Emily rolled her eyes at her mother but it went unnoticed.

The team split up, one team going one way the other the other way. Emily didn't split, she went straight for Loki. Everyone thought she was insane for battling the god head on but she didn't care, she didn't need to boost his ego.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the one and only Iron Woman." Emily rolled her eyes.

"Seriously? The suit's red, white, and blue and you call me Iron Woman?" Emily smirked as she sent a jolt of energy Loki's way. "The name's Iron Patriot, jackass." Loki chuckled, deflecting the beam with his staff. Emily got out of the way before it hit her.

"Very well. Whatever suits your fancy, I suppose." Loki looked around as if he was looking for someone. "Where's your boyfriend, Griffon? Or your team The Golden Alliance?" Emily stood her ground.

"This isn't a job for them." She stated, firing again. This time it hit Loki. Barely.

"Ah, I see." His eyes landed on hers. "Well onto destroying the Avengers." Emily laughed.

"Not gonna happen, Mister Mischief." Emily said before firing another blast his way, this time he wasn't quick enough to move and got the full force of it, knocking him down. Emily quickly decreased the gap between them and punched Loki's face, giving him the beginnings of a black eye. He just chuckled.

"Was that trying to impress me?" He joked. Emily's grip on the back of his neck tightened. "Because you failed."

"Oh you'll know when I'm trying to impress you." She somewhat threatened before punching him in the nose this time, breaking the bone and cartilage that was there. After making sure the civilians were okay, the Avengers stood back and watched as Emily so easily took down the god. "And this?" She gestured to what she had done to his face. "This isn't impressive, this is punishment."

"You say as you hide in a metal suit." Emily scoffed. "You are nothing but a coward!"

"You think me a coward? Oh no, sweetheart, I'm no coward." Emily argued, releasing the suit from its current state around her body. It flew back to the tower. Loki eyed the arm.

"Yet you still are conscious enough to keep you arm stable." He pointed out. Emily looked to her right arm that she had painted red this time. She loved painting the arm different colors because then it looked less frightening. This time she opted for a scarlet red.

"This old thing?" She shrugged her arm. Loki nodded. "Oh I've had this for going on four years now. This-" She laughed. "This isn't coming off." Loki swallowed before Emily's fist came into contact with his jaw, earning a loud crack. Loki's hands shot up to it. Emily smirked, letting go of his neck and turning her back to him.

"How bib you bo bat?" He asked, or at least attempted to.

"How'd I do what? Break your jaw?" Emily asked sweetly.

"Yef." Loki agreed in admiration. Emily laughed as she leaned closer to Loki.

"Maybe because I've got super strength." She whispered, calling her shield to her. "Just like my mommy." Loki's eyes widened slightly. "Wanna know another thing? Something I didn't know until late last year?" Loki tried to shake his head but Emily didn't listen. "Four years ago, HYDRA injected another dose of the serum into me, making the half I already possessed even stronger." Loki tried to speak but Emily shushed him. "Sh, sh, everything will be fine in just one second." Her shield flew into her hand and, without hesitation, Emily swung it into his stomach, knocking the air out of him. Loki choked. Emily brought the shield down onto his head, knocking him out.

As she dusted her hands off, she skipped over to where the Avengers were standing star struck. She giggled lightly, a huge smile on her face. Steve watched as she slid the shield onto her back, his jaw slack.

"See? I told you I wouldn't get hurt." She commented. "And I stopped him too!" She danced on the balls of her feet. "Without your help. Even though that would've been appreciated." Tony chuckled, grabbing her shoulder.

"Sorry, sweetie, we were just too mesmerized." Emily smirked, looking back to see the unconscious god getting dragged by his older brother.

"I did a pretty good job, didn't I?" She asked. Clint elbowed Steve.

"Remind me not to piss her off."

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