Chapter 6

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Much to Tony's displeasure, there were still mission alerts before Steve hit his four month mark which meant Steve had to come out with them. He hated Fury for even allowing Steve to go out in the first place but he couldn't argue and the inventor knew Steve would still want to go out so there really was no point in arguing about it. So he sent Clint up to go get him, knowing that if he went up there Steve would know how ticked off he was.

"Mission alert, we need our captain." Clint announced from the doorway to Steve's art studio. The blonde looked up briefly before looking back to what he was working on.

"Alright, give me a second to suit up and everything." Clint nodded.

"On it." To give him his privacy, Clint went back downstairs. Steve quickly set his stuff down and changed into his uniform that was getting a little too tight around the hips for being two months along.

Let's just hope we don't get too many threats to the city. Steve thought to himself as walked down to meet everyone else, his shield in hand.

"I'm ready." He announced. "Is everyone else?"

"We've been ready, Rogers." Natasha commented, looking perfect as ever in her skintight black leather suit that made Steve feel self conscious. He looked down at where his blue suit hugged his hips with a frown. "Now let's go!" She commanded, walking past Steve to get to the door.

"Where are we going?" He questioned, trying to make it seem like he wasn't affected by Natasha's comment, as he walked behind her.

"95th court has some weird robot looking dudes." Clint said, trying to catch up to the two. Steve nodded before noticing that the team was three members short.

"Where's the rest of the team?"

"Tony and Thor left already. Since they can fly, they went down there to help out civilians." Bruce commented as he walked out of the bathroom. "And I'm not coming. We don't need a code green. Not yet at least." Steve nodded. He didn't know whether or not to be proud that he's been such a great leader they can function without him or be offended that they can while he's still apart of the team.

"Understandable. Now let's go." The three members walked out of Stark Tower an ran over to join the fight though it was practically a jog for one. Not that he was going to show it or anything, but Steve did need a second to catch his breath. Luckily, no one noticed and he was able to snap into action immediately.


"What's the stat, Steve?" Tony asked over the intercom as he flew around the area trying to locate any civilians him and Thor might have missed.

"There's about a third of the robots left." Steve replied, jamming his shield into one of the robots' chest. Natasha and Clint were up top on one of the buildings, firing from afar whereas Thor stayed on the ground and defeated a row of robots with one swing. Steve looked to his shield, which could only kill one robot at a time. Has he always been this useless?

"Roger that, Captain." Clint joked. Steve rolled his eyes.

"Alright, how many of you have planned on making that joke?" Steve asked, slightly irritated. Tony he can handle, he is his husband after all. But from everyone else it just gets tiring, especially when it's no longer Rogers anymore.

"I think all of us, Steve." Natasha replied as she shown a robot that was coming up behind Steve. The blonde turned to her and saluted. "If I'm being honest, anyway."

"Yes, well, you can't use that joke anymore." Steve stated, throwing his shield to knock out three robots. "Considering it's Stark now." Tony smirked under the mask.

"And don't you forget it, babe." Steve rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless. Scanning the area, it looked like they had gotten the rest of the robots.

"Are there any civilians that need medical attention?" Steve asked.

"Nope. Thunder Thighs and I took care of them all earlier. I think it's safe to say we can go home." Tony replied. Steve nodded, ready to get the suit off of his body. Everyone returned home and promptly got out of their uniforms and changed into normal clothes. Steve slid on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt before hiding out in his art studio.

Tony, who was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and one of his black AC/DC shirts, came looking for Steve when the blonde never came back downstairs. Obviously, the studio was Tony's first stop and was surprised to see Steve wearing sweatpants.

"Steve?" Tony called from a few steps inside the room. Steve didn't look up from what he was working on. "Steve?" Tony called again. With a sigh, Steve twirled the chair so he could face his husband.

"Yes Tony?" Tony was surprised by how harsh Steve had said that.

"I didn't know where you went after you got changed. I got worried." Steve gave a half shrug.

"Came in here." He mumbled before turning back to the white desk. Tony cocked his head to this side.

"Is something wrong?" He asked softly.

"No." That was a lie and Tony knew it. He took a few steps closer to the chair, close enough to reach out and grab it if he needed to.

"Yes, there is. Now what is it?" Steve sighed as he set down his pencil. "Steve?"

"The suits getting tight." He whispered. "Then Natasha comes in, looking perfect in her skintight suit like always and then I get all self conscious about it." Tony frowned slightly as Steve turned to face him again. "I had to catch my breath, Tony, after jogging. Jogging. I was able to lap Sam several times when I was in DC!" Steve looked to the floor. "Now look at me."

"Hey." Tony stated. "Don't think like that. You are amazing." Steve rolled his eyes. "You are! But you also have to remember that you are creating a human being inside of you so you won't necessarily be able to do everything you used to. And nobody's going to care if you need to take a second to catch your breath or if your suit is getting too tight on you. I certainly don't." Tony lifted Steve's chin slightly so the blonde was looking into his eyes. "I love you and nothing is going to change that." Steve sighed. "Do you understand that?" He nodded.

"Yes, Tony."

"And I don't care you want to wear sweats all day and eat chocolate or something. In fact, I might actually join you." Steve smiled slightly.

"Pull up a chair, you're more than welcome."

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