Chapter 14

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For Emily being Tony's world, he never once changed a diaper in an entire year of her existence. It was quite sad when you thought about it but Steve was always hovering around her so he never got the chance. Of course his luck had to eventually run out.

"Steve!" Tony called, holding his daughter as far away from his body as possible. "She needs a diaper change!" You could head the roll of his eyes from the other room.

"Tony, I'm in the middle of something. You change it!" Steve argued. Tony looked back to Emily.


"No buts. You're going to have to change a diaper soon." Tony sighed, Steve had a point.

"Can you at least help me?" Tony tried.

"What part of busy do you not understand? I'm in the middle of giving Peggy a bath." Steve replied. With the new bundle of joy, the proud parents adopted a golden retriever puppy from the local shelter. Actually, it was Tony who adopted her as a surprise for Steve and Emily.

"Alright, fine!" Tony sighed in defeat, setting the little girl onto the changing room. "Let's see how many tries this takes." Emily giggled.

Five tries. It took Tony five tries to successfully diaper his baby girl. But it wasn't completely his fault, the little snot kept playing around so it was almost impossible for him to put a diaper on her. She eventually got tired and let him finish.

"Okay, I think I did it." Tony mumbled. Emily blinked before giggling. "Thanks Em, really boosts my confidence." Little did he know, Emily was actually laughing at Steve who was standing in the doorway making faces at her.

"I think she's actually laughing at me." Steve commented. Tony quickly turned his attention to the blonde in the doorway. "How many tries?" He asked, Peggy running past his legs just to attack Tony's. The brunette looked down. "How many tries, Tony?"

"5." He admitted reluctantly. "But it's not like she was helping!" Tony defended. Steve scoffed.

"Sure, blame the innocent child." Steve remarked, making his way over to the changing table to retrieve his daughter. "Your daddy is just trying to make up for the fact that he doesn't know how to change a diaper." Steve cooed. Tony rolled his eyes.

"Hey, you've done it for the most part." Tony countered. Steve rolled his eyes.

"You were going to learn eventually. Especially if you want another kid." Steve shot Tony a look. And now they were finally back to their original dynamic of Steve being the smart one. "Now I'm taking her with me to meet Bucky's girlfriend, we'll be back later." Tony smirked.

"I think I already know who it is." He remarked. Steve furrowed his brow. "I think Barnes finally grew the balls to ask out Natasha. He was making heart-eyes at her the day Em was born. And let's not forget that he blushed when I said him and her would be godparents." Steve gasped.

"Tony!" He scolded. "Don't say that!" Steve looked down at Emily. "At least not in front of her." The two started laughing. Emily just started dozing off. "You really think it's Natasha?" Tony nodded.

"I'll bet my life on it." Steve nodded slightly. "But go find out for yourself! Don't forget her bottle or else you will have a very cranky baby on your hands." Tony practically shooed Steve out of the room.

"Right. Don't need her crying at lunch." Steve agreed, walking with Tony out of the room before walking to the fridge and grabbing her bottle, placing it in the diaper bag. "Peggy's already been fed so all you have to do is take her for a walk." He commented. Tony nodded, heading over to grab the leash before attaching it to the patriotic collar Peggy had. "And one more thing-" Tony looked over at the blonde who gave him a kiss. "-bye Tony."

"Bye Steve."


Sure enough, sitting in the corner booth at Steve's favorite diner were two familiar faces. A brunette with his metal arm around a redhead with a seductive smirk that never left her face. Steve sat down across from them, putting Emily's carrier in first. The three ordered their food before starting a conversation.

"So you two-" Steve gestured between the assassins. "-are together?" They nodded.

"Well once I finally got all my memories back it wasn't hard to find my favorite ballerina." Bucky commented, stroking Natasha's cheek. "Of course it didn't help that she was living with my best friend."

"But I thought you a Clint had a thing?" Natasha shook her head.

"I'm not entirely sure Clint swings that way." She remarked. Steve raised an eyebrow as their food was set down in front of them. Natasha leaned closer to the table. "I once caught him looking at Thor's ass." She confessed.

"Well who wouldn't?" Steve countered. "He's a Norse god! His ass looks amazing!" Bucky and Natasha raised an eyebrow. Steve cleared his throat, his cheeks turning slight pink. "Anyways, I'm proud of you two. You'll make an excellent couple." Bucky smiled before they all dove into their food.

Halfway through lunch, Emily started getting fussy. Of course it had to be when the waitress came over asking if everything was alright because she's Tony's kid after all and Stark's have awful timing. The waitress just cooed and the crying baby who was sitting on Bucky's lap.

"Such a cutie." She commented. "How old?"

"A year last month." Steve replied as he searched for the bottle. The waitress smiled. Steve finally found the bottle and handed it to Bucky so he could feed her.

"You and your wife must be so proud." She said before walking to the next table.

"Actually it's-" Steve tried to correct. "Oh forget it." He sighed in defeat. Bucky and Natasha shared a smirk. "I don't want to hear it, you two." They both have off a look of innocence. Steve smiled. They were definitely in love.

"Hate to break it to you, Steve, but I think I'm this case you're the wife." Bucky commented. Steve rolled his eyes.

"I said I didn't want to hear it."

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