Chapter 7

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The expecting parents had agreed on keeping the gender of the child a secret. Well, some what if a secret. Okay, not a secret at all really, just Steve wasn't allowed to know until the nursery was finished. So Tony got to know the gender of their child before Steve did (much to the blonde's displeasure) and was practically over the moon with excitement. They were having a girl; a little princess that Tony could spoil rotten.

It didn't take him long to get the nursery all set up and when you're Anthony Stark, you can get things pretty easily. Of course that meant that the brunette spared no expenses while buying the items that would be put in her room. He needed the best of the best for his little girl, anything else just wasn't going to cut it. So really, it was no surprise to the team when a chandelier and a huge mirror arrived one day while Steve was to lunch with Bucky. Worried yes, but not surprised.

And of course Tony had to get all pink, because why not? She'd be growing up in a house full of men- minus Natasha- that are all superheroes so it's not like she would get the stereotypical girl experience when it comes to growing up. And besides, pink is a version of red and both parents have red in their uniforms so it counts. Though Bruce did have a point, he could've added some blue just to bring in more of their color scheme. But he understood as to why Tony had so much pink, the nursery was not only for her but for Steve to know the gender.

But to Tony everything was perfect. All he needed now was to show Steve.

"Tony, where are you taking me?" Steve asked one afternoon, trusting Tony enough not to run him into a wall. Steve was blindfolded so it wasn't like he exactly knew what was going on around him. Tony knew and Tony was ecstatic.

"Oh relax. I'm not going run you into a wall." Tony reassured, knowing what his husband was worrying about. "Not like you don't have a cushion if I did." He snickered. Steve rolled his eyes under the mask.

"Gee thanks. That's really helping my self-esteem. Especially after what happened two months ago." Steve reminded. Ah yes, who could forget the infamous day Captain America was jealous of Black Widow? Tony's smile dropped slightly as he remembered.

"Right, almost forgot about that." Apparently Tony could. "Alright, I promise I won't make any jokes about your weight even though you're still as beautiful as the day I married you." Tony complimented. "Now, we're almost there so get ready." Steve blushed slightly.

"Ready for what, exactly? You still haven't told me where we're going." Steve pointed out. Tony smirked.

"You'll see." Steve rolled his eyes. He swears that in the past four months, he's rolled his eyes more times than he ever had in his entire life. And that's saying a lot considering he grew up with Bucky.

Quickly enough, Tony led Steve into the dazzling nursery that he built almost from the ground up. It had everything they could ever want and more. Sure, Tony was worried that Steve would hate how extravagant everything was but when your husband's Tony Stark, how can you not expect extravagant?

"Can I take the blindfold off yet?" Steve asked, growing impatient. He had his suspicions as to where they were and he wanted to see the nursery. But more importantly, learn the gender of their child. Tony felt his pockets for the slip of paper he wanted but couldn't find it.

"Shit." He cursed under his breath. "Alright, wait here. I need to go get something that I thought I already had on me." If he could see Steve's eyes right now, he would've been dead.

"Seriously, Tony?"

"Yes seriously. Now wait here." Tony ordered before leaving the room to go get the paper he wanted. When he returned, he handed the paper to Steve.

"Tony, what is this?" Tony chuckled softly.

"Take the blindfold off and look at it." Steve didn't waste a second to take the blindfold off. Once off, the blonde looked to his hands at the picture Tony handed him. It was from the latest ultrasound.

"Isn't this the picture I wasn't allowed to see the other day?" He asked. Tony nodded. "Then why am I seeing it now?"

"You know how Bruce said he would only give me the picture to see so I could get the nursery ready and everything?" Steve nodded.

"I think I would be able to remember that I wasn't allowed to know the gender of the child I'm carrying." Steve remarked. Tony smiled apologetically. "What about it?"

"Well, the nursery is finished." Tony announced, gesturing to the space around them. "So look at the picture! Or the room, doesn't really matter." Steve looked back down at scanned the picture carefully. Well, their child looked healthy so that was a step in the right direction. The blonde really didn't want their kid to have everything he did when he was little.

"It's a. . ." Steve attempted before sighing. "Tony, I have no idea how to read this." Tony chuckled.

"Then look around you, Capsicle." Steve looked up from the picture in his hands to see the astonishing work Tony did with putting together the nursery. "Like what you see?" Steve was at a loss for words.

"A girl." He whispered. "We're having a girl."

"Yeah, a little princess, Steve." Tony agreed.

"Whoa." Tony looked confused. Did Steve not want to have a girl?

"Is something wrong?" The inventor asked, worrying that their precious princess wasn't something Steve wanted. Sure, it'll be difficult for two men to raise a daughter but they'll figure it out.

"No, not at all. It's just. . ." Steve chuckled, looking over at Tony. "It's not like we know exactly what to do with a girl." Tony chuckled.

"We can learn. And Natasha's a woman so we'll have her. And Pepper! Oh, and Hill! Don't forget Jane! We'll have plenty of female help." Steve kissed Tony with a content sigh. "And then, maybe, once she's born and everything, if you want to-" Steve cut his rambling short with a kiss.

"The point, Tony?"

"We could always try for a boy." Steve chuckled.

"Let's just see how much of a troublemaker this one is." Steve commented, rubbing his baby bump. Tony smiled as Steve looked around the room again. Everything was. . . Perfect to the soldier. Honestly, he couldn't have asked for better. Though the chandelier was a little hazardous. And the mirror. And it wasn't the brightest idea to have the crib by the windows in case anyone were to break in. But other than that everything was perfect.

"Thank you." Tony stated, breaking Steve from his thoughts. The blonde looked over at the brunette, confusion painting his face.

"For what?" Tony leaned up to kiss him then rested a hand on Steve's bump.

"For giving me the chance at a family." Steve smiled, kissing Tony back and placing his hand on top of Tony's.

"There's no need to thank me. I couldn't have imagined anyone else to have shared this with than you."

(This is what the nursery looks like

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(This is what the nursery looks like.)

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