Chapter 28

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Loki was sitting in the living room, reading from one of the few books they had in the tower. Steve had quite the collection but that was his own and Loki didn't feel like bothering the captain for a book. He was now two months along and Natasha was four.

Bucky and Natasha were out looking for houses while they got gender neutral baby stuff. Tony and Steve were out on a date they had been planning for a while. Peter was at school since it was the middle of September whereas Emily was studying in her room since she was homeschooled. Thor has taken Jane to Asgard with him and Clint was with SHIELD, leaving Bruce, Loki, and Emily the only ones in the house.

"You know, I've been thinking." Bruce started as he entered the room. Loki looked up from his book briefly. Bruce came and sat down next to the raven.

"Oh?" Was all Loki responded with. Bruce nodded. With a small sigh, Loki closed his book and set it down. "Is that a good thing?"

"Possibly." Bruce danced around the topic. Loki raised an eyebrow.

"Are you going to tell me what it is you have been thinking?" Bruce shrugged with a smile.


"Bruce." Loki scolded lightly. "What is so important that you won't even tell me?" Bruce smirked as he got down from the couch on one knee. Loki's eyes widened slightly.

"Will you marry me?" Bruce pulled out a velvet box with a ring in it. The ring had a beautiful green and purple diamond on a solid gold band.

"Are. . ." Loki was stunned. "Are you serious?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Bruce countered. "We're going to have a child together." Loki looked down. "We should get married." Bruce waited for an answer but didn't get one. "Loki?" The raven shook his head.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. "But I don't want you to feel forced to marry me." Bruce closed the box. "If you only want to get married because of our child-" Loki touched his stomach. "Then we shouldn't get married." Bruce cupped Loki's cheek before kissing him.

"That is not the only reason." Bruce whispered. Loki looked deep into Bruce's eyes. "I love you and even if we weren't expecting, I'd still want to marry you." Loki smiled faintly.

"Then yes." Loki answered. "I'll marry you." Bruce opened the box again and slid the ring onto his slender finger. Emily walked down wrapped in her rainbow colored blanket and looking sleep deprived. She shuffled over to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.

"Hello beautiful." Bruce joked. Emily hazily looked over at them. "You sleepy?" She nodded. "Then go to bed."

"But I have to study for the test tomorrow." Bruce chuckled.

"Em, you already know everything there is to know on the subject. You'll do fine." Bruce assured her. "Go to bed." He ordered. Emily nodded as she shuffled back to the stairs. As she made her way over, she caught sight of the ring on Loki's finger.

"Wha. . ." She drifted off, too tired to think. Loki followed her gaze.

"Bruce asked me to marry him." Loki explained. Emily smiled.

"Aww that's so sweet." Emily cooed. "But I knew Bruce was gonna ask you before you couldn't fit into anything." Emily added. Loki glances to Bruce. "He loves you but even I know everything would be easier if you two shared a last name." Bruce nodded in remembrance. Emily always spoke the harsh truth when she was tired or sleep deprived. Loki raised an eyebrow.

"Is that so?" He questioned. Bruce smiled apologetically.

"Of course! But he does love you, like, really loves you so I wouldn't worry too much." Emily continued. "What I would worry about is his-" Bruce shot up and covered her mouth with his hand.

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