Chapter 37

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A week later, everyone except Emily, Peter, Wanda, and Pietro were called in to SHIELD. Natasha had brought the newborn babies with her because she had gone into Protective Mommy Spider mode as soon as the twins were born. She wouldn't let anyone hold them except Bucky, and sometimes not even him. Emily thought it was funny how protective she was over her kids. Steve and Bucky were just proud that she was capable of such love. As for Loki, no one knew why he was called in.

"Are you two enjoying your stay?" Emily asked Wanda and Pietro as she made them lunch. Peter had left a few minutes ago to go spend some time with Wade. He really missed his boyfriend while they were away.

"You make it sound like this is a hotel." Wanda remarked with a smirk. "But yes, I'm enjoying it." Emily smiled.

"Well with all the people that live here it might as well be." She countered. Pietro chuckled.

"You don't like everyone living here?" Pietro asked. Emily shrugged.

"Oh I do, it's just everyone here is like my aunt and uncle plus superheroes so. . ." She drifted off before shrugging again. "Sometimes it's hard to get the privacy you need with everyone breathing down your neck. And when you need them the most. . ." She looked down. "Well, sometimes there on missions and I can't talk to them." Wanda looked at her softly. "Like, the one time I really needed Natasha for lady help she was out on a mission in Bulgaria. You know how embarrassing it is to ask you two male parents for female hygiene products?" Wanda nodded, pointing to Pietro discreetly. Emily giggled. Pietro looked to his sister but she had stopped doing it. He frowned causing Emily to giggle harder. "Or- or when I needed relationship advice! I had to ask Clint because he was the only one home!" Wanda scrunched her nose. Emily flipped the sandwich she was making.

"Clint is not the right person you should go to for relationship advice." She stated. Pietro feigned hurt.

"And why is that?" He asked. Wanda looked to him. She patted his fluffy hair.

"I said relationship advice not relationships in general." She countered. Pietro frowned and crossed his arms. Emily laughed at the two sibling.

"What do you guys want with your lunch?" She asked, preventing the siblings from attacking each other. Pietro looked over the counter.

"What did you make?" He asked.

"Grilled cheese." Emily responded simply. "Figured it was the easiest thing for three people." Pietro nodded.

"Do you have tomato soup?" Wanda asked. Emily thought for a second.

"We might. Let me go check." She responded as she walked over to the cabinet. "Just in luck, we do." She announced. Wanda smiled.

"Then we'll have soup." Emily nodded as she moved to grab it out of the cabinet.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Emily, but your mother needs that for dinner tonight." JARVIS stopped her by saying. Emily frowned slightly but closed the cabinet door. Emily looked around the kitchen for something else.

"We have chips?" She suggested. Pietro and Wanda nodded.

"That's fine." She told the younger brunette.

"Then we'll have chips." Emily stated. "Is that okay, J?"

"Yes Miss Emily, that is fine."

"How come he doesn't call you by your last name?" Pietro asked, now realizing what the A.I called her. Emily shrugged.

"Too many Starks, it'd be too confusing. He calls Peter by Mister Peter."

"What does he call your parents?" Wanda asked.

"Normal sir for my dad or Mister Stark and Captain Rogers, or when my mom corrects him, Stark." Wanda and Pietro shared a look as Emily grabbed three different types of chips. "Bon appetit." She announced as she placed the plates and chips onto the table. (Sorry if I spelled that wrong.) Wanda looked up at her curiously.

"Do you speak French?" She asked as Emily sat down. She shook her head.

"Nah, I do speak Russian though." Emily corrected. Pietro's brows furrowed.

"Where'd you learn that from?" He asked. Emily looked up at him. She blinked.

"Seriously? The two Russian soldiers are my godparents, where else would I learn it from?" Pietro still looked lost. Emily rolled her eyes. Men. "Natasha and Bucky." He nodded.

"Do you know anything else?" Wanda questioned.

"English." Emily stated. Wanda rolled her eyes.

"Besides the obvious." Emily laughed.

"I know a few words in Spanish, nothing too major." Pietro raised an eyebrow.

"You don't have to learn other languages in school?" He asked. Emily smiled.

"Home schooled." She responded. Wanda and Pietro looked at each other before back to Emily.

"How come?" Then asked.

"I've been home schooled ever since I got my arm." Emily flexed her metal arm that was now a solid flesh color, as to Tony's design. They nodded. Emily smiled. "I like you two. You seem nice. Plus you're the first people I've met after the incident that haven't been afraid of it." Wanda and Pietro smiled.

"We've had our own share of things." Emily smiled. "Now this boyfriend you called the other day, was he the one you needed relationship advice for." Emily nodded as she took a bite of her sandwich.

"We were. . . Fifteen when we started dating but he had been friends for I don't even know how long before that. When I figured out how I felt about him, well, I panicked. I didn't want to lose my best friend." Emily explained. "But it all worked out." Pietro smirked.

"He seems like quite the catch." He commented. Emily nodded.

"He's amazing, he truly is."

Anyone else read what Wanda and Pietro say in their little accent? No? Just me? Okay.

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