Chapter 19

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"I'm on my way home." Thirteen year old Emily Stark told her parents over the phone as she made her way home one winter afternoon. She was bundled up in her coat and scarf to keep warm (Steve always got worried about them freezing when it came to the winter).

"Okay be careful." Steve's warm voice came through on the other end.

"I will." With a roll of her eyes, the brunette ended the call.

She had finally convinced her parents to let her walk home that day which took serious persuading given that she had broken her arm a week prior while ice skating with Ethan and Jason. Emily had assured them that nothing bad was going to happen if she walked home, even bringing up the point that they didn't live too far away.

But what she didn't know, was it was going to be the worse decision of her life.

She was walking home listening to music on her phone, not paying attention to her surroundings, which, in the winter was bad enough. But she knew her way around so to her there was no reason as to why she had to play close attention. Since she wasn't paying attention to those around her, she didn't see the two HYDRA agents come up behind her and knock her out.

When she woke up, she looked around the room to figure out where she was. She was strapped down to a table in some sort of lab as if she were an experiment. Emily tried to get out of the bounds but they were too strong for the super soldier. Not to mention that her arm still hurt from being not only broken but now restricted.

"Where am I?" She whispered.

"Ah, finally." A strangely familiar voice sounded. Emily looked around for the source of the voice but couldn't find it. "Miss Stark, glad you could join us."

"Who-" Emily shook her head. Who wasn't as important as where. "Where are you?" She asked. No answer. "What do you want from me?" The male voice chuckled.

"Your precious little brain." He responded. Emily was scared but masked it by confusion. She was a Stark goddamnit! And a super soldier, she didn't get scared. "You remember what we did to your poor Uncle Bucky, right?" Emily could practically hear the smirk in his voice. If only she knew where he was and wasn't strapped to a table.

What they did to Uncle Bucky? What is he talking about? Nothing has happened to Uncle Bucky other than. . . Emily's eyes widened.

"HYDRA." She spat as if the very word was poison. "You work for HYDRA."

"Very good. Yes, dear, I do work for HYDRA." He agreed as he walked into the light. Emily was surprised by who it was.

"I thought you were dead." She admitted. "I though you had died when you tried to use the tesseract." She let out a deep and slightly mischievous laugh. "Other men like you have tried to use that cube and have failed!" She mocked. "Now what do you wish to accomplish?"

"There are no men like me." Emily scoffed.

"They're are always men like you." She argued. "Now, what do you want?"

"The same thing we all wanted with your uncle." He responded. "You are to be the next Winter Soldier." Emily rolled her eyes.

"You'll never succeed!" She protested. Red Skull laughed.

"I'd reconsider your words if I were you." He told her before turning lights out as he exited. There was a loud snapping sound before Emily was unconscious from pain.

3 hours later, when Emily finally woke up again, she had no feeling in her right arm; the arm that she had broke while ice skating. Frantically, Emily moved to sit up, forgetting that she was restricted. Instead, the thirteen year old had to be satisfied with just looking in the direction of her right arm. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw the shiny reflection of herself in her metal arm.

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