Chapter 10

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Of course there had to be another mission alert while Steve couldn't go out. Of course Tony got worried and called Bucky to "babysit" Steve. Of course Bucky agreed. And of course Steve didn't know about any of this other than the mission.

"Bucky! What are you doing here?" Steve asked, surprised by his best friend's visit. Bucky smiled.

"Tony called me." He explained. "Said there was a mission alert." Steve raised an eyebrow, looking over at his husband who was getting ready to leave. Tony smiled sheepishly when he got Steve's glare.

"Did he now?" Steve questioned. "And he called you to what? Babysit me?" Bucky laughed.

"Of course not." Bucky told him at the same time Tony said, "Of course." Both soldiers shot him a look.

"I can protect myself, Tony." Steve scolded, folding his arms on top of his bump. "I don't need a babysitter. No offense, Buck." The older brunette shrugged. Tony sighed.

"I know that, of course I do. But, Steve, you have to admit that you are a little slower than you were seven months ago." Tony reasoned. Steve fixed his stance. "Not to mention that you have this big ass bump in the way." Steve raised an eyebrow. Tony held up a finger. "Not what I meant." He corrected. Steve smirked. "But the point is, if something were to happen and you were all alone, I don't want to chance it. They could kidnap you, Steve, and God knows what they'll do to her." Steve softened. "I'm just trying to look out for her." Bucky elbowed Steve.

"He's got a pretty good point." Steve turned to Bucky about ready to yell but the stopped and sighed. "You can't argue with me on this, punk."

"No, I can't." Steve agreed. "How is it that you've turned into the wise one?" He asked Tony who shrugged, walking over to the soldiers. Steve wrapped his arms around Tony before leaning down and kissing him. "Stay safe and come back alive. Our daughter doesn't need to be fatherless." Tony scoffed.

"We all know that Bucky would just take over as her father." He joked. Steve rolled his eyes. "But I'll stay safe. I don't need her to grow up without me." Tony kissed Steve one last time before leaving. Steve sighed contently before sitting down on the couch, Bucky following.

"You know, I don't think I ever heard the name." Bucky pointed out. Steve raised an eyebrow. "That is, if you have one for her."

"I never told you?" Bucky shook his head. "Oh. I thought I did." Steve looked down to his stomach with a smile. "Emily Margret." Steve admitted, looking back to the brunette. Bucky nodded, impressed.

"You got Tony to agree to old school? I'm impressed." Steve shook his head.

"Margret was actually his idea." Bucky's eyes widened. "He didn't like the idea of her being named after only one of our mothers so he decided on Margret as remembrance to Peggy. That was her full name after all." Bucky smiled.

"Who knew Tony Stark could be so sentimental?" He joked. Steve laughed, a huge smile on his face. The blonde looked down at his bump once more, his smile never leaving his face. Bucky's gaze followed, his smile growing as well. "How much longer?"

"About two months." Steve replied. "Before I finally get to hold my daughter." Bucky's smile turned soft.

"She's going to be beautiful, just like her name." Steve rolled his eyes. "She will be!"

"I've heard that a lot over the past seven months." Steve commented.

"But it's true! She'll be a sight for sore eyes, Steve, with a heart of gold if she's anything like you. You'll have to lock her away because all the boys will be chasing her. Not to mention that she'll be spoiled rotten."

"By who?" Bucky chuckled.

"Well for starters, me. Then of course Sam, Tasha, Clint." He listed. "Thor will treat her like the princess she is, Pepper, Rhodey, and who can forget her own father." Steve shook his head.

"Not me." Bucky continued to chuckle.

"Who said I was referring to you?" Bucky countered. "You married a billionaire, did you expect him not to spoiler his daughter?" Steve shook his head. "Which brings me to the most important question of the day, have you figured out what she's going to call you two?" Steve shrugged.

"Pops for me, I guess. And then Tony could have dad. That part is technically true." Bucky nodded.

"I don't understand why she doesn't just call you mom." Steve shot Bucky a look. Bucky shrugged. "It's not like it's not true." He defended.

"I guess." Steve admitted. "But wouldn't it be weird?"

"This whole thing is weird, Steve." Bucky pointed out. Steve chuckled.

"Alright, fine. For right now I'll be mom."

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