Chapter 3

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Tony, who had gone back into the lab, was hard at work on a new suit. He was so focused on his work that he had forgotten all about the party he had set up until JARVIS spoke up.

"Sir, everyone has RSVP-ed to the party. And considering we have less than an hour before the party, I suggest that some setting up is in order." Tony looked up, slightly confused.

"Party? What party?" He mumbled to himself.

"The party you set up to celebrate the news of your son or daughter." The A.I reminded him. Tony tilted his head back, remembering what had gone on earlier that day.

"Ohhhh! That party!" If the A.I could've, he would've rolled his eyes at the inventor. "Right. Almost forgot about that, I was so in the zone. Thanks for the reminder." Tony banged his fingers on the table as if he were playing the piano. "Who's, uh, who's coming?"

"Mister Barnes, Mister Rhodes, Mister Wilson, Miss Hill, Director Fury-" JARVIS started listing before he was so rudely interrupted.

"Wait. How does Hill know about this?" Tony shook his head. "How does Fury know about this?"

"I don't know, sir. But Fury does have a way of finding everything out." The A.I explained. Tony sighed, looking down to his lap.

"Steve's gonna kill me because if this, but you do have a point and he would've needed to know eventually. Steve can't go out onto the field for much longer." He mumbled before looking back up to the ceiling. "Anyone else scheduled to make an appearance?"

"Miss Potts said she would come." JARVIS replied. Tony smiled.

"She's coming? That's amazing. I didn't think she would, thought it would be too weird for her."

"Quite the contrary. Miss Potts was ecstatic when I told her the news. She could not be happier for the two of you." Tony's smile grew.

"Perfect. I'll go tell Steve." Leaving his suit behind, the brunette made his way upstairs to where his husband's art studio was. Tony knew that that was where Steve went after they broke the news to the team, he knew Steve that well. "Steve?" Tony called, leaning against doorframe.

"Hmm?" Steve mumbled, not looking up from the page he was sketching on. It surprised Tony just how much the two could focus on something that wasn't each other but still find time to make their relationship work. It was shocking how Tony could stay down in the lab all day and Steve could stay up in his studio all day and when night rolled around they could doing something as amazing as creating that life form that was growing inside Steve. But Tony loved it and they both wouldn't trade it for anything else.

"JARVIS told me who's coming to the party." He started softly, not trying to break his husband's concentration. "Thought you'd like to know." Steve nodded.

"'Course I would. It's our party." Steve answered with a slight smirk before he turned his chair around to face the brunette. "Who's coming to this glorious party celebrating the knowledge of us having a son or daughter?" Tony chuckled, earning a smile from the blonde.

"Bucky and Rhodey because the wouldn't miss this for the world, Sam, Pepper-" Tony broke eye contact when he looked to the floor. Steve raised an eyebrow. Who else is there for him to list? "-MariaandFury." Tony rushed out. Steve blinked.

"What did you just say?" He asked, not understanding what he had just heard. It sounded an awful lot like Maria and Fury but that would be impossible. They weren't invited.

Tony inhaled sharply. "I said Bucky and Rhodey because-"

"I heard that." Steve cut him off by saying. The blonde sat up straighter in the chair. Tony messed with the wedding band on his finger. "What was that last part you said?"

"Oh that? What I said was, MariaandFury." Tony rushed again, fearing what Steve was capable of doing. But Steve remained calm, or at least he looked calm.

"Tony, I'm not going to ask as second time." Steve stated, not threateningly but there was a tone it that meant Tony would be dead if he didn't stop messing around. The brunette sighed.

"Alright, alright, you were bound to figure it out eventually. Somehow Maria and Fury got an invitation. I didn't invite them and I'm sure JARVIS didn't. My guess is Birdbrain or Widow told them." Tony explained. Steve inhaled sharply. "But they would've had to know sooner or later." He reasoned. "It's not like you can go out into the field much longer without-"

"Without what, Tony?" Steve asked calmly. Him being calm scared Tony more than if he were to freak out. Tony crossed his arms as he stood up, no longer leaning on the doorframe.

"Without not only putting your life at risk but our son or daughter's." Tony stated, no arguing in his tone. Steve raised an eyebrow. "Think about it Steve. Are line of business is hard enough. Add unborn child to it and it creates chaos. They won't stop until they kidnap our kid or worse- kill them before they're born." Steve looked down to his abdomen. Inside, there was a little human being that needed to be protected and Tony had a point. He couldn't keep risking his life for much longer.

"You're right." He whispered.

"And then what would we do?" Tony continued. "We'd be childless! You'd be heartbroken! And that my job, not some super villain's with a twisted sense of humor." Steve looked up.


"Hm?" Steve smiled softly.

"I said you were right." He stated. "I've got another life to protect, I can't keep risking mine." Tony smiled triumphantly. "But we will talk this over with Fury, see when he thinks is a good time for me to get benched." Tony nodded.

"Totally. Now. . ." He drifted off, trying to eye the paper on Steve's lap. "What was it you were drawing?"

"Nothing." Steve responded a little too quickly. Tony raised an eyebrow.

"That doesn't sound like nothing." Tony pointed out. "Come on, what was it?"

"It was. . ." Steve shook his head. "Nothing." Tony pouted.

"C'mon, Steve. What was it?" He whined. Steve rolled his eyes, chuckling.

"Something, Tony. It's a picture of something."

"Steve." Tony scolded.

"Something's an answer, is it not?" Tony rolled his eyes.

"It's a me answer, Steve. Now tell me what you were drawing or else I will physically come over there and look at it." Steve sighed, reluctantly holding up the drawing. It was a picture of Tony. Naked. With his helmet covering a specific spot.

"There, happy?" Tony whistled as he looked over the drawing. Everything was so perfectly detailed it almost scared him.

"Damn is that detailed." Steve laughed. "It's a nice view, too bad the helmet is covering up the most important part."

"I always thought the most important part about of you was your smile." Steve joked. Tony rolled his eyes. "No, I'm serious. You can hide so much pain behind that smile it's amusing." Tony smiled slightly. "Such a beautiful smile, Tony."

"Yeah? Well yours isn't so bad either." Steve chuckled as Tony made his way across the room to give his husband a kiss.

"If you like the view of that so much then I'd be more than happy to show it to you some other time." He whispered. Steve rolled his eyes. "Is that a no, Captain?" Steve chuckled.

"No. It's a let's see how I feel after our child is born." Tony gave him a goody grin.

"I'll take it."

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