Chapter 16

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About three months before Emily turned four, Steve started getting sick again. It took him by surprise as he was unsure of what was happening. But after a quick checkup with Bruce, Steve was fine. He just had to tell Tony and Emily the news.

So one night at dinner, when it was just the three of them, Steve planned to tell them. Unfortunately the two were preoccupied with other things. Tony was scheduling and rescheduling meetings and Emily was watching the tv that was playing behind Steve. With a sigh, the blonde set his fork down.

"Tony." Steve stated lightly. The brunette buzzed. "Tony." He repeated but got he same reply. So he turned to his daughter. "Emily." He called. She looked away from the tv and into her mom's blue eyes that mirrored hers.

"Yeah mom?" She said before taking a bite of her food. Steve smiled softly at her.

"How would you like a sibling?" Steve asked. Emily's eyes lit up. She had secretly always wanted a sibling so she could share all of her secrets with them and always have someone on her side. Growing up in a house where you're the only child can get boring at times.

"Really?" She gushed. Steve nodded. "Awesome!!" Steve's smile grew. Emily kicked her dad under the table causing him to look up. She wasn't that oblivious, she had heard Steve trying to get his attention earlier. Tony reached down and rubbed his shin.

"Ow." He complained. Emily shrugged before eating her food and going back to watching the tv. Tony looked over at Steve who was staring back at him, his cheeks slightly pink. "Did I do something?" Steve shook his head before pausing.

"Well, uh, actually you did." He replied. Tony raised an eyebrow. "I'm pregnant." Steve announced. Tony's eyes widened before he cupped Steve's face in his hands and kissed him passionately. Emily rolled her eyes at her parents, she definitely got her father's brains.

"Steve, that's-that's amazing!" Tony remarked with a smile. It slowly faded as he looked over at Emily and then Peggy who was curled up on the couch. "But can we handle two kids and a dog?" Steve shrugged.

"Again, it's not like we're completely alone in this." Steve pointed out before eating a forkful of his food. "Natasha and Bucky have offered to take care of Emily for a night. So have Jane and Thor. I'm sure if we ever need a break, one of them will be willing to help." Tony nodded before going back to his work. Steve leaned in closer to Tony. "Let's just hope this one's a boy." Tony chuckled.

"I second that." Emily shot them a look. "Not that I dong love you, darling. It's just some things are easier when you know how the parts work."

"I'm not a machine, dad." She complained. Tony and Steve laughed.

When it came time to figure out the gender of the baby, all three Stark's were excited. Emily wanted to know if she was getting a sister because she wanted someone to braid hair with or just complain to and a sister would be perfect for that. Natasha's hair was too short and Pepper never let the four year old near hers. Steve and Tony were hoping for a boy just to make things a little easier this time around.

"It's a boy." Bruce announced, staring intently at the monitor. Steve smiled up at Tony who shared the same look.

"It's a boy!" Tony practically yelled, causing Emily to come running in. She was in the room next door so she didn't run that far.

"Did you figure out the gender yet?" She asked, standing in the doorway with a huge smile. Tony looked over at his daughter, the tears in his eyes threatening to spill. Steve sat up so he could look at her. They both nodded.

"You're going to have a brother, Em." Steve told her. Emily's smile fell a little. She was really hoping for a sister but a brother would be just as fun. "How fun will that be?" Emily opened her mouth to reply before something hit her.

"Wait." She said, concerning both parents.

"Is something wrong?" Tony asked.

"Yes!" Emily complained. "I'm the only girl in the family!" Steve and Tony laughed.

"It looks like you are." Bruce admitted. "But it could be worse, you could be the only girl in the tower." Emily scrunched her nose before shaking her head. Bruce laughed. "I'm his saying, Em. I don't think Tasha's planning to move out anytime soon."

"She better not." Emily mumbled. Steve leaned over and picked her up off the floor, setting her down next to her. For a knocked up super soldier, he certainly could pick up his four year old daughter without a problem.

"Hey, you start school in two years." Steve pointed out. "Where there'll be plenty of girls your age. I'm sure they'd love to be friends with a girl like you." Emily smiled slightly.

"I guess."

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