Chapter 11

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1 week. Emily was one week over due and it drove the team insane. Not as much as it drove Steve, but they were still pretty anxious about the new arrival that was supposed to be here a week ago. Tony made the stupid mistake of saying she was just upholding the family name of being late which did not go over well with Steve.

The poor captain was so uncomfortable that he was half tempted just to get Bruce to cut her out now. He looked at every sharp object in the house with such a thoughtful look that Tony started 'Steve-proofing' the house instead of baby-proofing it. That started getting on Steve's nerves as well.

But what really drove him up a wall was when one week came dangerously close to being two. Steve couldn't last another day of his stomach getting in the way of everything. Natasha and Bruce took over cooking meals because every time Steve went to get something, he'd knock something over with his stomach and then get so pissed that he'd cause a dent in the countertop. To top that all off, he'd start crying that he dented it so the team decided to put a temporary ban on Steve going into the kitchen. The blonde thought it was for the best.

It was one particular day, Steve's birthday to be precise, that Steve about lost it with Tony.

"Ugh, why can't she just come out already?" Tony complained from where he sat on the armchair. Steve, who was trying to comfortably lay down on the couch, clenched his jaw.

"I don't know Tony." He stated, deadly serious. "I don't control it."

"But why can't you?" Tony whined. Steve slowly sat up.

"Tony, do you honestly think that if I could control it I'd wait almost two weeks after her due date?" Steve questioned. "Do you honestly think I'd want to continue this for another two weeks?!" Tony's eyes widened, he knew he messed up. "I love her to death Tony, but do you honestly think I'd want to spend another two weeks being practically useless?!" Steve stood up, his face red with anger. "I can't go anywhere without running into something or knocking something over! My feet hurt, my ankles are swollen, I'm eating for two, I can never get comfortable, so do you really think I'd withstand this for another two weeks?!"

"Steve, I-"

"No, Tony!" Steve cut off. "God damn it. Can you once just think before you open your mouth?" Tony hung his head. "Go away, Tony. I don't want to see you right now." Tony got up and made his way down to the lab, making sure no one saw how upset he was. He didn't mean to upset Steve, he honestly wasn't thinking about how he must've felt, it just came out of his mouth.

Tony plopped down on his chair and just stared at the latest ultrasound picture. He screwed up big time.

It wasn't until later that day that Steve started regretting what he told Tony. He knew Tony just wanted to meet their daughter, and Steve did too, it was just the way Tony went about saying it that irritated Steve. Maybe he should go apologize but would Tony even want to see him? Probably not.

But then Steve felt a sharp pain in the lower part of his abdomen. He thought it was nothing until it happened again a couple minutes later. Then it kept happening until-

"Oh no." Steve mumbled under his breath, trying his hardest not to panic as water trickled down his leg.

"Should I alert Mister Stark, Captain?" JARVIS was quick to ask.

"No, J, I'm- nph." Steve grunted mid-sentence, grabbing onto the table in the living room. JARVIS did as told though he didn't agree with it.

Tony was drinking straight from a bottle of whiskey when Natasha came down with a pissed of expression. Confused, Tony turned to her only to get a slap in the face.

"What the hell was that for?!" He yelled.

"Your husband is up there trying to power through contractions without you or Bruce to help him. What the hell is wrong with you?" It didn't take long for Tony to drop the bottle and run upstairs. Natasha smirked, she knew that would work.

"Steve? Oh god. Steve! Why didn't you call for me?" Tony asked, rushing over to Steve's side to find him all sweaty and panting.

"Didn't think you wanted to see me." He muttered. Tony smiled.

"I'll always want to see you." He reassured. "JARVIS, get Bruce!" Now this the A.I agreed with.

"He is on his way, sir." Tony nodded his thanks, trading the cracking table for his hand.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I wasn't thinking about how you must feel. You're the only caring her after all." Steve shook his head.

"No, I'm the one that should be-" Steve cut himself off by screaming in pain as another contraction ran through him. "Should be sorry. I blew up at you and I shouldn't have done that." Tony shook his head.

"There's no reason for you to be sorry."


When Bruce was done doing everything he needed to do and after cleaning her up, the doctor handed a tired and sweaty Steve his daughter. She was bundled nice and warm in a light pink blanket that Tony had bought once they had a name. On the bottom right hand corner were the words Emily Margret Stark written in blue ink.

"Tony, look." Steve called, holding her close to his chest. "She look's just like us." He pointed out. Tony nodded, tears streaking his cheeks.

"She does." He agreed. Emily's got your beautiful eyes and my hair. She's perfect, Steve."

"She-she really is." Steve agreed with a slight laugh. "Hi there, Emily. I'm your mommy." Emily's blue eyes looked into Steve's. Steve laughed at the beautiful baby girl in his arms. Tony kissed Steve's temple.

"Happy birthday, Cap." He whispered into the blonde's ear. "Too bad you're gonna have to share it with this angel." Steve shook his head.

"Not bad. Not bad at all."

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