Chapter 19.5

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Emily couldn't go fall asleep for weeks after the incident. It wasn't because of what happened, well, not completely anyway. She couldn't sleep because she knew Red Skull was still out there and she hadn't told anyone about him yet. She needed to tell someone about him or else she would drive herself crazy about it.

During the time that Emily was supposed to be asleep, she filled it with tinkering on a device that would camouflage the arm until the end of eighth grade, then she'd be homeschooled. It didn't take her long but she had to hide the cloaking device so no one would see it and turn it off. So she placed it at the base of her shoulder, underneath her shirt at all times.

Ethan and Jason knew the whole story- well, minus the Red Skull part- about what happened to the brunette. They were the only people at school that knew and Emily was determined to keep it that way. So it wasn't any surprise to them when she sat down one day at lunch with a serious expression on her face.

"Why so serious?" Ethan joked, trying to imitate the Joker from The Dark Knight trilogy. Emily rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Em, what's gotten into you?"

"I-" She hesitated, questioning herself if she should tell them or not. "I didn't tell you everything about what happened." She confessed, looking down to her food. Jason wrapped his arm around her and Ethan smiled softly. "I left out the part about who did it." The two boys shared a look.

"But you said it was HYDRA that did. . . you know." Jason gestured to her arm which didn't look any different from before everything happened thanks to the device she made. Emily nodded.

"Yes, and they did, it's just. . ." She trailed off, biting her lower lip. "The head of HYDRA is responsible." Ethan raised an eyebrow.

"Who-" Jason mouthed 'Red Skull' which shut him up. Jason hugged Emily tighter. Though they weren't together and didn't appear to be getting together anytime soon, Emily always found comfort in the blonde boy's arms. She found them strong and protecting and she just wanted to be wrapped in them all day everyday. But they weren't together much to her dislike so she couldn't. But, hopefully, one day they will be together. "Oh. Em, I'm so sorry." Emily shook her head.

"What happened happened, I don't care about that. I'm more concerned with the fact that he's still out there." She explained. "It's not exactly like I killed him before I left." Jason nodded. "But he's a threat and I-" She paused. "-I was the only one that knew about it." Ethan's eyes widened.

"You mean your parents don't know?" He whisper-yelled. Emily nodded. "But they're the Avengers." Emily rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak but Jason cut her off.

"You'd be surprised by the amount of stuff I can hide from the X-Men." He commented. Emily smiled slightly. Jason turned to face her. "But whatever you need me for- whatever you need us for, we'll be there." Emily's smile grew.

"Good. Because I think I have a plan."


It was Emily's turn to host their daily study sessions which was perfect if they wanted to jump start the plan. Instead of doing their homework like they were supposed to, the three teenagers started working on their superhero business. Emily was try to trace the location from where the suit came and picked her up, Jason was stitching a secret camera into his suit so they could catch it all on video, and Ethan, well, Ethan was laying on Emily's bed eating a bowl of potato chips.

"Ha-ha!" Emily cheered, jumping up from where she was sitting on a chest in front of her bed. "I got the location!" Jason smiled warmly though she didn't see it. He loved when she did that, got all confident over something she achieved. He loved the way that you could see the change in personality in her with everything she did. He thought it was just because they were so close. Or it could've just been because he loves her but doesn't want to admit that to himself or anyone else yet.

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