Chapter 4

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For the remainder of the time they had up there, Tony stayed at Steve's side and watched him sketch. It was amazing at how detailed the blonde could get without making it look non realistic. Tony blamed all of the diseases and disorders he was born with that forced him to stay in bed all day but that didn't stop him from loving his husband's artwork. Eventually, Tony looked to his watch and was startled by what time it was.

"Steve, it's almost time for the guests to arrive." He commented, standing up from the seat he was currently sitting in. Steve nodded.

"Alright, I'll be there in a second." The blonde announced as he finished up the finishing touches to the drawing he was currently working on. Tony started for the door.

"Meet you downstairs?" Tony suggested. Steve bobbed his head.

"Sounds like a plan." Steve waited until Tony was completely out of the room and heading down the hall before bolting to the bathroom in the studio. He thought he was so clever, rushing to the bathroom after Tony left so he wouldn't head him. Only Tony could and came rushing back into the room.

"Honey, you okay in there?" He asked. Steve closed his eyes, mentally slapping himself for how stupid he was.

"Yea-Yeah, Tony, I'm fine. Just, uh, just brushing u-" Steve cut himself off by shoving his head black down. Tony pressed closer to the door.

"Steve?" Steve closed his eyes even tighter.

"I'm fine!" He lied but Tony could see right through it.

"No, you're not." Tony said, opening the door to find his husband back in the same position he had found him in earlier.

"Yes, I am." Steve insisted as he flushed the toilet. Tony rolled his eyes.

"Mhm, sure, I believe you." Tony extended his hand to Steve. "Come on, Cap, I'll help you downstairs." Steve reluctantly reached for Tony's hand to help him stand. He didn't need Tony's help to get downstairs, he was strong enough to do it himself.

"Thank you, but I don't need your help." Tony raised an eyebrow as he watched Steve rinse his mouth out to get rid of the terrible taste in it. Steve moved to take a step forward but his knees buckled. Luckily, Tony was quick enough to catch him.

"Don't need my help, huh?" Steve smiled sheepishly. Okay, maybe he did need some help after all. Tony held out his arm for Steve to take before they descended downstairs together, arm and arm. Steve let go as soon as he saw everyone; they didn't need to see him holding onto Tony like that.

"Hi everyone." He greeted softly before he was bombarded by hugs from everyone. Steve looked to Tony for help but the brunette was useless when it came to defending off the people. "Okay, okay, one at a time." Everyone pulled away with big smiles on their faces. Bucky, though, kept one eye on Tony when he gripped Steve's shoulder with his nonmetal arm.

"Dude, I'm so proud of you." He stated with a warm smile. Steve smiled at his childhood best friend before pulling him in for a hug. "It's amazing, Steve. That we've come all this way and now you're getting your chance at a family." Steve sighed contently into Bucky's soft brown hair. "I couldn't think of anyone better than you that should be gifted with such a miracle."

"Thank you, Bucky. That means a lot to me." When the two friends pulled away, Sam patted Steve on the back as he said his congratulations. But there was one person that snaked her way around the group to find Tony and give him a hug of his own.

"Oh, hey Pep." Tony greeted, surprised by the sudden human contact. "Nice if you to drop by." Pepper pulled away, a smile on her face.

"Congratulations Tony." She said. Tony smiled. "You and Steve deserve it."

"Thanks. But I have to admit, I almost didn't invite you." Pepper furrowed her brow. "I thought it would be too weird for you- for us." She shook her head.

"After everything we've been through? No. This is fine. I'm glad you invited me." Tony smiled brighter when he saw was Steve was practically glowing with love from everyone. The smile, unfortunately, went away when Fury cleated his throat.

"Captain Rogers." He spoke. Steve slowly looked over to the director.

"Yes?" He asked rather innocently.

"May I have a word?" Fury's eyesight briefly darted to Tony's spot. It was brief but it was enough for Tony to know that meant him too. Steve nodded, moving over to the director as Tony followed. "I believe there's-"

"We've already talked it over and Steve and I agree that he can't go out for much longer. We understand what we would be risking if we disobeyed, director, which is why Steve and I said we would talk to you about it. Personally, I don't think he should go out at all but I know you both won't agree with that so whatever you decide, given it is reasonable, I'll agree with." Tony rushed out, cutting off Fury. The director chuckled softly.

"That's not what I was going to say." He stated. Tony opened his mouth to say something before closing it again. "If you'd let me finish, I was going to I believe there's a congratulations in order to celebrate the news. But given as you brought up the topic, yes, I don't want Captain Rogers out any longer than he has to be which is why he will stay back if a threat we're to rise once he's four months pregnant. Anything over that would cause sever harm to the unborn child whether it be from impact or just trying to fit in the suit." Steve cracked a smile. Tony sighed in relief, he was prepared for Fury to yell at them. "That would be all, go back to your party." Fury walked away after grabbing Hill. Steve turned to Tony, letting out an awkward laugh. The two walked back to everyone else.

"So you're going to be a father?" Pepper asked when Tony returned. He nodded.

"That is what the ultrasound said." He sighed slightly. "I don't know if I'm ready." Pepper smiled softly.

"If it helps at all, I think you'll make an amazing father." She commented. Tony smiled slightly.

"Really? You don't think I'll screw them up like my dad did?" Pepper laughed.

"Well, they'll be your kid so that's enough screw up for one lifetime." Tony rolled his eyes. "But no, I don't think you will. You know what your dad did and I know you'll make sure that you don't do the same. Now stop your worrying and enjoy the peace and quiet for right now, you're not gonna have it for much longer." Tony gave Pepper a hug.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." Rhodes said, gaining everyone's attention. "What are they going to call you?" He asked. Steve and Tony shared a look, both of them as lost as the other.

"Um. . . Steve?" The blonde's eyes widened slightly, he was at a loss for words.

"I-I don't know. Whatever they decide, I guess." He answered with a shrug.

"They could always call you mama." Tony whispered just loud enough for Steve to hear him, earning a punch in the arm from the blonde.

"What was that for?!" Tony asked, rubbing the sore spot on his arm. Steve rolled his eyes.

"You know what." He answered.

"Well am I wrong?" Tony countered. Steve rolled his eyes. "Am I?"

"No." He admitted. "No, you're not."

"Then I think you should kiss me to make up for the bruise that is most likely on my arm." Steve rolled his eyes before going in for the kiss.

"Is that better?" Tony nodded.


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