Chapter 17

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The Stark family had gone to Disney the week of Steve's and Emily's birthday so the now five year old could spend her birthday with the princesses there. Surprisingly enough or not surprisingly at all, she hit off really well with the Mulan they had; Tony and Steve were just proud that she took a liking to the most heroic princess. Not to mention that Peter, the not-so-new newest addition, was perfectly calm through it all. But then again Steve always had that affect on his children when he was holding them.

To commemorate the happy memory, they had taken a family picture in front of Cinderella's castle. Or really they had someone else take it so all for of them could be in there. When they got home, Tony had it printed. It arrived the next day.

"Hey Em, can you go get me a hammer so I can hang up the family photo?" Tony asked, now realizing that he had everything prepared except for a hammer to nail it into place.

Emily nodded before making her way over to where Tony kept his tools. Only she stopped when she saw a weird looking hammer in front of the pantry that they kept the pop tarts. With a shrug, the five year old picked it up and brought it back to her dad.

"Here you go." She said as she handed him the hammer. Tony automatically reached for it without looking but to his surprise, it fell as soon as he grabbed it. That sparked his interest. Emily was confused as to why her dad's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets.

"Emily did you pick this up?" Tony asked very slowly. Emily just rolled her eyes.

"No. I dragged it here from the kitchen." She remarked. Tony raised an eyebrow. "Of course I picked it up!" Tony swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Em, this is Thor's hammer." He explained. "You know what the deal is with Thor's hammer right?" Tony asked. Emily thought about it before nodding.

"Yeah, whoever the hammer declares worthy shall wield the hammer of Thor. If you're not worthy you can't pick up the hammer." Emily paraphrased. "What does that have to do with. . ." She fell short of finishing her question, her eyes almost the size of Tony's.

"Steve!!!!" The older brunette called.

"I'm a little busy here!" Steve shouted back from where he was in the living room. Tony rolled his eyes.

"Doing what? It better not be a person Steven." Emily furrowed her brow and tilted her head to the side. Tony shook his head at her. Steve rolled his eyes.

"Anthony Stark." Steve scolded. "I'm feeding your son." Tony let out an awkward laugh.

"Yeah, well, Petey can wait." Steve set down the spoon he was holding and just stared at his son like he knew the answer. Peter just giggled, purposely knocking over his food into the floor for Peggy to lick up. Steve just shook his head at the infant. "Can you hurry your ass over here?" With a sigh, Steve lifted Peter from his high chair and walked over to where his husband was yelling for him.

"Alright, I'm here. What's so important that I had to stop feeding Peter?" Steve asked, balancing Peter on his hip. Tony looked over at Emily. He gave her a small nod, motioning for her to pick the hammer up. Steve's eyes were as wide as Tony's were. "Is that. . .?" Steve attempted at asking. Tony nodded.

"Yep." He replied, popping the p noise.

"And she can. . .?" Steve was at a loss for words. Tony nodded again. Steve turned to his daughter. "You can pick up Thor's hammer?" She shrugged.

"I guess so." She mumbled, afraid her mom was going to freak out.

"Honey, that's amazing." He said. Emily smiled. "We have to show the rest of the team." Emily's eyes lit up.

"Yeah!" She cheered.

"Come on, let's go." Steve extended his hand for her to take and, together, they walked over to where everyone else was with Tony trailing behind. Half the time he walked behind them he was really just admiring the view.

"Yo Thunder Thighs, you missing your hammer by any chance?" Tony asked with a sly grin on his face. Thor looked around for his trusty Mjölnir.

"Apparently I have misplaced it. Man of Iron, do you know where it is?" Thor bellowed. Emily almost dropped the hammer just to cover her ears. Almost.

"If you can stop your yelling, I'll tell you where it is." Emily complained, hiding the hammer between her legs and letting go of Steve's hand.

"And where might that be Miss Emily?" Thor asked but slightly quieter this time. Emily rolled her eyes. She very slowly brought the hammer from behind her to in front of her for everyone to see. Thor's eyes nearly fell out of his sockets when he caught sight of the hammer. "You little Midgardian are able to lift it?!"

"I wouldn't say I'm little." Emily muttered and she had a point, she had always been tall for her age. Tony blamed Steve for being so tall and passing it to their daughter. "And why does it matter what I am?" For a five year old she sure was full of sass. To this, Steve blamed Tony for. Natasha let out a laugh.

"She's got a point, Thor." The redhead agreed. "It shouldn't matter what race Emily is, the hammer chose her for something other than that." To this day, everyone in that room swears Thor pouted.

"But-but. . ." He sighed. "Aye, it doesn't." He agreed. Emily walked over and gave Thor his hammer. "But it's my weapon." The thunder god remarked. Emily rolled her eyes.

"Are you Thor: God of hammers?" She asked before sighing. "But if it means that much to you, I don't have to use it." Thor brought her in for a hug.

"Thank you, Lady Stark."

"Yeah, no. Stark ain't gonna cut it. Lady Emily works just fine."

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