Chapter 34

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No one was expecting Thor to come back that day so when they started hearing the door unlocking at around five, they were shocked but prepared. Bruce shoved Loki behind him, so did Bucky with Natasha. Emily called her shield and Tony slapped on a bracelet that would turn into an iron glove.

"Hello everyone, I am back and I brought gifts!" A deep male voice bellowed as he opened and walked through the door, dragging something behind him.

"Plus a person!" A higher pitched female voice added. Loki was the first to recognize both voices.

"Thor?" Loki called out as he rounded the corner. Emily, Tony, and Bruce followed shortly behind him, not wanting him to get hurt. They dropped their weapons when they saw a familiar blonde thunder god.

"Tis I." Thor cheered.

"And Jane!" The female added again, stomping her foot as she crossed her arms. "Thanks for the greeting, Loki. I thought we were friends." Loki smiled apologetically.

"Sorry Lady Jane." Loki apologized as moved to hug her, forgetting he couldn't completely wrap his arms around her. Jane hugged back the best she could.

"Um Lok, have you been that bored that you've been eating too much?" She whispered into his ear. Loki chuckled softly. Emily shifted her weight uncomfortably.

"Oh gods, did Thor or I not tell you?" He asked as he pulled away.

"Tell me what?" She questioned as she looked between Thor and Loki.

"Loki and Bruce got it on and now Loki's pregnant." Emily explained, barely above a whisper. Jane's eyes widened as her lips formed a smile.

"What! Loki you're pregnant?!"

"Yes?" He attempted to say but it came out as a question. Jane wrapped him in another hug. Emily took a step back, that was too much physical contact with a stranger for her. Granted she wasn't the one being hugged, it still creeped her out slightly.

"Congrats!" She cheered. Loki chuckled as he relaxed into the hug. Thor laughed cheerfully.

"Thank you, Lady Jane." Emily cleared her throat, gaining everyone's attention. Tony then realized that Emily had no idea who Jane was, she's only heard the name before, never seen the person.

"I don't think we've met before." Emily started, holding out her hand. "But I'm Em-"

"Emily Stark, right? Steve and Tony's daughter?" Jane cut her off. Emily nodded slightly.

"That is what it says on my birth certificate." She joked. Jane pulled her into a hug. Emily tensed.

"Oh it's so nice to finally meet you!" Jane said into the hug before pulling away, still holding onto Emily's arms. "I've heard so much about you! You sound amazing from all the stories I've heard." Emily looked over to Thor who was smiling widely before a smile of her own broke out.

"Thank you. I've heard stories about you too." Jane smiled before turning to Tony and Bruce.

"Hello Tony, hello Bruce." Jane greeted before walking away. Tony blinked a few times.

"What? We don't get hugs?" Tony asked, feigning hurt. Jane giggled.

"No." She stated before bringing them both in for a hug. "Where is everyone?" She asked as she pulled away. Tony chuckled.

"Making dinner." Bruce answered. Jane nodded slightly as they made their way out of the entryway.

"You weren't allowed to help?" She asked. Bruce shook his head.

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