Chapter 30

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A few days after finding out the gender of their child, Bruce walked into the living room as he looked through a list of baby names. Most of the team had gone off on a mission, Fury let Bruce stay because there was no need for a code green. Emily, Jason, and Ethan were on their own mission, the two boys getting pulled from school in order to accomplish it. Natasha, Loki, Peter, and Bruce were still at home. The god shuffled down and sat next to Bruce. Bruce smiled and ran his fingers through his husband's hair.

"We should start coming up with a name." Bruce whispered. Loki nodded slightly.

"That would be smart." Loki agreed, stretching his legs out. "I've always liked the name Elizabeth." Bruce smiled.

"That's pretty but it's also long." Bruce commented. "Why don't we have that as her middle name?" Loki nodded with a yawn, placing a hand on his stomach. "How about Lilly for a first name?" Loki hummed.

"What about Bailey?" Bruce scrunched his nose. "No to Bailey then." Bruce chuckled.

"Audrey?" Loki raised an eyebrow.

"Audrey Elizabeth?" He questioned. Bruce shrugged. Loki shook his head. "No." He stated. "Morgan?" Bruce smiled and kissed Loki's cheek.

"It's perfect! I love it." Bruce cheered. Loki smiled.

"Morgan Elizabeth Banner." Loki tested out. He loved the way it sounded. "It's perfect." Bruce wrapped his arms around Loki as he snuggled into the scientist's chest. Natasha waddled into the room, making her way over to the kitchen to grab something to drink. Loki and Bruce watched her as she effortlessly made her way through the room. "Have you and Barnes picked names out yet?" Loki called. Natasha walked back over with a water bottle and sat down with a smile.

"Yes actually." She stated. "Josh Lucas Barnes and Tyler Sean Barnes." Loki and Bruce nodded. "Have you?" Natasha uncapped the bottle and took a sip. Before Loki or Bruce could answer, Peter walked into the room, jumping over one of the chairs and sitting in it.

"Hey." He greeted. Natasha rolled her eyes at the boy, so did Bruce.

"You know Steve will have our head if something happened to you right?" She asked. Peter shrugged. Bruce sent her a look.

"No, no. He'll have my head because I'm his godfather." Bruce corrected. Natasha shrugged with a smirk.

"On a completely different topic, names anyone?" Peter asked.

"Josh Lucas and Tyler Sean Barnes and Morgan Elizabeth Banner." Loki informed the young boy. Unlike his sister, Peter was open minded about the arrival of the god and hadn't acted like a jerk. Their friendship only grew stronger the longer Loki stayed. Peter smiled.

"Those are amazing names." Peter complimented. Just then, the door swung open revealing a tired looking Emily Stark. She stumbled over to the living room before falling onto a couch face first. Peter smirked. "Hey beautiful." Emily looked up and scowled at her younger brother playfully. She opened her mouth to say something right as a mission alert went off. Instead of blinking Avengers, the words Iron Patriot lit up. Emily groaned as she got up from the couch.

"Looks like I've got to go." She muttered, calling her suit. The metal cling to her frame as she made her way over to the door.

"Be careful Lady Emily." Loki called after her. She gave a stiff nod before flying.

"Always am."

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