Chapter 12

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Tony had called everyone over an hour after Emily was born just to celebrate her. She was only an hour old but Tony loved her more than he had ever loved anyone. He helped create that little being who was currently being held in Bucky's arms and he was proud of that, prouder than he has ever been and he's a freaking superhero. She was his world and Tony was content with that.

"Remarkable. She is truly remarkable." Bucky commented as he handed Emily back to Steve. "And happy birthday, Steve." Steve smiled in acknowledgment, way to tired to really uphold a conversation.

"Thank you, Buck." He said anyway.

"I mean, seriously, she's gorgeous." Steve chuckled softly.

"She really is, isn't she?" He agreed. Tony took her from Steve, he wanted a turn at holding her now. An hour and she already had him wrapped around her chubby little finger. "We're gonna be in trouble later on when it comes to her dating." Tony shook his head.

"Her parents are Iron Man and Captain America, any boy that would be interested in her better think twice about it." Tony corrected. "We won't be in trouble, they would be." Steve nodded.

"Em's not gonna get a date until she's thirty, huh?" Bucky asked. The proud parents furrowed their brows at the name.

"Em?" Steve questioned. Bucky shrugged.

"Just a nickname for her. You don't have to use it." Tony shook his head. "I just thought Em would make a good nickname."

"And it is. It fits her." Tony agreed. "Her nickname will be Em as long as she likes it." Emily giggled at the three men causing them all to smile. Tony looked down at her before kissing her forehead.

"I think she likes it, sweetie." Steve stated, leaning up to tickle her stomach which caused her to giggle more. Tony's heart swelled at the sound of her giggle; it was like music to his ears. A knock sounded on the door before a familiar voice sounded out.

"Is that baby laughter I hear?" Pepper asked, leaning in the doorway. Steve gave a small wave, still too tired to do anything huge. Pepper gave him a smile.

"An hour old and I'm airway making her laugh." Tony joked. "Pepper meet our daughter Emily, Emily meet your Aunt Pepper." He introduced as he handed her to the strawberry blonde. Pepper cooed.

"Such beautiful blue eyes." She commented. "Emily definitely got those from Steve." The blonde blushed slightly.

"Oh definitely." Tony agreed. "His are gorgeous." Steve rolled his eyes before Tony kissed him.

"She's beautiful, you two. A perfect mix." Pepper commented.

"Exactly what I was thinking!" Bucky cheered. Steve and Tony smiled.

"Thank you Pepper that means a lot. From the both of you. But if you don't mind, I'm extremely exhausted and would like to go to sleep. So can you please?" He gestured to the door, trying his hardest not to be rude. Pepper and Bucky nodded as Pepper handed Emily back to Tony. With one last kiss from the younger brunette, the three of them left the room. Pepper turned to Tony.

"You are now 100% a father." She commented. Tony nodded, softening the tufts of brown hair his daughter had. Pepper smiled, enjoying the sight of the domesticated Tony Stark. "It suits you." Tony looked up to her with a smile.

"That means a lot coming from you." He commented. "But she's only been in the world for an hour and I never want to leave her side." Pepper beamed. "She's my world, Pep, and I don't ever want to lose her."

"You won't, Tony. I promise." Bucky looked between the two before rolling his eyes.

"Alright you two, quit the flirting." He joked. Tony and Pepper rolled their eyes.

"We were not flirting. And Emily and I have people to see anyway."

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