Chapter 39

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"Sorry I'm late, but the adoption services were hell." Fury said once he has everyone's attention.

"You adopted a child?" Tony asked, surprised as he never would have thought that the director would be the fatherly type. Hell, he never seemed to care for Emily or Peter until they were at least six. And that certainly hasn't changed since the arrival of Josh and Tyler Barnes. Fury's eyes darted to the sleeping baby in Bruce's arms.

"No." He stated.

"Then why were you at the adoption agency?" Clint asked. Fury looked to the archer.

"That doesn't concern you, Agent Barton." Fury turned to Bruce, holding out his arms. "Can I see the kid?"

"Sure." Bruce answered hesitantly. He didn't feel like creating a scene between himself and the director or risk having the big guy come out so he handed Morgan over. Fury looked down to her before turning to face the door.

"Good. Now I must get going." Fury announced as he started for the door. Bruce jogged after him.

"With my daughter?" The scientist questioned.

"I'm afraid so, Doctor Banner." Fury stated but he didn't seem sorry. Bruce stared at the man.


"Because the child will be to powerful, she needs to go." Fury stated. Green snaked its way around Bruce's neck and up to his ears.

"You didn't put Emily or Peter up for adoption." He stated, balling his fists. "Josh and Tyler are still here." He pointed out. "Why are you taking my daughter?" Fury seemed emotionless.

"Peter and Emily don't have strong enough powers and if I tried to take the Barnes twins I would have to assassins on my ass. But your kid, Doctor Banner, she has the gamma radiation you were exposed to along with Loki's powers coursing through her blood. Do tell how that would be safe for anyone?" The green was darkening.

"So what? Just because Emily and Peter don't have powers you don't put them up for adoption? But the minute a child is born within this team that had powers you send them off to god knows where?!" Bruce yelled. Thunder rumbled from outside; Thor was standing now with lightning wrapping around his hands.

"Exactly." Fury agreed. "Now I must get going if this child is going to find a home." Fury stated as he walked to the door and left.

Bruce stared at the door as it closed behind Fury. The lightning Thor created charged at the door but only fried the wood. The green coloring faded as Bruce fell to the floor, sobbing. With perfect timing, Emily came back down in a new pair of clothes and her hair, still wet, in a braid.

"Why's Uncle Bruce sobbing on the floor?" She asked before looking around the room; no baby. "And where'd Morgan go?" She added.

"Fury took her." Bruce mumbled. "Put her up for adoption. I'll never see her again." Emily tensed.

"And this is why I never wanted to work for SHIELD." She muttered. "I'll go after him! Reason with him! Surely there's something we can do."

"Em, it's no use." Bruce stated, looking up at the girl, his eyes red and puffy. "He wouldn't give her back even if we asked nicely."

"But he-" Steve cut her off with a look. She sighed. "We have to do something!" She argued.

"There's nothing we can do. Baby face it, she's gone." Steve said trying to calm her down. She shook her head.

"Am I the only one that cares that bastard just stole a child?" Emily asked. The room went silent. Emily took in a shaky breath. "You do. You just don't want to protest against your director." Natasha and Steve looked to the floor, Tony looked away from his daughter, Wanda and Pietro stayed quiet, Thor shifted uncomfortably, Peter scratched the back of his neck, Clint looked around the room, and Bruce had already tuned her out. Emily nodded. "So you'd rather watch him take away Bruce's child than stand up for yourselves. How sick are you?" She hissed before turning away, heading back to her room where she packed an overnight bag full of everything she would need for at least a month and slung it across her back. When she walked back out, no one bothered to look at her in fear of what she would do. "I'm staying at the mansion until someone knocks some sense into you." No one looked up as she walked out of the tower.

"How am I going to tell Loki?" Bruce whispered, a few minutes after Emily left.

"Tell me what?" Loki asked as he walked into the living room. He looked around the room before spotting his husband on the floor; no Morgan. "Where's our daughter?" Bruce looked up slightly.

"She's- She's-" Bruce attempted but couldn't pull himself together enough to get it out.

"She's?" Loki prompted.

"Gone." Bruce whispered, looking back down to avoid Loki's gaze. Loki's eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean gone? She was just born it's not like she just got up and walked away." He argued.

"No. But-" Tony started but was interrupted by Emily coming back into the room.

"But Fury took her and these lazy asses won't go out and do something." She stated. She was waiting outside the door so she could tell Loki what was going on. "I tried to reason with them but they're sick pricks so it didn't go that far." Loki gave her a shaky smile and she was back out of the tower. Everyone heard the sound of her motorcycle starting before riding away. They should've known she had t left yet, they never heard the motorcycle and she wasn't about to leave that behind.

"Why would Fury take her?" Loki asked, looking back to Bruce.

"Because he said she would be too powerful." He mumbled.

"So he just takes her? And takes her to where?"

"The adoption agency." Loki balled his fists.

"You aren't doing anything about it?!" Loki turned to face the rest of the team. "Any of you?!"

"Loki, there's nothing we can do. We can't stop Fury." Tony reasoned.

"Oh so if it was Emily who was put up for adoption you wouldn't do anything? What about Josh? Hm? Peter, Tyler? What about them? Or would you go and save them but because Morgan's my daughter you won't do anything?!" Loki argued.

"Loki, that's not-" Bucky started but that was when Loki snapped.

"No! I thought we were friends! That we would do anything to protect one another! But the minute my baby girl is taken away from me, you do nothing to get her back! Is this what the mighty Avengers do? Save everyone except innocent children?" No one said anything.

"Loki-" Thor started. Loki shook his head.

"Don't 'Loki' me!" He spat. "My daughter was taken away from me and who I thought were my friends aren't even helping!" He looked around the room. "I should've destroyed you guys when I had the chance." Loki turned and stormed back to his room.

"Loki!" Bruce called after him, scrambling to his feet. But Loki just continued on. Bruce started after him. Steve stopped him.

"Give him time." Bruce nodded and slumped back down. Tony grabbed his shoulder.

"We'll find her buddy, I promise."

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