Chapter 33

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Christmas was always chaotic when it came to the Avengers household. The first few years with Emily, everyone tried to outdo everyone else with the amount of presents they got the little girl. Steve hated how spoiled she was quickly becoming so he decided to enforce a secret Santa rule, leaving everyone with one present. Of course Emily was too young to buy anything so one of her parents alway bought the gift for who she had. The tradition just continued with Peter.

"Merry Christmas everybody!" Peter cheered as he walked into the living room, finding it empty minus the presents under the tree. He looked around before frowning. "And nobody's up." He mumbled. "Merry Christmas, JARVIS." Peter walked over to one of the chairs and sat down in it.

"Merry Christmas to you, Mister Peter. I suggest that you get a few more minutes of sleep before everyone else wakes up." Peter nodded slightly with a yawn.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"A quarter to six, sir." Peter nodded, stretching his arms out with another yawn. As soon as he got comfortable, he fell back asleep. If he could, JARVIS would've smiled. "Goodnight, Mister Peter."

Two hours later Steve and a half asleep Tony came downstairs, expecting their son and daughter to be anxiously waiting for them and the rest of the team so they could open presents. But much to their surprise, the room was quiet. Steve smiled warmly when he saw his son asleep on the chair, curled up in a blanket that he could only assume was placed on his by one of the robots. Tony smirked at his side.

The two waited another hour until Peter woke up again. Dazed and confused, he looked around the room to figure out where he was. When he noticed his parents on the couch in front of him, he calmed down and sat up.

"Morning sleep head." Tony mumbled. Peter smiled and waved. "You wanna go wake up your sister?" All the sleep left his eyes as Peter jumped out of his seat and ran up the stairs to his sister's room.

She was laying in bed on her stomach, her brown hair sprawled out around her. Peter smiled faintly at the sight; she looked so peaceful, something that was rare in the female Stark. He almost didn't want to wake her but he still made his way over and poked her. She moaned so Peter poked her again. She rolled over with a moan.

"Em, wake up." He whispered. She moaned as she opened her eyes. A scowl washed over her face.

"What do you want?" She hissed, rolling onto her other side, pulling the pillow with her.

"Are you forgetting what today is?" Peter asked. She shrugged, pulling the blanket up further. "Emily." He whined.

"What?" She asked. "My brain is still asleep." Peter huffed, trying to think of what to do before it hit him. He pulled the pillow out from under her head and took the blanket with him. Emily shivered as she reached for the blanket. Peter held it away from her. She leaned up on her elbow. "You brat! Give it back!" Peter smirked before taking a step back. Emily sat up and reached for it, Peter took another step back. Emily lunged at him but he ran away; Emily hit the floor. She groaned before grabbing a dark blue zip-up hoodie from her closet and putting it on. She followed Peter downstairs. Steve and Tony smiled at her.

"Morning, princess." Tony greeted. She smiled as she sat down in a chair.

"Where is everyone?" She asked. Peter shrugged. "You mean they aren't even up?" Peter shook his head. Emily growled. "I could've been the last one you woke up!" She snapped. Peter took a step back.

"I was the only that told him to do it, calm down, Emily." Steve said. Emily sat back in the chair. Moments later, everyone else came down the stairs. A five month pregnant Loki and a seven month pregnant Natasha didn't look too keen on the idea of waking up but still held a smile.

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