Chapter 13

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Tony had taken Emily into the living room so she could meet everyone, Pepper and Bucky trailing behind. They still had a smile on their face from when they held the newborn. She just had that much of an affect on people.

"Em meet your aunt and uncles." Tony whispered, moving the blanket away from her face so she could see. Natasha was the first one to steal her from her father's arms. Tony just laughed at how domestic she was being.

"Hi Emily, I'm your Aunt Tasha." She greeted. Emily giggled. "So pretty." Natasha commented before handing her off to Rhodey. Tony smiled warmly.

"Thank you, Natasha."

"Who are the godparents?" Rhodey asked before lightly tickling the baby in his arms. She giggled and giggled and giggled which made the whole room smile. She definitely was going to be the most protected girl in all of New York.

"We've talked this over quite a few times and we both agreed that Steve should pick the godparents this time around so Bucky, Natasha, will you be this beautiful girl's godparents?" Tony asked. Bucky blushed at the thought of Natasha being a godparent with him, Tony was the only one that saw. Natasha nodded immediately whereas Bucky was lost in thought. "Bucky?"

"Oh wait, you're serious? You want me to be the godfather?" Bucky asked, eyes wide with shock. Tony chuckled. Emily was now with Clint who was making faces at her.

"We think you can handle it." Bucky smiled.

"I'll make sure to thank Steve when he wakes up." Tony gave a brief nod.

"Sir there is someone at the door." JARVIS interrupted. Tony did a quick head count before furrowing his brow.

"Who?" The inventor asked. "Everyone's already here."

"A Director Nicholas Fury, sir, is at the door." Tony's eyes widened slightly.

"Alright, let him in." Tony said with a slight nod.

"Very well, sir. He will be up shortly."

Everyone went back to trying to make Emily giggle. So far everyone was winning which was fine to the brunette, he still loved that whimsical sound. That was his daughter making that noise and he never wanted it to stop.

"Stark." Fury greeted once the elevator doors opened. Tony looked over to the director.

"Fury." He greeted back. "What brings you by?"

"Where's Rogers?" Fury questioned, completely over looking Tony's question.

"Asleep." Tony replied hesitantly. "Why? What do you need him for?" Tony stood up and made his way to the director, getting protective of both his husband and his daughter.

"Just wanted to make sure he wasn't hurt, is all." Tony raised an eyebrow.

"Is that the only reason you came?" Tony questioned, crossing his arms and squaring is stance.

"I was alerted that he had the kid, I would like to see her." Tony's gaze stayed on Fury a little longer before he walked over to get his daughter.

"Game's over, Fury wants to see her." Tony alerted them. Fury walked over and took her from Tony's arms. "Careful! Her head." It wasn't the first time Fury had held a baby and he was sure it wouldn't be the last. The whole room was silent. Emily's wide blue eyes looked into Fury's before she giggled. Clearly she didn't get the memo.

"She's going to be a beautiful young lady when she grows up. Not to mention the most protected girl in the world." A light chuckle cane from the doorway.

"Well she does have all of the Avengers on her side." Steve commented. "And then some." He added, looking in Pepper's direction.

"Steve? I thought you were asleep." Tony asked.

"I tried to. But I just couldn't stay away from my daughter." He replied with a warm smile.

"How soon do you think you can go out and fight again?" Fury questioned. Steve blinked, still tired and a little out of it.


"When will you be ready to go out on the field again?" Fury rephrased. Steve chuckled.

"Honestly Fury, I wasn't planning on it." Everyone was surprised by that comment. "I've got a daughter now, I can't keep risking my life just to save the world. My world is in your arms and she needs someone to protect her. But that someone needs to be alive in order to do it." Tony smiled warmly. Fury scoffed.

"Madness, Rogers, complete madness. You have until she's two then you're back on the field." Steve chuckled.

"Alright Fury, we'll see." Steve agreed. "But she has a name, you know."

"I was never informed that she did." He remarked, sending a look to Tony who shrugged.

"Don't ask don't tell, my life motto." Tony replied. Steve rolled his eyes.

"Her name is Emily." Steve admitted, taking her back from Fury because that was the whole reason he came in. "Emily Margret Stark." Fury nodded, impressed.

"Well, good luck you two but I best be going." Fury said before he left. Tony made his way over to Steve, a warm smile on his face. Steve smiled back. Tony kissed him.

"What was that for?" The blonde asked.

"That was pretty brave of you." Tony remarked. "Saying that you weren't planning on going out in the field anymore."

"I'm not, Tony." Tony nodded.

"I know. Because we look at her the same way."

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