Chapter 38

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Everyone was called on a mission early April. Why? Because it was a job for the Avengers and their new recruits, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Spider-Man who thought it was time to start working with his family. That left Emily watching over a nine month pregnant Loki and two month old twins. But Jason said he would help her, such a caring boyfriend.

"You sure you can handle taking care of the three babies?" Tony asked through his suit. Emily nodded.

"Hey! I'm not a baby." Loki complained. Tony rolled his eyes.

"Yeah whatever."

"Dad, don't fight with Loki. And I think I can handle the three of them." Emily said as she gave Josh one of his toys. "Plus Jay's here so I'm not doing this alone." Steve smiled at her.

"Good. I would hate to see you stretch yourself so thin." He said. Emily smiled.

"I won't. Now be safe!" She called after them as they started walking away.

"Bye sweetie!" They said before they were out of sight. Jason walked up behind her and gave her a hug. She panicked for a second before relaxing again. 

"Oh. Hi." She mumbled. Jason kissed the top of her head.

"I know it still hurts you to see them go." He admitted. "Trust me, I know the feeling of when our parents go out into the field. Constantly worrying about if they'll come home or not." Emily turned around in his arms. "But if I know your parents, and I'll be damned if I don't, they'll make it home alive and well." Emily smiled before kissing him softly. "Now, who am I in charge of?"

"The twins." She responded. Jason scrunched his nose.

"Seriously? Why do I get the babies?" Emily rolled her eyes.

"Because you wouldn't last 20 minutes with Loki." She whispered. Jason raised an eyebrow.

"And why's that?"

"Because he can go into labor any second which leaves him in a very uncomfortable and emotional state. I live with him so I've practically built a tolerance to it." His eyebrow went even higher. "Plus Bruce is sorta forcing me to stay by Loki's side." Jason nodded.

"There it is." She rolled her eyes. "Okay, what do I have to do with the little Russian soldiers?"

"Just keep them entertained." Jason looked over at the playpen the twins were in.

"How do I do that?"

"I don't know, make silly faces? They're babies, not exactly the most difficult crowd to please." Emily stated.

"Gotcha." Jason said and walked over to the twins' playpen. Emily walked over to Loki who was laying on the couch attempting to read.

"Hey, Loki. Guess what you get to do today." Emily said slowly, as if she was trying to coax a bear into not attacking.

"What?" Loki asked softly, not looking up from the book.

"You get to play king for today. You know how to play?" Loki looked up briefly, his jaw tightening.

"No." He stated.

"Then I'll teach you. This is how you play, someone, in this case you, plays as the king and whoever is left, in this case me, plays as the king's subjects, doing whatever the king wants them to do. Wanna play?" Loki rolled his eyes but agreed.


"So Lord Loki, is there anything I can help you with?" Emily asked. Loki smiled.

"Not at the moment Em, thanks though." He responded. Her brows furrowed.

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