Chapter 21.5

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When Bucky finally calmed down enough to form proper sentences, he went down to the training room where his girlfriend and Clint were. She was currently beating Clint to the point that he couldn't even make an excuse for it. Bucky smirked as he watched her kick his ass. The match ended a few minutes later and Natasha made her way over to him.

She knew what was happening, after all it was happening to her, but that didn't stop her from worrying about what Bucky would think. That's why she was distant and cold. It wasn't that she didn't love him, she did, it was just that she was scared (even though she refused to admit it). But she smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

"Hey." She greeted. Bucky smiled at her, placing his hands on her hips.

"Hi pretty thing." He greeted back. Natasha rolled her eyes. Clint fake-gagged from where he was packing up. "So I had an interesting chat with our goddaughter upstairs." Natasha raised an eyebrow, wrapping her arms around his neck. Bucky was glad she wasn't pulling away again.


"Yeah." He agreed. "She said the craziest thing." He laughed, shaking his head slightly. "She thinks your pregnant! Can you believe that?" Natasha gulped. "I mean, that's completely insane, isn't it? Considering you were sterilized and all?" Natasha nodded slowly. "I guess her mind just works in mysterious ways. Hey, do you want to go to dinner later? Maybe we can double date with Steve and Tony?" Natasha opened her mouth to say something but then shut it. "How does that sound?"

"James?" She whispered. He nodded in acknowledgment. "There's actually something I need to tell you." Bucky tilted his head.

"And what's that?" He fought back the urge to smirk. Sure he freaked out at first but now that he knows he can use that against her.

"I-" She cut herself off. Bucky raised an eyebrow. "Emily's right." She admitted, locking her arms together so Bucky couldn't run away. "I am pregnant." Bucky smirked, leaning in a kissing her soft, plump lips. Natasha pulled away, startled. "That's not the reaction I thought you would give."

"Are you kidding? I mean, sure, I freaked out upstairs, but I've always wanted kids! And now that the love of my love is telling me she's pregnant?" Bucky smiled as he lifted her off the ground and spun her above his head. Natasha smiled faintly as he set her back down. "Tasha, this is amazing." He gushed. Natasha's smile widened. "Which brings me to something else." Bucky got down on one knee, surprising the redhead. Clint rolled his eyes as he walked back upstairs. "We've been dating for quite some time now and now we're starting a family so I think it's safe to ask this of you. But first I'm going to be super cheesy. I loved you the moment I laid eyes on you when HYDRA brought me in to train you and I've loved you ever since. Now, I will admit, I was and still am scared that I will end up hurting you but you have proved over and over again that you are stronger than I give you credit for. So Natalia Romanova, my little ballerina, will you do me the honors of becoming my wife and the mother of my child?" Natasha knelt with him as he pulled out a ring; a silver band that held a black stone that had red specks in it that strangely looked like the Black Widow symbol. Nodding, Natasha slipped the ring onto her finger. Bucky brought her in for a passionate kiss. She pulled away and intertwined their fingers.

"What did I do to deserve you?" She wondered out loud, using her other hand to comb through his long brown hair. Bucky smiled, kissing her a second time.

"I've been asking myself the same thing since this relationship started."


Upstairs, Clint was pacing around the floor. Ethan and Jason had left moments ago so Emily came down to be social. Finding her uncle like that, her first reaction was to tape it but then thought better and went to help.

Clint knew that Natasha was pregnant even though she had never told him, it was only from the way she slowed down slightly that he could tell. Hearing those words come out of her mouth scared him slightly. And when Bucky went to propose- He shook his head, freeing him of his thoughts.

Natasha was in a happy and healthy relationship with a man she loves dearly, Clint was proud of her. But if that happy and healthy relationship meant that he would soon lose his best friend and teammate in the tower then he wanted their relationship to burn. Burn so bright and hot that there would be no chance at survival. He loved Natasha, he didn't want to see her gone.

But this was a step in the right direction for her. A chance to get away from the life she's lived up until now for a while. This was good for her and Clint had to accept that.

"Clint?" Emily asked, placing a hand gently onto his shoulder. Clint nodded.

"I'm fine. I'm fine."


Bruce was down in the lab busying himself with work because if he didn't then his thoughts would catch up to him. He was confused- no, more like envious at the fact that everyone else got a happy ending except him. Him and Clint but honestly, he just didn't see the archer that way, no offense.

The scientist knew that it was probably in everyone's best interest that it remained this way but still, a person gets lonely after a while. And maybe, if he found the right person, they'd understand that he shouldn't have kids but would still want to be with him. Or they could find a way around the whole children thing. But for the time being Bruce was alone, thoughts of Loki being the only thing that kept the scientist company while he worked on his ever growing stack of papers.

Bruce sighed heavily and stopped what he was doing, turning the chair to face the other way and sliding a hand down his face. Peter, who was sitting in the corner at his desk rubbing his hand, looked up at his uncle with a concerned look.

"Bruce?" He called. "You okay?" Bruce nodded slightly.

"I will be, Peter, thank you for asking."

Okay, this is kinda shit but it's something to explain WinterWidow I guess sets up how Clint and Bruce think about their lives.

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