Chapter 15

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Steve and Tony had been arguing for weeks about what Emily's first word was going to be. Tony, of course, wanted it to be some sort of dad and obviously Steve wanted it to be mom. Emily, unfortunately, was always caught in the middle of her parents' arguments. Like the one for example.

"She's going to say dad." Tony stated. Emily's eyes darted to him from where she sat on the floor. Her shoulder length brown hair brushed back into a ponytail and she was wearing a very pretty light pink dress that Steve had bought her.

"No. She's going to say mom." Steve argued. Emily looked back to her mom, her little face scrunched up in both thought and confusion. She didn't quite understand what they were arguing about, she just knew it was about her.

"Dad." Tony said gaining his daughter's attention again.

"Mom." Steve stated causing Emily to look back to him. The two parents were oblivious to their daughter in that moment as their argument continued.

"Dad?" Emily asked when it was Tony's turn to speak.

"Mom!" Steve yelled before blinking and turning his attention to Emily. "Wait, what?" Tony's gaze followed Steve's. Emily was looking up at both of them in confusion.

"Did she just. . .?" Tony drifted off. Steve weakly nodded.

"I think she did." He commented. Tony was speechless. "Was it. . .?" Steve couldn't finish the sentence. Tony weakly nodded.

"Yeah." He admitted before snapping out of his dazed state. "Ha ha! I won! I was right! She did say dad first!" Tony cheered. Steve rolled his eyes, picking his daughter up off the floor.

"Mommy!" She cheered, cuddling into his neck. Steve rubbed her back with a smile.

"Yeah Em, I'm your mommy." Tony smiled at the sight of the two people he loved most in the world. He wrapped an arm around Steve's waist and ran a hand through Emily's hair, messing it up a little. "Guess we were arguing so much she caught onto both words." Tony looked up at Steve before kissing his cheek.

"Come on Em, let's go show your aunt and uncles what you just learned." Tony commented, walking over to the elevator to head down to the living room where everyone else would be. Steve followed close behind and got in before the door closed. The three walked into the room.

"Hey you three." Bucky greeted when he saw them come in. He was over to come spend some time with Natasha before she had to leave for a mission.

"Hey Buck." Steve greeted back, setting Emily onto the ground. "Guys see what Em just learned." The room buzzer.

"What did she learn?" Bruce asked with a kind smile on his face as he watched Emily teeter on her feet. Steve and Tony shushed everyone by holding up a finger to their lips.

"Dadbe. Mommy." Emily repeated as she walked over to Natasha who was curled up in Bucky's side. The redhead leaned over to help her up onto the couch, a warm smile on her face. "Tabsha!" She cheered with a giggle, earning a laugh from everyone else.

"She learned her first words." She announced. Emily was bouncing up and down on her lap as Bucky smoothed her hair. The two former assassins looked oddly domestic with Emily on their laps, it looked weird and they had seen a lot of weird before. But this took the cake.

"And if she is anything like her father, she won't be able to shut up." Tony commented, wrapping his arm around Steve.

"Let's just hope she's nothing like you, then." Clint joked. Tony stuck his tongue out at the archer. "Real mature, Tony."

"I don't have to be. I just gotta make shed Emily is." Tony countered. Clint rolled his eyes.

"Whatever man." Emily crawled across laps to sit on Clint's. Mirroring her father, she stuck her tongue out earning a gasp from the archer. "You little shit!"

"Language!" Steve scolded. Clint rolled his eyes before Steve elbowed Tony. Then he just laughed. "And you shouldn't be teaching your daughter to stick her tongue out at people."

"She's two! How was I supposed to know she was going to copy it? I'm not a mind reader." Tony defended. Steve rolled his eyes, taking his daughter back from Clint. "Or a fortune teller for that matter."

"But you could at least act your age and set a good example for her."

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