Chapter 35

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It was the beginning of February and Emily, Peter, Bruce, and Bucky were called in for a mission in Sokovia. But now it's the middle of February and they still haven't completed it so they're stuck there until they do.

"Ugh. It's February 14th, Valentine's day, and we're sitting here on our asses waiting for people that haven't showed up at all, just so Fury can have two new recruits!" Emily complained over the communications device. Peter rolled his eyes at his sister. "This is ridiculous! I should be at home with Jason! Or at least with Jason!" She continued. She decided that with the arm and the new arc reactor she should probably fight in actual clothes. To the worlds view point Iron Patriot died in the fight with Magneto, along with the pilot, Emily Stark. But from that death came a new hero, Miss America, and they still haven't figured out who her secret identity is.

"Shut it Em. Don't you think Uncle Bruce want's to be with Loki? And Uncle Bucky with Aunt Tasha? She's nine months pregnant for god's sake!" Peter countered. Emily blew a strand of her light brown hair out of her face.

"You're not done." She pointed out.

"You're right! I'm not done. Don't you think I want to be with Wade back in OUR OWN CONTINENT?!"

"Guys stop fighting. We all want to be home with the people we love but until we finish the mission we're stuck here." Bruce stated. "Bucky do you have any site of them?" Bucky shook his head from where he was positioned.

"No, not yet." He grunted.

"Who are we looking for anyway?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, why weren't we told?" Peter nodded.

"Because they're people that your parents and I only met once. The only thing that matters is that-" Bruce stared to explain.

"Speaking of the little devils. . ." Emily cut off. "I've got eyes on them. I'm going in." Before Bruce or Bucky could protest 'Miss America engaged' rang throughout their comms.

"Emily you didn't." Bruce muttered.

"Oh Emily I did." She corrected, summersaulting out behind a car to hide behind a wall closer to the targets.

"No Em, you don't understand!" Bruce rushed.

"Don't understand what? I saw the targets, I'm engaging, the quicker I get them the quicker we get back. Don't you want to get home?"

"No Emily! Just listen! You're not supposed to get them!"

"Then why was I sent on the mission?" Emily hissed.

"As back up. I know who they are and Bucky's heard stories through HYDRA." Emily raised an eyebrow. "If you engage they're only going to run away. Please, I know how you feel. I desperately want to get back to Loki, but I can't unless you let me get them. Em, promise me you wont engage." Emily blew her hair out of her face before sighing.

"Fine." She muttered. 'Miss America disengaged' rang out.

"Thank you Emily. Now, Bucky and I are coming your way. We'll be there in a second."

~~~~Back at home~~~~

"I thought this mission was supposed to take a week." Loki complained as he laid down on the couch, rubbing his bump. "It's Valentine's day for crying out loud!" He lowered his volume before speaking again. "Bruce should be here."

"I know Loki. They all should be here." Jason comforted. He came over thinking Emily was back. Wade did too. They were both sadly mistaken. Wade left once he found out his boyfriend was still absent.

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