Chapter 27

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Emily was making breakfast when Loki and Bruce walked in. The young brunette looked up from pouring the pancake mix into the pan and went to smile before her eyes landed on Loki. She scowled and looked back down. The couple sat down at the table. Emily secretly looked back up and sighed.

"Okay, maybe I overreacted." She admitted, earning the men's attention. "I mean, who am I to talk anyway? I'm sure Aunt Natasha and Uncle Bucky have killed more than all of us combined and he kinda murdered my grandparents so. . ." Loki stared at her intently. Emily shrugged. "Loki's not so bad." The god smiled softly as Emily returned to making pancakes. "But, um, next time use a condom." Bruce and Loki laughed. Emily let out an awkward giggle.

"Thanks for the warning but I think it's already a little late." Bruce announced. Emily nodded slightly, grabbing a plate to put the pancakes on. Loki grabbed Bruce's hand underneath the table.

"We will have to tell them eventually, Bruce." Loki whispered. Bruce nodded in agreement. "But maybe later on?" Bruce chuckled.

"How long do you plan to wait?" Loki shrugged.

"Nine months." He admitted. Bruce snorted. "Thor's still overprotective and, honestly, I don't know how everyone else will react to finding out." Emily placed the plate with the pancakes on it in the center of the table then moved to make more. "I'm just glad-" Loki froze. Bruce raised an eyebrow. "Peter."

"What about Peter?" Emily questioned, her grip on the frying pan tightening. She was a little overprotective of her younger brother but in her defense, she didn't want the same thing that happened to her to happen to him.

"He might have walked in on us while we were- ehem." Loki cleared his throat. "Creating the miracle that is growing inside me." Disgust washed over Emily's face.

"That's gross." She commented before her eyes widened. "Ewww! Peter had to see that!" Bruce blushed. Emily scrunched her nose and moved to her phone. "It's a good thing my boyfriend's a mutant." She told them as she waited for the phone to pick up. Loki looked to Bruce.

"Who is she calling?" Loki asked. Bruce shrugged. The phone picked up and a male voice could be heard on the other end.

"Hey doll, I was wondering if you could hit Psylocke up for a favor?" Emily greeted. Bruce nodded, now realizing who she was talking to. He mouthed the name 'Jason' in Loki's direction. "Please?" She begged before sighing. "I know, I know, but Peter saw something that he probably shouldn't have seen and. . . Really? Thank you so much! I owe you one. . . Love you too." Emily hung up the phone and started making more pancakes. Bruce got up and helped her set the table. "Jason got Psylocke to agree to wipe the memory from his mind. You two are off the hook." Loki sighed, placing his head in his hands on the table.

"That is a relief." He mumbled. Emily and Bruce nodded.

"Just make sure it doesn't happened again." She ordered. Bruce and Loki nodded in agreement. Emily rubbed her eyes. "You should probably get your stuff out of my guest bedroom if you're gonna have a kid." Loki looked up, confused. Emily looked at him. "You  will be sleeping with Bruce, right?" Loki shrugged.

"I haven't really thought of it." He admitted as Bruce sat back down. Emily leaned against the counter, careful not to burn herself. "I suppose I should get my stuff out later." He agreed before closing his eyes, his hands going to his stomach. "Excuse me for a moment." Loki requested, rushing off to the bathroom. Emily flipped the pancakes.

"Are you ready to be a parent?" Emily asked Bruce, a sincere look painting her features. Maybe Loki wasn't so bad once you got to know him but she'll always favor Bruce to his counter part. Bruce sighed and slowly dragged his gaze to the girl.

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