Chapter 36

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The room erupted in laughs. Emily's fine with being thought dead, that just makes things a whole lot easier. She doesn't have to worry about paparazzi anymore which, to her, is a blessing of itself.

"You two, go call your boyfriends." Steve told Peter and Emily. They shared a look of confusion.

"Why?" Peter asked.

"Because they swung over here earlier looking for you two." Loki added. "They seemed upset and annoyed that you weren't home yet." Emily looked down.

"Oh." She stated softly before looking back towards her brother.

"Double date?" They asked in unison. Peter and Emily laughed. "Taking that as a yes." They stared at each other questioningly. "Okay stop that. No you stop. No you stop. Okay this is getting weird." They decided once again in unison. "STOP THAT!"

"The both of you shut up." Tony said. "You're giving me a headache." He joked. Emily smirked.

"I'm gonna go call Wade." Peter announced as moved to get his cell phone off the kitchen counter. The phone was a birthday gift from his parents.  Emily patted her pockets before growing confused and worried.

"JARVIS, where's my phone?" She asked.

"In your room Miss." He responded quickly. Emily sighed, relaxing now that she knew where her phone was. She stood up and moved towards the elevator.

"Thank you J." She said before the doors closed.

"They are so your kids." Steve stated before kissing Tony's forehead softly. Tony nodded and chuckled.

"Yeah, I know. But there's nothing wrong with that." Steve smirked.

"Yeah, I know." He repeated. Tony rolled his eyes before hugging the blonde.

"Thor what are you going to do for Valentine's day?" Bruce asked, trying to start his own conversation with the god.

"I haven't really thought about it." He admitted before swiftly standing up. "I shall take Lady Jane out on those things you call a date. What shall you do with my brother Son of Banner?"

"Yeah Bruce, what will we do?" Loki asked looking up at Bruce, his emerald eyes sparkling. Bruce could've gotten lost in those eyes.

"After that long mission, I'd be fine with just laying in bed all day." He admitted softly, placing a hand on Loki's seven month pregnant stomach. Loki smiled warmly. "And I'm sure you would be comfortable with that too." Loki nodded. "So why don't we just have a movie marathon?" Bruce suggested.

"That sounds amazing. Let's start now." Loki agreed.

"Okay Loki, let's go." Bruce said as he picked Loki up bridal style and walked him into the elevator.

"I love you, Bruce." Was the last thing everyone heard before the doors shut.

"Those two are so cute." Tony remarked. Wanda nodded in agreement. Clint and Pietro walked out of the hallway hand in hand before walking out of the front door unnoticed.

"It just cheers me that my brother has found someone to love." Thor stated.

"So, what is it that Fury wants?" Wanda asked, changing the subject. Steve looked to her.

"What do you mean?" He asked. She shrugged.

"He must've needed something if he wants us living here." She added.

"Oh yeah, he wants you to be part of the team." Tony explained. Wanda looked surprised.

"Is that really the best choice?" She twirled her scarlet powers around her fingers. Steve's gaze softened. Wanda shook her head. "Are your son and daughter on the team?" Tony shook his head. Thor walked off to go call Jane.

"No. Peter flies solo and Emily as her own team." He answered. Wanda nodded slightly.

"Did you want them on the team?" She questioned. Steve and Tony shared a look.

"I wanted Emily on the team and it would have been nice if Peter was too. That way I would know they were safe." Steve responded. Wanda turned to the fellow brunette.

"And you, Tony? Do you want your children fighting with you?" He shrugged.

"As long as they're happy and safe, I'm fine." Wanda smiled softly. She could get used to living with these people. They've always been so nice to her anyway.

"Okay got hold of Wade, but he doesn't want a double date." Peter announced as he walked back in. He looked around, confused. "Where'd everyone go?" Steve and Tony laughed.

"Where they wanted to go for Valentine's day."

"Oh." Emily walked back in, her phone in hand.

"Jason wasn't so open to a double date and I'm guessing neither was Wade." She stated. Peter nodded. Emily smirked. "What if we just so happened to go to the same place?" Peter smirked; he loved how mischievous his sister could get at times.

"Sounds like a plan." Emily's gaze darted to Steve. He stared back at her. She suppressed a laugh. "Don't say it, Emily. Please don't say it." Peter reasoned. She stuck her tongue out.

"You guys are no fun."

Yeah I know, it's a lame chapter. There will be better ones

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