Chapter 9

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As Steve was ending his second trimester, Tony spent more and more time down in the lab. Steve started thinking it was to avoid him but it really was so that Tony could upgrade all of his suits and robots so when Emily came, she'd be protected at all times. Though Tony wanted to keep it a secret so it didn't seem like he was being overprotective.

"JARVIS, is Tony down in the lab again?" Steve asked the A.I as he searched for his husband. The blonde was seriously getting tired of the brunette's sudden disappearances with little to no explanation.

"He is. Along with Doctor Banner." JARVIS replied. Steve sighed.

"Of course he is. And I'm guessing you can't tell me why?"

"I'm afraid not, Captain Rogers. Mister Stark has ordered me not to tell you under any circumstance." Steve nodded, rubbing the underside of his bump.

"Of course." He agreed half-heartedly. "J, you of all people know it's no longer Rogers." He corrected.

"I'm aware, sir. But it's just easy for everyone if I continue calling you Captain Rogers. I have a feeling Mister Stark's who would increase if I started calling you Captain Stark." Steve chuckled even though he was still mad at his husband.

"You do have a point, JARVIS." Steve then ventured downstairs to the lab so he could yell at his husband. He really was getting fed up with the way Tony was acting lately. It was so unlike him. "Anthony Edward Stark, what the hell have you been doing down here all day?" Steve asked causing Tony to freeze. He was in the middle of repairing on of his earlier suits that he didn't want Steve to see. "Hello Bruce." The blonde greeted.

"Hi Steve." Bruce greeted back. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to head upstairs." Steve nodded in agreement as the scientist made his way past the two to get to the stairs. Tony quickly dropped the wrench in his hand.

"Oh, hi sweetie." Tony greeted. Steve was not amused.

"Don't you 'hi sweetie' me. What the hell have you been doing down here?" He repeated. "You've spent practically all day down here for the past two weeks! The only time I've ever gotten to see you is when you come to bed and by then you're too tired to say anything." Tony looked to the floor. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh Steve, of course you didn't!" Tony rushed. "You did nothing wrong!"

"Then why do you keep avoiding me?" There were tears forming in Steve's eyes that broke Tony's heart. This wasn't what he wanted to do, he didn't want to make Steve think he was trying to avoid him.

"That's not what I've been trying to do." Tony explained. "Look, I've been repairing all of my suits and giving them upgrades, along with my robots." He gestured to the robots off in the corner. "I've been getting them prepared for when Emily comes. I-" Tony looked down. "I want to protect her even when I'm not here. If we're out on a mission I want to make sure she'll still be safe." Steve smiled. "But I thought if I told you that this was what I was doing you'd think I was being overprotective." Steve shook his head.

"Not at all." Tony looked up at the blonde. "In fact, I think it shows just how much you care about her." Tony smiled softly. "But I'll leave you to it." Steve commented, turning around to walk up the stairs but fell short when he felt something hit his stomach. Tony took notice of how Steve had stopped.

"Steve?" Tony called. Steve turned back around, a smile on his face and tears in his eyes. "Is something wrong? Are you hurt? Should I go get Bruce?" Tony asked, rushing over to Steve's side.

"No, everything's fine. Just give me your hand." Steve commanded. Tony raised an eyebrow.

"What? Why?" Tony asked, subconsciously pulling his hands away.

"Tony, just do it." Steve ordered, reaching out for Tony's hand. Tony reluctantly conceded and gave Steve his hand. Without hesitation, Steve placed it on his stomach. Soon, the same thing Steve felt a moment ago happened again. Tony's eyes widened as he felt it.

"Was that. . .?" Tony couldn't finish his question, he was too amazed.

"Emily?" Steve finished for him, his big goofy smile growing as he nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, it was." Tony looked into Steve's eyes.

"She kicked." He whispered. "She kicked! Our little princess just kicked!" He cheered. "Steve this is amazing!" The blonde nodded.

"Tony." Steve cooed. Tony's eyes were sparkling with unshed tears. "Our daughter is alive." Tony nodded, mirroring the goofy smile his husband had.

"She is. And I can't wait to hold her in our arms. She'll be beautiful and such a warm-hearted little girl."

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