Lotr Chat- 27

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PaleIsSexy has logged on
InspiringLeader has logged on
YouShallNotPass has logged on

YouShallNotPass: Theodin king! I must have a horse.

InspiringLeader: You have always been Rohan's ally, Gandalf the Grey. I don't see why not.

PaleIsSexy: No, Milord! Gandalf has done a most terrible deed.

YouShallNotPass: I CANNOT believe everyone is STILL going on about this.

InspiringLeader: About what?

PaleIsSexy: He gave a magic lesson to the hobbits.

InspiringLeader: What's wrong with that?

PaleIsSexy: Only wizards can use magic.

YouShallNotPass: Look. It is not that bad, ok.

InspiringLeader: Well, it was a pretty mean thing to do.

PaleIsSexy: Exactly, Milord.

YouShallNotPass: Come on!

InspiringLeader: But not my problem. You shall have your horse.

PaleIsSexy: Nooooooooooooo!

InspiringLeader: Calm down, Wormtongue.

YouShallNotPass: Thank you, Theodin king.

InspiringLeader: Take whichever horse you desire. Just not Shadowfax.

YouShallNotPass: As you wish, milord.

YouShallNotPass has logged off

PaleIsSexy: I don't believe it.

InspiringLeader: What?

PaleIsSexy: He's taken Shadowfax!

InspiringLeader: Gandalf will pay!

PaleIsSexy: That's the spirit, Milord.

InspiringLeader: I declare, WAR!

PaleIsSexy: Nope. Too far.

InspiringLeader: Really?

PaleIsSexy: Yeah.

InspiringLeader: Okay. Then I declare him an enemy of Rohan.

PaleIsSexy: Better.

SauronFanBoy has logged on

PaleIsSexy: Great.

SauronFanBoy: What?

PaleIsSexy: Oh, nothing.

SauronFanBoy: You do realise that I can report you to Sauron for being horrible.

PaleIsSexy: No, you report to the next highest authority.

SauronFanBoy: Which for me, is Sauron.

PaleIsSexy: Nope. I'm his second in command now. You're third.

SauronFanBoy: Lies!

PaleIsSexy: No. so what did you want to report to me?

SauronFanBoy: I want to report to Sauron, because I am his second in command.

InspiringLeader: I'm sure you're both excellent servants of the evil force who I hate with a passion.

PaleIsSexy: I'm better!

SauronFanBoy: I'm best!

InspiringLeader: Well, I'll leave you two girls to your bickering.

InspiringLeader has logged off


PaleIsSexy: Jeeze. Calm down...

SauronFanBoy: Ugh.

PaleIsSexy: Now this is why Sauron demoted you. You are such a drama queen.

SauronFanBoy: He so would have told me though.

MisunderstoodRingMaker has logged on

SauronFanBoy: Sauron! Please tell me this isn't true!

MisunderstoodRingMaker: Yes. It's true.

SauronFanBoy: Are you going to break up with me?

PaleIsSexy: Wait. You go out?

MisunderstoodRingMaker: We never 'went out', we just had some random nights.

SauronFanBoy: Random nights?! Didn't they mean anything to you?

MiunderstoodRingMaker: Nope.

SauronfanBoy has logged off crying.

MisunderstoodRingMaker: What a crybaby.

PaleIsSexy: Actually, I think he is allowed to cry now. You did just break up with him in the most horrible way.

MisunderstoodRingMaker: True. Now, do you think the colour purple would suit me?

PaleIsSexy: Why?

MisunderstoodRingMaker: Well, I'm ordering this suit online, and it's purple. What do you think?

PaleIsSexy: I think I need to see it.

MisunderstoodRingMaker: Come over- the door's open!

PaleIsSexy: See you!

PaleIsSexy has logged off

-RingBearer101 has turned off invisible-

RingBearer101: The door is open?

MisunderstoodRingMaker: Ahuh. Yep.

RingBearer101: Thanks. I'll come over then, and destroy you. Mwa ha ha haa!

RingBearer101 has logged off

MisunderstoodRingMaker: What was THAT?

MisunderstoodRingMaker has logged off

Operation DestroySauronBecauseHisDoorIsOpen is go!

I really need to get better at code-naming operations...

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