Chapter three

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Chapter three

For the first time in a long time, I couldn't wait to go to school. The last day was always my favorite.

Sadly, it was also the day that the principal called me down to his office and talked to me about going up more than one grade level. Every year I had to come up with a new excuse for only wanting to go up one grade level.

My father would never let me do that. I wasn't allowed to be any smarter than him.

This year's lie was that I could barely keep up with the workload this year, though he knew it was a lie. He had been the one that set up my internship.

Today was also the day of a solar eclipse.

Needless to say, I couldn't wait.

I placed my backpack in my room for the summer without announcing my presence then I headed outside.

It felt so good to be done with school for now. But I didn't really care about that. Tomorrow was my summer internship, I grinned just thinking about it. To be honest I was terrified. I would be the smallest, shortest, and possibly the smartest person at the interview.

I had been in contact with the CEO for a while now.

Now, if we're being completely honest, he gave me the offer, I didn't find it on some job site or a bulletin board.

He had heard of me through my school (That's all he told me) so he came to my school!

I couldn't believe it.

It was about halfway through the year and I'm pretty short for my age, he showed up in my science class and just watched. Sadly the other people in my class weren't too happy that anyone was paying attention to me so they kind of messed with me throughout the whole class, including switching out the ingredients for most of my projects.

I sat under my tree wondering what my job would be. When I got the letter asking me to come in for the interview, I hid it from my father, he wouldn't be happy if he knew that I got an interview from his arch nemesis.

I sat in the shade and sighed, the interview was for high school seniors and college kids.

They would all be double and triple my size.

Maybe I could invent something that made me look their age, and taller.

I thought about those things but eventually gave up, I probably wouldn't even get the job, or father wouldn't let me go. Every way I thought about it, something would go wrong. I was sure of it.

I leaned back and urged myself to stop thinking about it, even if I didn't get the job at least I tried... right?

The area around me started to darken, the eclipse was starting!

"Awesome." I murmured and reached my hand out the the darkness.

I jerked my hand back and examined it. Something felt wrong.

A tingling sensation covered my hand, it traveled over my body, it felt strange, not bad, not good just... strange.

I didn't think a eclipse was supposed to do this.

The shadow grew and grew until it swallowed me.

The tingling turned into pure pain.

I gasped, the pain was unbearable, and it was making it hard to breath.

I was usually amazing at dealing with pain, my mother dying, the bullies at school, my father.

My skin steamed and turned red.

Oh God, this hurt.

My head started to thump in pain, it felt as if my brain was trying to escape.

Tunnel vision took over and I gasped yet again.

My lungs were getting air but they kept begging for more.

I fell over and lost consciousness.  

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