Chapter twenty seven

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"Will you stop it!" I hissed, pulling Alivia back to the testing room.

This was the fifth time this month she had tried to escape. I had been punished for the last four times she had attempted to escape, but this time I was hopeful that I wouldn't. There was always hope that I did my job well enough to not be punished.

Sadly that was almost never the case.

"Klinge Der Nacht!" My handler boomed from across the room.

I sighed, pushed Alivia back to the table then walked over to the man of whom I knew of no name.

"Yes sir?" I questioned.

"You have a mission."

"What is it?"

"The Winter Soldier has been spotted."

"Yes sir."

"Teams four, five, and six will accompany you."

"Yes sir." I nodded.

The teams surged forward and we loaded up into the vans.

They had me ride on the back, my metal hands clutching on for dear life.

I wasn't good enough for vehicles.

There he was, the legend I had been modeled off of. As much as I wanted to punch him in the face, our task was to capture, not kill.

Within minutes of arriving in New York we had him surrounded, guns trained.

I stepped forward, my hand ready to pull out my knives or guns.

The Winter Soldier froze, staring at my arms and my small size. Immediately I perked up, I could hear something, the soldier had an earpiece in.

"Bucky, stay calm, just step back." A male voice spoke to him through the earpiece.

But the Soldier didn't move, frozen in fear of the future, I would be as well if I had ever escaped from Hydra just to be captured again.

"Bucky! You have to step back!"

Before he had the chance to regain his senses the Hydra agents started to close in.

"We've got to get him out of there!"

"Are we positive that's Supergirl?" A new voice demanded.

"Not at all, but it's our closest guess."

"Okay, I'm going in."

There was a sound like a rocket and I was thrown to the side. I snarled and looked around for my attacker, but the metal suit was already coming back for another hit.

Flexing my metal hands and arms, just as the suit came in again, I hit it to the side.

Something attached to my back and started to electrocute me, I let out a silent yell and pried off the strange disk with my knife.

My own earpiece started making noise, the voice of my handler.

"The Winter Soldier is secured, head back to base."

"Yes sir." I nodded then headed back to the vans, which were already pulling away.

I jumped on the back of the closest one just as it started speeding down the highway.

That suit.

Had I seen it before?

Those voices.

Had I heard them before?

Was it possible that I had known those voices?

Known the suit?

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