Chapter seven

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As I walked to work the next day I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was being watched. Not to mention I completely forgot about Mr. Stark collapsed on the bench just outside.

Of course I got a little reminder once I saw the crowd gathered around the bench.

"Nothing to see here!" I yelled to the crowd and tried to get to Mr. Stark.

The woman at the front desk looked at me like a crazy person, then she scanned my card and realised what she was doing. Stepping into the elevator, I pressed the button for the top floor. No way was I going to carry Mr. Stark in his full Iron Man suit up the many, many flights of stairs.

Ding! The elevator door slid open and I carried Mr. Stark over to his office.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., can you wake Mr. Stark up?" I asked the suit.

"No, I've been trying all night." The A.I. answered.

I sighed then turned and walked out of the office. I placed my backpack under my desk and pulled out my laptop.

"Good morning." I smiled to Ms. Potts a couple of minutes later.

"Good morning, Elizabeth, you're early."

"I had to help someone get into their office."

"Is he in there?" She breathed, motioning toward Mr. Stark's office.

"Yeah, when my friend found him, he was really beat up. Wherever they were keeping him must've been rough."

"Is he in a suit?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

She stared at me, almost transfixed.

"I'm good at keeping secrets." I assured her.

"Good, because Tony's horrible at keeping secrets. I'll be in my office if anything happens."

"Okay." I nodded and she disappeared into her office.

An alert popped up on my laptop. It wasn't the usual father trying to figure out what I'm doing on my laptop. This was different. This was J.A.R.V.I.S., I could tell.

I allowed the A.I. to get into my computer then I opened a new document.

"Hello J.A.R.V.I.S.." I wrote.

For a while nothing happened, then I was transferred to another window.

No way.

No freaking way.

This was awesome.

I clicked around for a little bit and finally found the top floor cameras. I saw Ms. Potts in her office, me on my laptop, then finally Mr. Stark. Text appeared in the corner.

"Watch out, he's awake."

"Thanks J.A.R.V.I.S.." I wrote out.

I stood up and walked toward Mr. Stark's office. Opened the door, immediately he started firing his repulsor beam at me, I dropped my cube in the doorway and stepped into the office.

"It's okay!" I yelled over the sound of firing.

"Are you one of them?" Mr. Stark demanded, his voice livid.

"I don't know who you're talking about, my friend saved you just, put your repulsor beam down, that's all I'm asking." I lowered my voice slightly.

He let out a snarl and stopped firing, but he didn't lower his arm. I expected that much.

"Who are you?"

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